Hello everyone. Sorry for the long intro but I'm eager for your thoughts. I don't eat completely raw so I'm not sure where else to put this topic. Due to several reasons, I still eat most of food cooked but last year when 60-70% raw for a week or so, some of hard plaque started to chip off. But I had to discontinue the diet and so only ate raw fish few times a week- plaque returned soon.
Recently, I noticed darker areas of tooth, especially on all my bottom molars, near the gum (looks like a thin stripe). I don't know when this started happening but I think its connected to another change in diet:
From nearly half a year this was my diet:
-nearly paleo/primal (occasional dairy from grassfed cheese),
-grainfed meat, small intake of bad PUFAs (family insists on using vegetable oil)
-VLC, carbs mainly came from vegetables, avocado, and very rarely, blueberries
-90% cooked, raw animal food a few times a week in form of sashimi
When summer started, I went to live at a relative's home in a subtropical country
-1 serving of fruit 3-5 times a week (guava, wax apple, coconut, durian etc,)
-pretty much no raw meat/fish
-One 24-30 hr fast a week
-no grains but I probably had higher intake of bad PUFAs/sodium due to relative's cooking style
-no cheese but I ate grassfed butter
-less fresh seafood (canned fish)
Other stuff: Stress/sleep/exercise time improved during summer and I brush teeth with water only. I also take no supplements (hard to get where I live and I can't afford them). Getting hold of organ meats is also hard so I rarely eat any organs.
I think the long period without sweet fruit, and then suddenly adding some fruit back in was the main factor in causing the enamel loss. Before summer though, I already had a little enamel loss for while (1-2 years before seriously eating paleo) on my front teeth. I also didn't get a sugar rush after the fruit and I usually ate higher Gi fruit with some fat. And even after I eating primal/paleo, I still have hard white plaque forming behind my front teeth. Any theories/suggestions?
btw i posted similar topic at:
http://www.marksdailyapple.com/forum/showthread.php?11458-cause-of-enamel-lossto get more ideas about whats wrong with my teeth. Its possible that acid reflux may be eroding my teeth but I still think my diet played a role. i don't know