assuming it's you in your avatar you should simply work on your posture.
this is proper posture:
if you can maintain proper posture with the back straight, chest out and up and stomach sucked in you don't even need any muscles to look athletic. once again though, most people don't know how to do it. it's something you have to work on.
I'm sure I have plenty to work on in various departments but I'm not positive what you mean really, this wasn't striking any particular pose, i'm actually looking down at the ground working in the garden although I do tend to slouch anyway.
I'm fairly happy with my athleticism and size, I'm just pointing out that my build - while probably much more muscular than most people - is
still smaller in size visually to the average build and even some old men and so forth. Say even if I look 170 at 160 (here) due to various diet and cleansing differences, 175-185 would still probably be a better fit even if some of that was fat and certainly where I'm at compered to where I've been.
Not speaking specifically to you, but I think people far too often hide behind a notion that SWD eaters are 'overweight'. In my experience on many forums over the years, this can rationalize all kinds of harmful diets and lifestyle and digestive issues or binging. I think there is some truth that the popular conception of the average build has shifted somewhat even in the last 50 years, with maybe someone like Carey Grant representing what an average build might be or something. Still, lets say I was an actor, I could probably only be casted as a junkie or pizza delivery boy (of course these guys always look much better in the movies than real life counterparts) and never any kind of 'normal' role. I'm flipping through the channels and on Entourage, this guy who has a very streamlined hip kind of look (as opposed to Bale or Jackman or something) and is still like what 175-180 lbs?
I'm not saying some can't look great at lower weights, Iwith various experience know numerical weight is only so meaningful, and I've seen some welterweight boxers that just look huge (although they tend to be fairly short) in the 150 range. But likely these ranges are not going to look normal or I believe are very 'paleo' if that is someones concern.
here is Oleg Saitov who won the gold in the Olympics for welterweight in 1996 and 2000.
again I'm not sure what you mean about sucking in your stomach and so forth, i'm just talking about going to the store and such and what peoples impressions might be. When I'm actually working out its a different story.