Hey all, I've seen some members here advocate some kind of cleansing protocol before attempting rpd. I believe Actionhero recommends something like 3 weeks of fruit only followed by a mixture of fruits and meat before going to predominantly meat. Goodsamaratin has a whole host of cleanses found here -
http://www.curemanual.com/detox-protocols-and-treatments/I've also now read quite a few accounts of people having great results with juice fasting, especially in the first couple weeks. Water fasting has also done wonders for many. I'm wondering if this is partly why Lex Rooker has had such great results. He literally almost killed himself water fasting for a month and this I believe was fairly soon before he started his paleo adventure. Perhaps he not only dumped much of his muscle and other tissues away but also all the toxins that had been stored up within him and he was able to construct himself a new man so to speak.
Also, many (seems like most) members here have gone through vegan or vegetarian or at least low-fat diets and these perhaps can act as somewhat of a cleanse. I, on the other hand went straight to VLC and now to raw LC (though recently raw plus lots of junk) and did not fair so well.
I think the main principle behind cleanses is to give your digestive system a rest and give yourself very easily uptaken nutrition like juice so that the body can concentrate on healing. Based on recent blood tests I have some disconcerting liver panels - elevated bilirubin, low ceruloplasm and low copper all indicating bile insufficiency as well as low white-blood cell count.
I am not going to rush into anything here. But, if others could relay their experience with cleanses and eventually their path to rpd that would be great.
Has anyone started rpd and then cleansed and then went back to rpd with better results?
I would like to find a diet that maximizes the cleansing and minimizes the muscle loss as it seems all these cleanses are low protein. Perhaps the Aajonus mostly egg yolk plus starch diet/cleanse is the closest thing I can get to something that would provide me with good nutrition. I know Yuri has tried this minus the starches and failed. Does anyone else have experience with a majority egg yolk diet?