Author Topic: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?  (Read 7107 times)

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Offline dsohei

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bah, the lack of taste in raw meats is annoying me. i swallow my pre-frozen ground beef (really its "pet food" because it contains organs) because chewing it causes fat to stick between my teeth. i also put high quality salsa or raw fermented honey in it to mask the (non)taste. i ate raw heart today and man was it gross/plain/boring. had to throw away the grassfed pre-frozen liver because it tasted so awful.

this wouldn't bother me so much if i was feeling great, but i am fatigued a lot. no, i haven't eaten grains or fruit in ages.
cooked meat just tastes better, even if its cooked rare.

the freshly ground grassfed meat (lamb/beef) i can purchase from the grocery store tastes a bit better, but not much.

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 03:48:53 am »
Perhaps it's just a lack of variety that is the problem. I go in for unusual items such as raw wild game which is far tastier than raw grassfed meats plus I go in for raw seafood etc.
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Offline Hans89

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 03:57:54 am »
Some people have reported that they liked their meat better when it was somewhat dried.

Offline dsohei

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 04:02:28 am »
Perhaps it's just a lack of variety that is the problem. I go in for unusual items such as raw wild game which is far tastier than raw grassfed meats plus I go in for raw seafood etc.

i had some raw pre-frozen salmon w/skin last night. it was alright. i thought it would taste like sushi but it didn't. weird.

the price for variety seems a bit steep. also i dont want to spend a lot of time chewing raw meat, especially when i'm at work, due to social issues and also the stuff sticking between my teeth.

trying to figure out solutions... can i dry ground meat? the prefrozen i have leaks all of it's juices out quickly, so maybe that would help the drying process?

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 04:38:59 am »
i had some raw pre-frozen salmon w/skin last night. it was alright. i thought it would taste like sushi but it didn't. weird.

the price for variety seems a bit steep. also i dont want to spend a lot of time chewing raw meat, especially when i'm at work, due to social issues and also the stuff sticking between my teeth.

trying to figure out solutions... can i dry ground meat? the prefrozen i have leaks all of it's juices out quickly, so maybe that would help the drying process?

I'm not sure about ground meat because I don't buy it. Can't you buy meat other than that? I think ground meat isn't really the nicest way of eating raw meat unless you make sausage from it.

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 04:39:23 am »
Its easier to chew dried ground beef than dried muscle meats (intact).
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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 05:20:18 am »
I tried drying meat with a home-made box dryer as described in some pages here. It doesn't feel like food to me. I have not tried intentionally air-drying meat - like in the fridge for taste or other purposes. Occasional stuff just sits out and I don't find any improvement taste wise.

to me there are exceptions with some fats or other RAF, but actual muscle meat just tastes pretty neutral in a positive way, although there are some that I can honestly say that I like, and things like liver, grown to like. I've never been a big cooked meat person, so the thought never occurs to me that cooking or warming might make it taste better, except with certain things like some fishes.

It seems to make sense to just address what your goals are and what is most healthful for your routine without driving you crazy. so if that means condiments, or chopping up all your meat before work or bringing dental floss, so be it. I am confused how raw meat would get stuck in your teeth or require more chewing than cooked meat, but I can see it effecting smell and so forth. raw meats seem to stain my whole face around the mouth with stink :/

I can totally relate in terms of the fatigue and social stuff. It does feel challenging in that way sometimes if you feel like you are doing something so 'extreme' and not getting like superhuman results right away. Things have gotten somewhat better for myself, but I can't say its gotten less monotonous in that comparison even with variety, but its been that way - for me - on any restricted diet. That is - hard to rationalize to peers and stuff, even though 'normal healthy diets' make me totally non-functional. For me, I think the social element is way more crucial than taste. I mean, if I had a food that tasted like dirt but I could always have in my pocket and made me feel fantastic, that would suit me fine. Too bad even the 'raw' part of pemmican not does feel good at least right now.

I tend to think most ground meats have less taste than quality whole cuts, although I do eat it for variety purposes as an inexpensive 'treat' or to get some added fat here and there. If I had a office type job, that is probably what I'd eat or pre-cut meat, or make some kind of sauce with herbs to look presentable or something.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 05:26:49 am by KD »

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 06:34:03 am »
I don't know how long you've been eating raw meat but it can take a while to 'experience' raw meat fully. There is a first time you really taste it and it can be weeks after you've already been eating raw meat. Then in an instant something connects inside you and you become like a raw meat vampire. My first time I got goose bumps all over my body. Before that I tried salt, spices, fruit, greens, anything to mask the lack of taste but nothing seemed to help. It was only by exposing myself to that bland taste over and over that I got to taste it for the first time and experience it fully. Truly there is not a more nourishing substance on earth than raw meat.
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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2010, 07:25:12 am »
Dsohei my man. Listen up yeah. Don't eat for a few hours right, until like yo stomach acid 'n' shiz starts like buildin up n wot. Then mate, go to a butcher where they is like servin proppa fresh meat which woz like cut on that day yeah(mad props to tha butcha massive), where it is juicy and bright red y'know. Look at it and like, choose the best juciest looking cut y'get me. Eat it fresh that day while you iz hungry like. You will like be lovin it yeah. If you aint lovin it, give yo momma some lovin cuz you iz fuxxed bro y'get me like. Don't even buy meat unless you iz hungry bro. Always buy it when you iz hungry, with stomach acid in yo stomach and only buy the meat which looks appetising and gets you frothin at the mouth yeah.. reminds me of yo mom last night bruv haha jokes jokes but y'get me right? Safe blud safe.

But bro. If you is not listenin on my gospel, I iz gonna turn apeshit on yo ass y'get me? Jus a friendly warning like yeah, keep it real.
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Offline dsohei

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2010, 07:41:40 am »
i guess it helps to be starving-ass hungry and then almost anything would be edible and tasty. i've had this experience with raw meat.

yes, i can buy other cuts of meat, and i have before. i am buying the ground "pet food" because it is inexpensive and easy to eat/swallow quickly and transport. if i am really going to do this diet i have to be really careful with expense.

i have not had the vampire experience. has everyone had this experience? when i first started i could really feel the proteins and zinc filling me up where i was empty. currently, even thinking about it is a bit gross/off-putting. if i was really starving that would probably change. this morning i ate when i wasn't super-hungry and i'm sure that has something to do with it, since taste is stimulating and this food is pretty taste-neutral.

the always being tired shit though, is the biggest issue.

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2010, 08:25:47 am »
You shouldn't eat something which doesn't taste nice. If something doesn't taste nice, there is a reason.
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Offline dsohei

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2010, 10:30:43 am »
You shouldn't eat something which doesn't taste nice. If something doesn't taste nice, there is a reason.

yes, i agree, though the exact reason is unknown. i think it's a combination of a few things: lack of variety, very low carbs in recent days (i like the idea of VLC/ZC though in practice it don't seem to fit for me), wasn't hungry enough, some other x factors...

there's a fair bit of research indicating that alternating cycles of high fat high protein low carb (5 days) and high carb low protein low fat (2 days) is metabolically advantageous. i have to learn more about this but i feel it may be true/useful. thoughts?

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2010, 10:46:46 am »
Lots of "athletes" carb cycle and many books have been written about the subject. I don't really know that much to comment but dramatically shifting the inputs of consumption is likely to confuse the body and have it work harder to utilize such inputs efficiently thus giving an appearance of a higher metabolism. The body never adapts to any set of inputs.

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2010, 05:21:33 pm »
Eh I almost only eat beef, and occasionally lamb... It tastes just as good to me every time I eat it. I am correct, you are incorrect. I will reply no more on this subject.
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Offline nicole

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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2010, 05:06:57 am »
It used to take me ages to chew my meat, but now I can eat it fairly fast (the same spead as cooked steak). I usually eat in the free time it takes me to drive anywhere. I only eat fresh meat and no ground meat anymore. Ground meat is definitely boring.
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Re: taste/lack thereof is bugging me, also very low energy. ideas?
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2010, 03:03:06 am »
I like to marinade my meat/seafood with organic lemon/lime juice.Taste great and feels super clean.Also,it softens the texture which makes it easier to chew.Try it,you'll like it ;) or,I'm sure there are other marinade recipe ideas out there.
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