Author Topic: Social Pressures  (Read 7401 times)

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Social Pressures
« on: August 03, 2008, 08:36:50 pm »
How do you deal with the social pressures?

i find this to be the hardest part, when im home i can eat 100% raw good, but if at a party or holiday its extremely difficult and if i just eat fruit or something and turn down the food, i get an awkward stare and a feeling of being tense...people connect through food.

how do you do it?! and still keep friends and family.

i want to be the life of the party but not engage in there unhealthy acts... i havent been able todo it yet.

Also, do you ever lecture friends or family? or is it best to not say anything?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2008, 09:19:14 pm »
How do you deal with the social pressures?

i find this to be the hardest part, when im home i can eat 100% raw good, but if at a party or holiday its extremely difficult and if i just eat fruit or something and turn down the food, i get an awkward stare and a feeling of being tense...people connect through food.

how do you do it?! and still keep friends and family.

i want to be the life of the party but not engage in there unhealthy acts... i havent been able todo it yet.

Also, do you ever lecture friends or family? or is it best to not say anything?

This is a much-needeed question to ask on this board. I was wondering when people would get around to it.

Here are various suggestions offered by various RPDers over time, to cope with social pressures:-

1) Be confident about your diet. If you show nervousness when explaining your diet, then other people will feel nervous too. In short, humans are naturally empathic, and it's wise not to show any uncertainty re your diet. That said, it's not a good idea to boast about the diet in public unnecessarily- , if you're asked, mention that you're doing a raw, palaeolithic diet,  vaguely in passing, as though it's only a minor part of your life. No one has a clue about what a "raw, palaeolithic diet" is, and few will enquire further, usually.

2) Make compromises. Some American RPDers go to restaurants and ask the chef to cook their meats "cold on a cold plate", meaning the meats are only cooked for 10 seconds on either side, or so. Or they always invite people to restaurants offering raw seafood such as Japanese Sashimi restaurants etc.(my favourite option as they usually offer sushi as well which is good for my cooked-food-eating acquaintances). Some do naughty things like go and eat raw at  Korean restaurants - some types of Korean restaurant give you the pan etc. on the table along with  the raw animal food which they expect you to cook right there, but some RPDers just go to an isolated table and pretend to cook them, but just warm them for a few seconds).

3) Third option is to eat some high-meat and some enzymes before going out to  every single cooked-meal, so as to minimise digestive-issues that often arise after such meals. Also, eat those cooked-foods but just eat little bites at each meal, claiming that you're on a diet.

4) There are various sites online which tell you how to reduce the amounts of toxins created by cooking:-

5) Re lecturing:- Don't bother lecturing anybody. I was in an appalling state of health pre-raw diet with  extremely obvious quite visible symptoms of ill-health, yet most people around me just pretended that I was always OK  with no difference after several years on raw - I even have one acquaintance who is a total moron (and a doctor), who tried to delude himself that I was only a little healthy as a result of eating less fat(actually, I told him that my raw-fat-intake was pretty high). This moron is a 100% believer in the Balanced Diet and is in appalling state of ill-health(he's 69 and has to take pain-killers every single day in order to cope with extremely painful joints ruined by decades on cooked diets).

 Plus, by avoiding the preaching/lecturing, you avoid the "them and us" view that some Rawists mistakenly have. After all, if you criticise other peoples' diets, you can't expect them not to criticise yours. The best thing is to just do the diet, and occasionally some wise people will notice how healthy you are and ask questions. Few will go all-raw, unless they're in dire straits, but one or two, here and there, will make healthier choices such as eating lots of sushi instead of the usual fried junk-food or whatever. At least, that's what I've found.

*Hopefully, others on this board will have further suggestions re this rather important topic*.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 05:43:31 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2008, 05:33:53 am »
Great suggestions!

It may be hard to remember sometimes but there is always a healthier and less healthy choice. When you're out and there's all kinds of food, just because you feel you have to eat "something" that would compromise your diet doesn't mean that's a free ticket to eat "everything."

When I was raw vegan I went through that A LOT. Every time I felt pressured into eating off the diet or when I couldn't get the right food I wanted I would use that as an excuse to go crazy and eat all kinds of garbage.

Every situation there is always a healthier option. A chicken salad is better than a chicken sandwich, tea is better than coffee, steamed better than fried, whole grain better than white bread.

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2008, 07:06:25 am »
Every time I felt pressured into eating off the diet or when I couldn't get the right food I wanted I would use that as an excuse to go crazy and eat all kinds of garbage.

I know how that is  :'(

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 07:41:59 am »
How do you deal with the social pressures?

i find this to be the hardest part, when im home i can eat 100% raw good, but if at a party or holiday its extremely difficult and if i just eat fruit or something and turn down the food, i get an awkward stare and a feeling of being tense...people connect through food.

how do you do it?! and still keep friends and family.

i want to be the life of the party but not engage in there unhealthy acts... i havent been able todo it yet.

Also, do you ever lecture friends or family? or is it best to not say anything?

Just make a statement that you have certain medical needs, doctors orders... people usually accept that kind of excuse.
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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2008, 07:45:17 am »
When I went with a couple a friends to get ice cream, I said I was lactose intolerant. You could also say you have a grain-allergy, and I doubt anyone would do anything but look at you strangely. It's not entirely a lie either :P I'm not on a raw diet yet so this is enough to get me by.
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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2008, 08:29:48 am »
I agree about the medical needs excuse. Although I told someone once I ate my steaks raw due to digestive issues, and his reply was "can't you just get a pill from the doctor so you can eat normal" I have never had anyone question a medical excuse  8)

My best friend knows exactly how I eat and he is cool with it even as a SAD eater. Sometimes he gets mad that I don't just go out and drink and what not....but I am never pressured. My brother and Dad also know and they both are cool with it (both SAD eaters) My dad actually tries to help me get by at family gatherings...holidays especially, so that I don't have to eat the SAD food.

Medical excuses are hard to tell to closer people. I never told anyone about my diet change from being vegan other than listed above. So for coworkers and other family members it is a little easier to get by and eat a salad or something and listen to them ask where I get my protein.

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2008, 02:08:41 am »
My birthday is comming up on august 9th and i'm going out to eat. My brother mentioned he knows a place with a salad bar with fruits and stuff. (As if i would eat that pesticide contaminated vegetation... :P) I didn't say anything and mention a sushi place down the street and that they serve raw salmon all by itself which I prefer. They also serve cooked food for my family also. So that's what were going to do. ;)

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2008, 02:17:09 am »
My mom is a sad eater and its tough with her. She always says stuff like.."Other boys your age look alot fuller" Or...."Your growing your suppose to eat like crazy" i also cook for her and she says stuff while she's eating like..."why are you depriving yourself of all the tastes in the world" My brother is completely confused about my diet and doesn't understand even though I explain. he gets angry and fustrated. They also know i would like to live in a nudist colony..they are pretty confused and angry about that... :)..hehe...

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2013, 06:27:04 pm »
My mom is a sad eater and its tough with her. She always says stuff like.."Other boys your age look alot fuller" Or...."Your growing your suppose to eat like crazy" i also cook for her and she says stuff while she's eating like..."why are you depriving yourself of all the tastes in the world" My brother is completely confused about my diet and doesn't understand even though I explain. he gets angry and fustrated. They also know i would like to live in a nudist colony..they are pretty confused and angry about that... :)..hehe...

Haha this was funny. Nudist colony for full body sunbathing! I'd love to try living in a nudist colony for a couple of weeks just for the experience.
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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2013, 03:00:21 am »
While on holiday visiting my wife's family and their friends, they seemed very accepting that I had to eat raw meat to cure my headaches. They thought I looked strong and healthy, so that helped my case a lot. Also my kids tell them that I'll get sick and grumpy if I eat sad food. Most extreme was smashing open live mussels with a rock at one lovely family friend's house. I was able to encourage her with her low carb plan to lose weight and maintain her mobility (born without knee caps).

Also TD has good advice to play down our diet when conversing with others - calling peoples lovingly made scones 'poison' is  probably not what they like hearing!

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 03:41:13 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2013, 02:22:07 pm »
While on holiday visiting my wife's family and their friends, they seemed very accepting that I had to eat raw meat to cure my headaches. They thought I looked strong and healthy, so that helped my case a lot. Also my kids tell them that I'll get sick and grumpy if I eat sad food. Most extreme was smashing open live mussels with a rock at one lovely family friend's house. I was able to encourage her with her low carb plan to lose weight and maintain her mobility (born without knee caps).

Also TD has good advice to play down our diet when conversing with others - calling peoples lovingly made scones 'poison' is  probably not what they like hearing!

Wow...I've never heard of people born without knee caps...that sounds horrible =( Is she able to walk properly?

I've also made the mistake of calling food my family ate before as "poison"... I learned to shut up after a while. I just got really worked up after reading Aajonus's WWTL! haha
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Re: Social Pressures
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2013, 06:16:04 pm »
@letsdoit, she can walk a bit but the knee cartilage is missing so it gets painful, especially as she has gained weight.


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