Facing the avalanche of questions – all enthralling – accumulated in these few days, I don’t really know where to pick up! As all those questions spin around the instinct, I believe essential to start by putting things straight about this concept and later on the theoretical reasons that could push someone to reject it along with consequences in the “instincto” theory.
1°) My starting point isn’t theoretical, but empirical. Although impassioned of theoretical physics, I’ve always preferred to give preponderance to facts, in particular on complex subjects. In 1964, I noticed on myself, then on many others and animals as well, that there are variations in attraction for a given foodstuff. This phenomenon is easily observable, particularly with edible goods left unprocessed.
2°) These variations of attraction translate subjectively on several levels: odor, savor, consistency, dislikes (nausea) and stomachic feelings. I initially concentrated on the observation of those first three aspects, which were the newest.
3°) First question: are the observable perceptive variations contingent, or do they match variations of the physiological needs? The answer can only be empirical, i.e. it is necessary to seek the correlations between the perception’s variations and variations of the somehow known needs. Such research isn’t straightforward since we don’t always know the body needs.
4°) First answer: When a given foodstuff or another food providing the same nutrients has been consumed in a large quantity, an attraction drop can very generally be observed. This rule was confirmed with all the tested foodstuffs (unprocessed and subject to minor artificial selection) whatever their source (fruits of any origins but as wild as possible, vegetables, high-protein seeds, oilseeds, fish, shellfish, meat, eggs, honey, etc). Yet, some natural stuff like mushrooms were not systematically tested. As a whole, and since there is homeostasis (safeguarding of a balance), it can be concluded that these perceptive variations belong to a system of regulation.
5°) The following question, much more subtle, is to know if these variations are able to ensure a satisfactory nutritional balance. It is therefore necessary to observe individuals agreeing to respect them (something not obvious), in particular by ending the intake of each foodstuff as soon as it becomes unpleasant, and by observing the rules imposed by comparative observation of the results. The purpose of these rules is to bring nutritional conditions closer to those of a primitive environment. It definitely proved that the sensory mechanisms work correctly under precise conditions only, conditions sufficiently close to the living conditions in which theses mechanisms evolved. I succeeded in convincing, during dozens of years, approximately twelve thousand people to try the experiment.
6°) The crucial point is then to define the criteria of a “satisfactory” nutritional balance. The most determinant case was that of children nourished on the “instincto” mode since birth and whose mothers had practiced instinctive nutrition themselves for years. The fact that their body developed without deficiencies and disorders until adulthood let’s think that such instinctive paleo-nutrition brought them all the substances a human body may need to ensure a perfect growth and health. My own children, who always balanced by very innocently following their attractions and repulsions, are now in their forties and are living evidence about the adequacy of this mode of nutrition and regulation.
7°) The case of adults on a traditional diet (SWD or various diets) switching to instincto diet is also very persuasive: the absence of long-term deficiency, the fulfilling of old deficiencies, their body index of mass (BMI) and many criteria of health show that they not only get the raw food benefits, but also an extremely precise nutritional regulation. The few divergent results could always be put in relation to defects of provisioning or errors in the application of the rules drawn from the first years of observation, in particular with regard to the interpretation of the sensory data on the level of the sense of smell, taste and stomachic feelings, but also of the organization of the presentation of the products to the sensory organs.
8°) A much finer criterion clearly marks out the difference between a ordinary raw diet and instinctotherapy: the inflammatory tendency. Inflammation plays a key role on the immunological side; it constitutes in fact the expression at macroscopic scale of the body’s defense and regeneration mechanisms, which the immune system ensures at the microscopic scale. Inflammation is also the seat of mechanisms of self-destruction and various complications. However, with a nutritional balance managed according to the instincto principles and rules, the level of inflammation is such that all complications disappear: no more erythema around the lesions nor oedema, and especially no pain.
A fracture is painful for short while, then the signal stops after few minutes (in analgesic position) and no inflammation nor pain comes next to complicate the bone’s cicatrisation. On the other hand, it suffice to force the alliesthesic signals at the gustatory or stomachic level (for example with artificially selected fruits abnormally rich in sugar) to see redness developing, oedema and pain taking off. For example during the fracture of a toe (as just happened to me) the pain remains absolutely quiet and the oedema is limited just as to avoid inopportune movements of the phalanges. But a transgression of the instinctive stop (taste, repletion) is enough for the process to take off.
This spontaneous and systematic regulation, easily and already observable on babies at the condition of applying the instincto rules, shows that the mechanisms of perceptive variations are innate, genetically programmed so as to very precisely control nutritional balance. It requires however an adequate food environment such as these rules precisely teach it, as well as a rehabilitation of the body listening for the ones who did not integrate it since early childhood.
9°) The innate character of the perceptive variations mechanisms is shown in a very direct way, as I did with my own children and as many parents have been able to verify: it suffice to present to the baby right after birth a series of foodstuff left unprocessed so that their flavor is not modified. The baby, who still has his eyes closed, automatically opens the mouth for some specific food, but not for the others. Reflexes are coherent, in the sense that repeated presentations never trigger a mouth opening for a food that would have obtained a negative answer, and target finally on a reduced number of products. If the choosen stuff is crushed and put in the baby’s mouth, he’s got the reflex to chew (although without teeth) and swallow it. If a foodstuff that failed to produce a mouth opening is nevertheless force fed into his mouth, the baby has (even before any training) the reflex to spit. The coherence of this complex operation is checked by the digestive quality, in particular by the absence of odors in the faeces.
10°) For several reasons this does not exclude the necessity of a training so that these mechanisms function correctly:
a) we are no longer placed in an environment close to the one where our genome evolved, thus a series of precautions must be taken;
b) innate and acquired characteristics aren’t dissociable, thus the innate mechanisms require a training (it is the same for example for walk, which is innate but request a more or less long training according to the species);
c) the training we had of these regulation mechanisms during childhood has been deeply distorted by culinary deterioration of savors, so that we don’t know how to establish the correct link between the sense of smell and the taste, nor between these sensory signals and the stomachic feelings, neither with the risk of digestive or nutritional overload, nor spontaneously to compensate for the influence of the environmental modifications (for example vis-a-vis modern fruits richer in sugar).
This skewed training can be partly compensated by a particular training which consists in bypassing the intellect and cultural reflexes. It is allowed by the blindfolding procedure (whose purpose is not an immediate alimentary balance, but rather recovery of the defective training of perceptive variations mechanisms). A teaching is obviously necessary in order to learn the rules to respect, the way to organize our provisioning and other points that constitute the method known as instinctotherapy.
I hope the above will clarify the issue and allow a better-centered debate.