Alpha, do you know what kinds of meat the pygmies heat and what kinds of meat they eat raw? That would be interesting to know! Google didn´t tell me...
I got this information from friends from Cameroun. In fact their wording was rather "pygmies eat a lot of raw or almost raw meat". Rare might be a good description of the "almost raw" one, I'll try to get more information on what part is stricto sensu raw. It's bushmeat such as monkeys and depends strongly on tribe. Insects such as caterpillars, grubs, and other food of animal origin are very important and apparently eaten either plain raw or cooked in various ways.
I think in this respect that instincto teaching also does not distinguish between various cooking methods and so probably demonizes them excessively all. This is OK as far as it makes us to investigate what happens if one abandons completely cooking as most of us do here. A much more balanced view is however necessary to assess the adverse effects of heat on food in various cultures and cooking habits.
I recalled recently some physics of heat generated toxins which shows that their formation increases rapidly with temperature but is not at all absent at room and a fortiori body temperature. So it is not yet clear whether an instincto eating much dried stuff such as dried fruit does better in terms of AGEs intake when compared to pygmee that eat rare steak.
Similarly instincto dogma demonizes seasoning because of a supposedly wicked "instinct". Yet It is most likely that it is much better to eat some vegetables such as cabbage or chicory lightely seasoned with some garlic, olive oil and salt than to gorge systematically on dried bananas or figs instead.
Same with sauerkraut or other fermented vegetables or fishs. Instincto dogma necessarily dismisses them altogether because of the "wicked instinct" nonsense. As expected I could never observe any negative effects with them, on the contrary, when ingested in reasonable quantities.