rawlion, I think your right about some things, but wrong about others. First off, thanks for giving that first site, I will be using that now, unless I find that it is inaccurate. Second, where are the antinutrient databases at WHfoods. Third, I've been on WHfoods many times and it is an anti paleo and RPD website. It touts that grains are good and red meat will give you heart disease and saturated fat will kill you. This is just downright stupid information even for cooked red meat and fat. Raw red meat and fat will never give one problems. I dont know how you could think buckwheat is better than fruit though. First of all, correct me if I'm wrong, but isnt buckwheat an Asian plant and only comes from asia. Last time I checked you or I werent Asian so we wouldnt even have access to it until trade began about 1000 years ago. I'll admit, out off all the grains/ seeds, it is one of the least harmful, but it is still a grain. As many of us are starting to find out, seeds are very estrogenic, and that is obviously a dead giveaway that it is not meant to be eaten by both men and women. Excess estrogen gives men testosterone and reproductive problems, and in women it gives reproductive and fibrosis problems. Think about it, seeds are little uterises. Eating pollen would be a better choice since it is pro testosterone and in chinese medicine they have been using bee and pine pollen for thousands of years.
I'm sure you know by now that there are a vast amount of antinutrients and anti reproductive agents in grains and seeds such as enzyme inhibitors, lectins, trypsin inhibitors, lignans, estrogen, and more. ANd thats just if they're raw. Cook them and you've got AGE's, Heterocyclic Amines, Lipid Peroxides, and many other carcinogens as well. There is a whole wealth of problems with grains and seeds so I advise you all to stay away. Hell, even my doctor knows this(I have a cool doctor). He tells all his patients to stay away from all grains and seeds period. When I first went to him a year ago, I had a copper deficiency that was offsetting my iron absorption and utilization as well, because copper and iron work together. I had this deficiency because I was eating too many nuts. Nuts are high in zinc and most times low in copper. In other words I was eating so much zinc that it was offsetting copper. SO my doc told me to not consume nuts at all and guess what, within a month my malabsorption of iron was gone and my copper level went up. By the way many people dont realize this but nuts are seeds, and vise versa.
It is quite clear that nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains do not provide the right micronutrient values or ratios for human consumption.
We were put on this earth to eat a specific diet. It just so happens that meat and meat fat has all the right ratios of micronutrients and can never give us deficiencies. I believe fruit has this as well, but I havnt done my research on this.
rawlion, you are right about fructose being like poison though. No, Im not saying that fruit is unnatural to eat, but in nature we would never have access to much of it. Thats what mother nature intended. We werent meant to have access to a lot of fruit every day, in fact most of the time it was seasonal. This video shows how fructose was a small part of our diet hundreds of years ago, but now it is a huge part of our diet causing an array of issues.