Author Topic: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:  (Read 30389 times)

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Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« on: July 18, 2010, 01:48:31 pm »
I have worked at a natural health food store for 5 months now. We do sell meat and dairy, but we also cater to a large customer base of vegans.  This is what I have discovered about them:
a) the females are oftentimes boyish and look prepubescent in structure and some noticeable facial hair.
b) the males are oftentimes effeminate with high voices and very little muscle mass.
c) vegans are not necessarily thin, some are fat.
d) oftentimes vegans have bad skin.

I have not done any actual research, but just constant observation.
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 11:33:52 pm »
Nicole, I think you hiat the nail on the head. I have noticed this over and over again. It is a sad time in history for males. A specific study that was performed in 1960 showed that 20 year old men had 100nm/dl sperm on average. Nowadays it is considered normal to have 20nm/dl of sperm on average. That accompanied with the fact that every son has less testosterone than his father is turning into a sad story of extinction in years to come. Like Sally Fallon said, the future will be the natural selection of the wise.
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 01:00:12 am »
Indians do not really eat soy products but they do all eat lots of or exclusively vegetable protein.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 05:32:32 am »
Vegans who eat high grains/soy diets look pale, weak and confused.

They always have this super fake smile going on. But you can tell they are suffering.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 05:45:25 am »
Interestingly I've often found a lack of drive / work ethic with my vegetarian / vegan friends - they usually come across as very laid back but to the point where they rarely get anything done in life...

And I definitely know some overweight vegetarians, certainly doesn't guarantee being thin.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2010, 06:27:28 am »
its likely their aura, which is not a myth but actually real. People with high vitality have high energy and vic versa. When two people interact, usually the one with more energy shares their energy with the one with less, hence the energized individual feels drained talking to the weaker one.
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2010, 07:06:09 am »
Has anyone heard of the new soy study which proves that GMO soy sterilizes mammals after three generations of eatting the crap?

I Heard that most farm animals cant be fed more than 30% soy without having severe health and fertility problems

Some school lunch programs use up to 30% soy in the food

most of the soy grown now is Gmo

We are only in the first Human generation of this experiment with Gmo soy

Even traditional soy eatting cultures only ate about 5% fermented soy

I think the issue goes beyond androgyny, Soy disrupts the bodies hormonal systems to such an extent that I liken it to dietary castration.

Mans men and Vixens are becoming a dying breed

Where have all the cowboys gone, now that the heart land is full of estrogen rich, round-up ready fields of soy?
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2010, 09:32:18 am »
Where have all the cowboys gone, now that the heart land is full of estrogen rich, round-up ready fields of soy?

Up Brokeback mountain =/
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2010, 09:58:58 am »
This whole topic is quite interesting because soy i in everything nowadays. I watched the movie "The Corporation" a large portion of which is about Monsanto / "Roundup Ready Soybeans". Pretty scary to hear what other farmers/scientists/governments have to say about Monsanto and the USDA and their approval processes and soy nowadays. Monsanto plays for keeps and their livery of corporate jets requires lots of agro-dollars to keep them afloat.

Soy is in darned near everything. As is corn.

Grow your own food everybody, sounds utopian but the more you can grow somehow, some way, in a window box whatever and use traditional seeds. God only knows what you are doing to yourself eating perfect looking food from the groc shop. Nobody may know for sure for a few generations. Agro-scientists are crazy and they are convinced they are not.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2010, 10:59:11 am »
Have any of you heard of how soy can make someone homosexual if they are fed soy formula as a baby. See, the male baby from 3 months to 3 years old has the same amount of testosterone as a typical 18 year old male. Why this high level of T? Because in humans, the most important infant development is in the brain, we all know this. It just so happens that the anterior pituitary in a male grows to maturity in a baby's brain, and this is what tells him he is a man. The anterior pituitary needs an excess of testosterone to fully mature. On average, a bottle of soy formula has 7-9 birth control pills worth of estrogen. That amount of estrogen being fed to a male baby surely retards the growth of his anterior pituitary setting him up for estrogen dominance and homosexuality. In other words, science knows that there are even more physiological causes of homosexuality than psychological. Feeding a baby any kind of hormone whether they are male or female is downright wrong. :(
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2010, 07:44:32 pm »
I have known boys that have been fed soy formula because of intolerance to dairy formula, and I am convinced they are being damaged somehow.

The children I have seen fed soy formula , seem to have bad looking skin(pale, pasty), and by the time they are five or so, you can tell that they look stunted and have lower vitality.

Once an infant is found to be intolerant of dairy the poor thing is started on soy,(insanity)
These kids never have a chance.

They used to be given goats milk formula which is actualy not too bad.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2010, 07:51:56 pm »
I don't find the idea that soy turns people homo hard to believe at all. Our diet is red meat, feed people poinsionous plants and things go weird.

If you look around at the next generation of teenage males most are weak chinned,scrawney lack motivation. All these poisionous plants play havoc on your hormones.

Are the super rich/informed feeding their kids this crap. I wonder.


There's a youtube clip of a vegan baby (probably fed soy) I'm still disturbed about what I saw. I'll post it if I can find it.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2010, 09:17:16 pm »

There's a youtube clip of a vegan baby (probably fed soy) I'm still disturbed about what I saw. I'll post it if I can find it.

Please do!

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2010, 11:16:51 pm »
Can't find it. His mum was force feeding him apple puree. I don't know much about kids but he was moving slowly and was not alert, probably half a second behind in his reactions.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2010, 12:08:19 am »
Also if the kid has a health problem mums aren't there to get the kids better because women are now in the workforce. There's no time for breast feeding and formula is easy.

Also you've got phthalates and triclosan which gender bending. It would be a good Idea for a prospective Raw Paleo mums to check to see if they have high levels of these in their blood. I would avoid all plastics, cosmetics and antibacterial products for at least 6 months before getting pregnant. In my inexpert opinion.

To avoid phthalates would be so hard. Everything is wrapped in soft plastic especially meat products. You could get the butcher to put your meat in a glass container but that would require a special relationship. Killing your own animal on the dirt is the only way to avoid plastics.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2010, 03:22:26 am »
thats a link of a baby dying because it was only fed soy milk and apple juice.
The couple that fed the baby were sentenced to life in prison. Good Riddance... :D

The studies show that even baby's who are not vegan but their moms are, are at risk because the breast milk studies show that vegan breast milk lacks enough docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, the omega-3 fat found in fatty fish or grass fed meat. It is difficult to overstate the importance of DHA, vital as it is for eye and brain development.

this site is a great site with great info and has plenty of these cases
It was the moorehead case you saw. I saw the video to but it is no where to be found now. Its almost like we're not supposed to see it. >:

There have been dozens of dead babies due to veganism.

I was reading facts and myths about fertility and found this interesting
 20. MYTH: Diet is important for pregnancy, not conception.

FACT: Removing sugars from the diet, (e.g., caffeine, white flour, white sugar, white corn, white rice, etc.), will improve ovulation and regularity. Foods that are broken down quickly raise insulin levels too quickly and disrupt delicate hormonal values in the ovaries causing more testosterone to be produced, impairing egg quality and thus possibly lowering the chance of conception. In some women, high insulin levels may cause irregular ovulation, irregular periods, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

 23. MYTH: Vegetarians and those who limit their protein have no problems with conception.

FACT: Adequate protein intake is essential for conception. About half of all women do not get adequate protein intake, particularly vegans and vegetarians. Vegans and vegetarians also do not get vitamin B12, zinc, iron and folic acid.

women, you all know how much folic acid is for babies dont you?
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2010, 09:11:16 pm »
Is it possible that in ancient times there were instances where estrogen rich plants could be responsible for the androgyny of the people.

The Greeks were eatting all types of vegtables and herbs at the dawn of their enlightenment so who is to say that their homosexual behavior wasn't a result of something the mothers were consuming in that time and place.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 09:31:38 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2010, 09:45:36 pm »
I have no idea if this is really true but I heard a Greco-Canadian fellow say that it is indeed true that the Greeks invented sex, but later the Italians decided to introduce it to women.

Hopefully this picture and the caption comes out.

Subject: Cultural Lessons from the G20

The Canadian: self-absorbed and disconnected from reality. Yes that's our Steve - I'm a Canadian and no we are not all like him.
The American: businesslike, unwilling to be distracted.

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Notice that the Frenchman has dropped his papers in the hopes that.... oh well.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2010, 10:29:03 pm »
Is it possible that in ancient times there were instances where estrogen rich plants could be responsible for the androgyny of the people.

The Greeks were eatting all types of vegtables and herbs at the dawn of their enlightenment so who is to say that their homosexual behavior wasn't a result of something the mothers were consuming in that time and place.

I'm not saying that being gay is always a result of dietary mistakes such as seeds, legumes, and nuts. But when people tell you that "there have always been this many gay people, its just that its more socially acceptable now so it seems like there's more. Gay people are more willing to come out." This is a complete lie, there definitely are more gay people and pussy ass men nowadays.
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2010, 03:50:37 am »
     The heart of the subject is, Do these plant hormones ingested by humans cause males to be effeminate and females to be masculine, Do this plant hormones cause other issues as well, and is the androgyny is Just a symptom of a greater issue. (The truth is out there}

Don't get hung up on the behavioral manifestations and focus on the chemistry

Some Plant hormones are chemical weapons that were designed by nature to cull the herbivores that preyed on them.

Soy is the main offender of our time, but throughout history people have ingested what every didn't kill them, even if it maimed there hormone systems(so its a problem much bigger than the soy vegan cult}
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 04:00:07 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2010, 04:35:54 am »
To answer your question sabertooth, women who eat more estrogen just get more irritable, not more masculine. Estrogen is the most depressive hormone, hence periods. Testosterone is the best antidepressant known to man and it is a proven fact. Therefore, men are more like women, and women are depressed when consuming too much soy. Estrogen in excess also means infirtility in both men and women. Women tend to get fibrosis and cancer problems because estrogen breeds fibrosis, which along with inflammation is the CAUSE of every disease. Basically, if your eating a lot of estrogen without some Yang type foods like pine or bee pollen, or maca, your setting yourself up for depression and an early death. Its mother natures way of saying when your 45 theres no need for you to reproduce anymore.
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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2010, 08:17:56 am »
Women should be naturally sweet and feminine, I see that the tough exterior put on by some women isn't masculine, its just suffering from toxic estrogen overload.

The men who get excess estrogen do undergo some type of wussification
I wonder how prevalent is the problem ?

It seems that with the universal decline in sperm count, that its a common occurrence in the developed world

I myself suffered from low testosterone, though now on this diet my malehood has be surging.
Thicker body hair , more authoritative towards the woman.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2010, 08:52:28 am »
I myself suffered from low testosterone, though now on this diet my malehood has be surging.
Thicker body hair , more authoritative towards the woman.
, forget appointments more often, ;) hate housework more :D

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2010, 10:20:14 am »


Women should be naturally sweet and feminine, I see that the tough exterior put on by some women isn't masculine, its just suffering from toxic estrogen overload.

I don't think it's estrogen, I think it's post-WWII (in USA at least). Now we have to be EVERYTHING!  -X

I myself suffered from low testosterone, though now on this diet my malehood has be surging.
Thicker body hair , more authoritative towards the woman.

What exactly does 'authoritative' mean?  You're not being a jerk are you?? Sounds condescending.

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Re: Vegan/soy diet does cause androgeny:
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2010, 11:03:36 am »
Haha, I  used to have low testosterone too, even in my late teens. It was all dietary, and I have the blood tests to prove it. Never really ate much soy, but a few years ago when I was 17 I felt aweful with depression and such. Got my T checked out and it was awefully low at 243. The doc just said, "It'll go up on its own." It didnt, and two years later it only climbed to 379. After years of trial and error I got my testosterone level from 379 to 678 (and its only climbing higher) in just a few months on this diet. I have the blood tests to prove it and all I changed was my diet to RPD. I suspect that it was my diet in heavy grains that gave me low T.
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