Author Topic: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?  (Read 6904 times)

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Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« on: June 19, 2010, 01:23:34 pm »
I have no intention of "jumping in with both feet" into this deal, i want to sort of tip toe into it.  I am happy with my current diet ( which consists mostly nuts and seeds ) but there is always some room for improvement. 

my diet is already LOADED with protein, both vegetable and animal.  in a day i probably consume about 60 grams of vegetable protein from nuts and seeds plus another 200 grams of animal protein from whey protein powder ( 4 - 5 shakes per day with 1.5 - 2 scoops each ).

my diet also has TONS of fat in it, but all of this fat ( and i mean 100% ) is currently from vegetable sources ( nuts, seeds and olive oil ).  i would like to add some high-quality animal fat to the diet.  by high-quality i mean both raw and with a good profile of fatty acids.

i am thinking of what foods of what i have eaten i the past could pass off as raw paleo - caviar comes to mind.  what do you think about it ?

another thing that comes to mind is that bright red salmon stuff.  but is it actually raw?  or did they do something to it ?

also i have to say both the caviar and salmon that i have tasted in the past seemed salty - is that inherent to it or did they add salt to preserve it ?

thanks for any input !


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Re: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 06:31:36 pm »
i am thinking of what foods of what i have eaten i the past could pass off as raw paleo - caviar comes to mind.  what do you think about it ?
Most (all?) commercially available caviar is salted and processed. If you can find it raw, perhaps from a fishmonger, it would be a great addition to a diet.

another thing that comes to mind is that bright red salmon stuff.  but is it actually raw?  or did they do something to it ?
The bright red stuff is farmed with color added. Wild salmon is darker and exponentially better for you. I really recommend going out of your way to make sure any of the fish you eat is wild and not farmed.

also i have to say both the caviar and salmon that i have tasted in the past seemed salty - is that inherent to it or did they add salt to preserve it ?
The caviar is definitely preserved with the salt. I don't see why salmon, even farmed, would be salty unless it's a piece of smoked salmon which they frequently do season.


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Re: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 05:57:22 am »
ok so where would you recommend sourcing the good stuff ?

i have access to "whole foods" - do they have anything ?


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Re: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 07:43:00 am »
ok so where would you recommend sourcing the good stuff ?

i have access to "whole foods" - do they have anything ?
So far as the caviar I doubt it. Find the department manager of the fish section and ask them, but it doesn't seem like the best place to source it.
Are you close to a coast? If you live near a coast you should be able to find real fishmongers (or whole markets) where they're getting fresh same-day deliveries and have more of a chance of finding something like that.

You can find wild fish at Whole Foods it's just more expensive and usually pre-frozen.
I've vacillated on the topic of frozen meats (It's a hot topic here) but lately have found myself favoring really good quality, but frozen meat, over fresh but lesser quality. I used to taste a difference and feel lower vitality in the frozen stuff but my best source of meat is far and away the best I've ever had, both taste and energy wise, and it's frozen so I put less stock in this now.


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Re: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 02:07:46 pm »
So far as the caviar I doubt it. Find the department manager of the fish section and ask them, but it doesn't seem like the best place to source it.
Are you close to a coast? If you live near a coast you should be able to find real fishmongers (or whole markets) where they're getting fresh same-day deliveries and have more of a chance of finding something like that.

You can find wild fish at Whole Foods it's just more expensive and usually pre-frozen.
I've vacillated on the topic of frozen meats (It's a hot topic here) but lately have found myself favoring really good quality, but frozen meat, over fresh but lesser quality. I used to taste a difference and feel lower vitality in the frozen stuff but my best source of meat is far and away the best I've ever had, both taste and energy wise, and it's frozen so I put less stock in this now.

yeah i'm close to a coast.  sometimes i am in the san francisco area and sometimes in new york area but both are near a coast.  i am very lazy though - i would rather just go to whole foods :)

what is that source of frozen meat of yours ?


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Re: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2010, 07:00:16 pm »
what is that source of frozen meat of yours ?
They practice rotational farming and put a lot of love into the care of their animals which really comes through in the meat. As I've said it's the best I've found bar none.
I buy from their stall at the Gossett Brother's Farmer's Markmet in South Salem on Saturdays but they have a stall in Union Square on Saturdays as well as a couple other days in various locations in the city which might be easier for you to get to. They're very environmentally conscious though so you'll need to get to them; they'll never ship their meat.


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Re: Getting Started - Caviar ? Salmon ?
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2010, 06:55:44 am »
They practice rotational farming and put a lot of love into the care of their animals which really comes through in the meat. As I've said it's the best I've found bar none.
I buy from their stall at the Gossett Brother's Farmer's Markmet in South Salem on Saturdays but they have a stall in Union Square on Saturdays as well as a couple other days in various locations in the city which might be easier for you to get to. They're very environmentally conscious though so you'll need to get to them; they'll never ship their meat.

seems that they sell in Brooklyn.  that's where i live half the time.  thanks.


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