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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #125 on: June 24, 2010, 03:49:37 am »
Update on ZC. I tried raw bone marrow for the first time this week. As soon as it melted in my mouth I just knew this stuff is extremely good for you. I can only eat very small amounts of it, it is that powerful. My thirst has lessened somewhat even though it is warmer outside. It could be that my body was not yet fully adapted to ZC so things are getting better as it is doing so. That or maybe it was detox/healing but I'm not sure. I can't help but notice that my sex-drive is through the roof. Makes the ladies happy for sure. One girls told me how she is eating only fish, fruit and vegetables. I told her yeah that's cool "I eat raw meat only". Instant deer in the headlights look followed by "are you like a vampire or something?". I bite her neck and we make out. I think it turned her on or something. On ZC I feel like James Bond or the guy from the Most Interesting Man In The World commercial. But at the same time I realize that one day I will grow old and die. If only ZC gave us immortality, how cool would that be?
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #126 on: June 24, 2010, 04:57:23 am »
Oh, I am so glad you love the raw bone marrow! It is my primary source of fat. I really believe it has health properties, and it tastes so great raw!

I have found that even though I drink a lot during the day as I only eat in the evening, I can go for hikes and powerwalks without bringing water with me and I do not lose energy.

My sex drive is crazy, too! 

I am really happy that my boyfriend finds my nearly raw ZC-ism to be sexy  ;D

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #127 on: June 24, 2010, 05:14:26 am »
My sex drive is crazy, too! 

*high five*

ZCers really do have more fun!
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #128 on: June 25, 2010, 07:48:40 pm »
I read you were eating lots of fruits and lean meat prior to starting this 6-months-zero-carb-experiment.

How did you get off fruits so easily?

I am eating 80/10/10 now but would like to go zero carb too. I already tried several times, but every day I eat raw meat I miss my sweet fruits and I go back to solely fruits. I can't help it. I guess I am a sugar addict.

I was doing cooked paleo before and did good. I went vegan then 811 and now just thinking about eating a lot of fat grosses me out. *shudder*

Do you have any advice for me?

btw, it seems you are doing great so far with your experiment, not only girls wise but also health wise. 2 thumbs up!! Looking forward to read more.

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #129 on: June 26, 2010, 05:43:19 am »

Hi UB.  I wasn't 80-10-10 just before RAF, but I was high carbohydrate vegan for many years.  To start, much of what I would eat was raw grass-fed cream that I cultured to facilitate it's digestibility (and lower its carbs).  The add a fertile real free range egg yolk to facilitate the fat digestion.  Then add unheated unfiltered honey for sweetness and ease digestion of everything and protect from new microbes I was not accustomed to.  Then add half of a medium size unripe fruit for fruity flavor that would be extended by the fat and honey.  It worked, as I didn't eat fruit any other way for over a year after that.  I hope this helps someone like you switching off fruit.

I read you were eating lots of fruits and lean meat prior to starting this 6-months-zero-carb-experiment.

How did you get off fruits so easily?

I am eating 80/10/10 now but would like to go zero carb too. I already tried several times, but every day I eat raw meat I miss my sweet fruits and I go back to solely fruits. I can't help it. I guess I am a sugar addict.

I was doing cooked paleo before and did good. I went vegan then 811 and now just thinking about eating a lot of fat grosses me out. *shudder*

Do you have any advice for me?

btw, it seems you are doing great so far with your experiment, not only girls wise but also health wise. 2 thumbs up!! Looking forward to read more.
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #130 on: June 26, 2010, 09:14:36 am »
I guess I am a sugar addict. Do you have any advice for me?

You're not a sugar addict, it's how our bodies are programmed to work. If you start your day with fruit your body will stay in sugar burning mode the whole day and you will crave sugar. The trick is to reverse the order and start your day with raw meat or raw eggs and then have fruit later in the day. You will eat much less fruit this way. If you do this for some time you will find yourself not wanting to eat any fruit because it disrupts your zero carb euphoria (read kick-ass energy and mental clarity). It should all happen naturally and not forced. That's how you go from fruit eater to zero carb carnivore. The energy from fruit pales in comparison to the energy you will have from raw animal fat. If someone told me this before the experiment I would not have believed it, but it really is the next level. (Btw it's nothing like nuts or avocado, raw animal fat is a whole different experience)   
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Offline Haai

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #131 on: June 26, 2010, 11:13:53 am »
Hey actionhero,
I too want to increase my animal fat intake...
I moved to the netherlands about a week ago and I'm wondering where you get your bone marrow and suet (if you eat that?). I assume you only eat grass-fed/wild stuff.
The fattiest animal food I've been eating is Bio+ chicken thighs, but I have a feeling that Bio+ stuff is not that good; fed too much organic grain I reckon, because i seem to itch a lot every day that I eat the chicken.
Have you also got a source for grass-fed/wild organs here in NL? I know there are a few websites for buying grass-fed meat, but the bone marrow, suet and organs etc I think not, or am I wrong?

"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #133 on: June 26, 2010, 10:29:41 pm »

Hi UB.  I wasn't 80-10-10 just before RAF, but I was high carbohydrate vegan for many years.  To start, much of what I would eat was raw grass-fed cream that I cultured to facilitate it's digestibility (and lower its carbs).  The add a fertile real free range egg yolk to facilitate the fat digestion.  Then add unheated unfiltered honey for sweetness and ease digestion of everything and protect from new microbes I was not accustomed to.  Then add half of a medium size unripe fruit for fruity flavor that would be extended by the fat and honey.  It worked, as I didn't eat fruit any other way for over a year after that.  I hope this helps someone like you switching off fruit.


Thanks RawZi, unfortunately raw cream is not available where I live, only pasteurized. Therefore, I won't drink/eat it.
Raw honey is no problem. In fact I have some sitting in my cupboard. How much honey do you suggest I take per day?
What is a fertile egg anyway? I read it all the time, but have no clue what that is. How do I know the organic eggs I buy are fertile eggs?

After reading your advice several times I take it that everything you suggest here is mixed/blended together as a drink, is that right? Sounds yummy really, but with no raw cream how would I do that?

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #134 on: June 26, 2010, 10:36:08 pm »
You're not a sugar addict, it's how our bodies are programmed to work. If you start your day with fruit your body will stay in sugar burning mode the whole day and you will crave sugar. The trick is to reverse the order and start your day with raw meat or raw eggs and then have fruit later in the day. You will eat much less fruit this way. If you do this for some time you will find yourself not wanting to eat any fruit because it disrupts your zero carb euphoria (read kick-ass energy and mental clarity). It should all happen naturally and not forced. That's how you go from fruit eater to zero carb carnivore. The energy from fruit pales in comparison to the energy you will have from raw animal fat. If someone told me this before the experiment I would not have believed it, but it really is the next level. (Btw it's nothing like nuts or avocado, raw animal fat is a whole different experience)   

I already tried reversing and started my days with raw meat. Did very well, even walking around grocery stores smelling all the nice fruits, until approx mid afternoon. Could never hold off any longer and ate some fruits. That didn't go over very well. Every time my digestion is impaired. Don't want to be or sound gross, but a) lots of farting b) it stank to hell and back. For me, eating fruits only on empty stomach. Everything else is not working.
But maybe I can switch to eating raw honey after the meat instead of eating fruits. Haven't dried that. What do you reckon? I also thought about making pemmican.
Have a great weekend

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #135 on: June 26, 2010, 11:58:02 pm »
But maybe I can switch to eating raw honey after the meat instead of eating fruits. Haven't tried that. What do you reckon?

Yes, a little raw honey is better than a meal of fruit. From my experience raw honey & honeycomb will not affect the almost complete digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat & fat, but fruit will. It's an excellent sugar source that will do all the right things without the negatives of fruit fiber & acids. Let us know how you do.
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Offline dsohei

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #136 on: June 26, 2010, 11:59:56 pm »
so actionhero, whats your perfect diet day-to-day so far?

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #137 on: June 27, 2010, 12:11:58 am »
almost complete digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat & fat

So because you think this is happening to you you think it is what happens to everybody? Other people on ZC have posted about chunks of undigested fat in stools etc...

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #138 on: June 27, 2010, 12:24:35 am »
so actionhero, whats your perfect diet day-to-day so far?

There's no such thing as perfect diet, it changes as the body extracts specific nutrients for specific needs. But right now I drink less raw eggs (6-8) and eat more lean meat. Bone marrow I eat twice a week, it's too potent to eat it daily right now. Very fatty ground beef is also often on the menu. Things to try in the near future are brain, liver, fresh blood and high meat.   

So because you think this is happening to you you think it is what happens to everybody? Other people on ZC have posted about chunks of undigested fat in stools etc...

That's their problem, I can only report what I'm going through and noticing on ZC.   
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"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #140 on: June 27, 2010, 08:43:42 pm »
Yes, a little raw honey is better than a meal of fruit. From my experience raw honey & honeycomb will not affect the almost complete digestion and absorption of nutrients from raw meat & fat, but fruit will. It's an excellent sugar source that will do all the right things without the negatives of fruit fiber & acids. Let us know how you do.

thanks mate, I'll give it a try and let you know. I'll keep watching here... :-)

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #141 on: July 08, 2010, 06:40:03 am »
Some new things I tried in the last 10 days:

- 1 kg raw lamb, loved the fat, kind of neutral about the taste of meat
- 750 gr raw chicken breast, liked it a lot
- 500 gr chicken hearts, was fine nothing special
- 400 gr tuna, wow great stuff just melts in your mouth
- had ground beef with raw honey and loved it
- stopped drinking eggs daily, no negative symptoms btw
- developed huge appetite to experiment eating other animals including organs   
- beef is still numero uno, I love the stuff

to try in near future:

- beef liver/heart
- lamb heart
- high meat, I so want some
- rabbit meat/organs inc brain

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Offline Haai

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #142 on: July 10, 2010, 11:11:01 pm »
I agree that tuna is delicious!I eat it almost every day, but it's so damn expensive!
Btw I have a question...what do you call suet in Dutch? Is it just "vet". I want to ask the local butcher to order me some, because the meat I buy from him, which is wild, has no fat on it whatsoever. Would I say something like: Ik wil graag veel vet met mijn vlees. Or something along those lines?

"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #143 on: July 12, 2010, 06:00:34 pm »
what do you call suet in Dutch? Is it just "vet".


Would I say something like: Ik wil graag veel vet met mijn vlees.

Yes, that's the way to ask for it.

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #144 on: July 12, 2010, 09:18:42 pm »
I can't help but notice that my sex-drive is through the roof.

Funny how there are contrasting results with people.

I was at my horniest ever when I was eating like 60% starches super-high calorie diet. I was a walking hardon then.

ZC is so logical and so alluring but sadly it doesn't work for everyone.
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #145 on: July 14, 2010, 12:17:04 am »
ZC is so logical and so alluring but sadly it doesn't work for everyone.

I'm fully convinced that anybody with a healthy body will thrive on ZC immediately, like within days of starting it. People who don't do well on ZC are either sugar addicts who need to feed their candida or they have irreversible permanent damage caused by sugar/starch abuse. A healthy body thrives on ZC. If you don't feel zero carb euphoria within 1-2 weeks you are probably not as healthy as you thought. The thing with ZC is that it doesn't mask your true condition. Your state of health will be fully exposed. If you start eating fat like a mad man you are just trying to numb yourself further. That explains people getting fat and chubby on ZC. A healthy body can produce insane amounts of energy from just a bit of fat. There's no need to stuff yourself with it. It really is like nuclear energy.
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #146 on: July 14, 2010, 12:37:08 am »
Today I had some semi-high meat, it's only 2 weeks old.

My first real high meat experiment. I will start eating it one month in.

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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #147 on: July 14, 2010, 02:12:20 am »
Actionhero: can you describe in detail what you eat at this point? Because some people(like on the other ZC website forum) include dairy and sometimes use coffee or alcohol and stuff like that.
I'd like to see if you eat any plant material at all.Like coconut oil?
So far I know you eat meat,some seafood,and honey.Anything else? Spices?herbs(parsley)?salt?
Let me know,thanks.
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #148 on: July 14, 2010, 02:57:26 am »
Raw meat (beef\chicken\lamb), raw eggs, raw ground beef, marrow, organs. Seafood almost never really. Raw Honey only once every 2-3 weeks. Nothing whatsoever from plants, no spices, herbs or salt. Zero nada. Alcohol, coffee, thee, come on are you kidding me?
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Re: 6 Month Zero Carb Experiment
« Reply #149 on: July 14, 2010, 03:07:39 am »
Thanks,yeah, if you know the website I'm talking about,check out their recipe section ;D (it seems they are more interested in weight loss than health.Which is why I like this forum better).
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 08:40:40 am by King Salmon »
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