If a high carb diet suits you well than fine, but dont lecture me about the dangers of low or zero carb, my friend had horrible digestive problems and she couldnt heal it without going low carb. Diabetics need low carb diets. For seizures and epilepsy, the keto (ZC) diet is used. In fact, when the atkins diet was introduced it saved many people's lives with epilepsy and it wasn't even raw. Dont lecture us that ZC or low carb is unhealthy, I think there is plenty of proof that says otherwise. However just as I am saying that Low carb diets work for some people, some people as yourself either dont favor well on them or just convince themselves that they dont because they cannot see a world with low carbs in it. I mean hell, carbs are everywhere, some people just cannot quit them. Sugar is after all a class 1 drug, literally. That's the very reason they put sugar in cigarettes, because it is addicting. People who go on low carb initially have sugar withdrawal effects. You cannot eat a significant amount of carbs in nature. Jared, have you ever been out in the wild for a period of time. If you had, you should have found that it is nearly impossible to get much carbs. Try finding carbs in the winter, they're nowhere in sight, and trust me, I've tried. Is this to say that we humans were meant to die, or be really unhealthy in the winter because we have ZC diets? I highly doubt it. It seems to me that carbs is only a seasonal thing for the most part. It is also a earth positional factor as well, like how people closer to the equator have more access to carbohydrates than people up north.
People generally tend to forget that we were once bare ass naked in the woods with only a few tools to hunt with, not all the agricultural tools we have today. Therefore one should know that we would never have a significant access to carbs in nature.
It just all makes sense to me and I dont understand how some people cannot see it. We are closest related to carnivores. Our digestive system was not meant do digest cellulose by fermentation like other animals such as cows do. Last time I checked, we only have one stomach like lions, wolves, and bears, not like herbivores. Think about it like this ya'll: SHit feeds microorganisms, fungus and humus, fungus and humus feed plants, plants feed herbivores, and herbivores feed omnivores and carnivores.