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Hello, new here..
« on: July 19, 2010, 01:12:50 am »
Hi there, I'm pretty much new not only to this forum, but to the raw paleo diet in general.. it's actually only been within the passed few days that I even discovered such a diet exists.  I find it very intriguing, however, because even though I live in America where everyone loves to eat their food over-cooked and over-processed, I have always preferred eating my foods more on the raw or undercooked side.. Especially my steaks and my eggs, which in fact, if my parents had ever let me, I would have consumed all of my (beef)meat completely raw.  I have actually eaten raw (beef)meat a few times, and I find it absolutely delicious and preferable since I actually find the taste of any beef bought from the grocery store and cooked to taste horrible, and I also love the taste of raw egg yolks (though I'm more adverse to eating the whites raw, mostly only because of the thick slimy part of the whites is unappealing in texture and makes me gag a bit..the more watery-liquid part doesn't bother me, especially if I mix it with the yolk, but I have always thought of egg whites as having hardly any nutritional value, whereas the yolk is rich and preferable).. but I have mostly had to eat them (both beef and eggs) raw in secret so that my parents wouldn't know, because they would not let me eat them raw if they knew.. Even though I am 21 years old, I do still live with my parents and am still subject to their rule.

As far as chicken and pork, I have only ever consumed them fully-cooked, and I am actually afraid to eat them raw, unlike with beef.  Well, I am still somewhat afraid to eat beef raw, but not enough to deter me completely from doing so, or from eating any of my steaks undercooked.. or at least, I was, until I read through this forum and on a few other sites about people eating everything raw with no adverse effects.. it has inspired me to be less afraid in eating completely raw beef.. The only problem I have is the lack of available grass-fed beef(as well as the fact that most of the beef/eggs/milk and such available to me are of the commercial grocery-store variety rather than organic in any way..unless you count that I drink/eat Real California Milk/Cheese, since I live in Southern California and made sure to always buy milk with the "Real California Milk" label on it, but I'm thinking organic milk might be a better choice), as far as I know I have never come across grass-fed before.. The closest I could find by trying a Fresh & Easy store near my work was never-frozen corn-fed beef, which I think I shall like to try eating raw.. Although they came in rather large quantities, and I would have to eat it all at once before I got home, to avoid revealing the fact that I'm eating raw meat to my Dad.  I think I might also try checking Trader Joe's.. I know someone on this forum who also lives in Southern California mentioned they were able to find grass-fed beef and such at a Whole Foods store, but when I looked up the nearest one to me, it was much too far away.

The carnivorous no carb diet interests me the most, however, because I am very fond of meat and animal products(I eat meat everyday if I can, and always eat steak whenever we eat at a sit-down restaurant, which I always order as rare, and is my most favourite thing of all to eat; I also drink milk everyday if we have it, and/or eat cheese, but I think I read that it is best to exclude all dairy from your diet?  if so, then where do you get your calcium?), and rather disgusted by vegetables, especially leafy ones like spinach or lettuce, which feel very inedible to me.  I've also mostly always hated breads, which seems to be one of the main grain-foods that everyone in this forum seems to avoid, though.  Are grain-foods a thing that ALL of you do not eat?  And if so, then what exactly do these grain-foods entail, other than bread?

Oh yes, and I wanted to add that I have never tried liver before, but I really want to try eating beef-liver raw.. I know that it is not something to eat everyday, only every once in a while, but I don't even know if I like it.. but I'm also not even sure if I will be able to find any at all, let alone grass-fed beef-liver which would be better.  Would they have it at Trader Joe's, or at least grain-fed at a typical grocery store?  Another thing I want to try is cow-bone-marrow.. (I really like eating cow.)  I don't even know where to begin looking for raw bone marrow that I can eat, though.. but anyways.

Fruit, on the other hand, is delicious and I love to eat it, but I have read that there are carnivorous animals like Tigers and Wolves in the wild who eat fruit, so I don't think eating fruit excludes one as a carnivore.  However, I've been reading that fruit is very detrimental to your teeth, which causes me to want to cut back on fruit despite how delicious I find it.  But then I have another dilemma, because for some reason I find the taste of water to be absolutely disgusting.  I know most people say water has no taste, but I can assure you that I taste it very much, no matter if the water is from tap, filtered, or bottled of any brand.. and I can only stand to take a gulp or two of water, only after I have just eaten something and it's flavour is still in my mouth and thus dilutes the flavour of the water for a moment, before the water then causes me to gag.  I don't know why this is, but it creates quite a problem to try to find healthy drinks and to not become dehydrated.. I tend to rely on the liquids from milk and/or fruit juices along with just plain fruit to keep me hydrated, I noticed that when I drank more milk and ate more fruit I was less thirty for the juice.  However when I am at work and become thirsty I tend to drink soda since we can get them for free or very cheap and I can't get milk or juice or fruit, or at least not for free, and I can't afford to be buying expensive little bottles of milk or juice everyday.

I am also glad to find that intermittent fasting seems to be beneficial to health, because I do so instinctively all the time.. or at least somewhat.  There will be days that I don't feel like eating much, and won't consume anything for a few days other than juice or milk to keep from becoming dehydrated, and even so I don't feel thirsty often, though I supposed drinking milk and juice doesn't count as fasting completely, but I hardly have a choice when I cannot drink water.  I have also noticed a bit that whether I feel like fasting, or even the opposite where I seem to feel hungry no matter how much I eat, depends on my menstrual cycle.. I find that I tend to be hungry all the time and able to eat large quantities of food when I am closer to starting my period, whereas I only ever feel like fasting when I am not near starting, or not on.  This is a more recent observation though, and I'm not sure yet when I feel like fasting is, relative to when I am ovulating.

Well, sorry that my post is so long, but I am so glad to find that there are people out there who do prefer a completely raw diet, and not just ones who are vegans or vegetarians.. but even those of you who go with a completely carnivorous diet!  And raw, at that, without any bad health side effects!  I would really like to try a raw carnivorous diet, but I don't know what all I would have to include in such a diet to make sure I am not missing any essential nutrients that would cause health problems.  Do any of you have any diet plans that you could share?
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline Wolf

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 01:25:01 am »
also I would like to ask, what does SAD stand for?  as far as I could discern, it seems to stand for something like.. Stupid American Diet.

I was able to figure things like i think RZC meaning.. Raw Zero Carbs, I believe, though.. but the acronyms are still a bit confusing.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 06:06:38 am »
Thank you!

Lol, I was pretty close with my guess.. "Stupid/Standard American Diet"
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 06:10:47 am »
I wouldnt say cut out all dairy if you truly love it. Many people say stay away on this forum, however many others do well on dairy. It's up to your reaction to it. No it does not seem very paleo, but as long as its raw, and you love it, why not drink it. I do suggest always staying away from pasteurized dairy because it is very harmful and science actually confirmed it is bad for your bones. They did a 2 year study of women who consumed pasteurized dairy as opposed to women who abstained from dairy completely. The women who drank the pasteurized dairy had significant calcium and density loss in the bones (pasteurized dairy is very acidic in a bad way). The women who abstained from dairy had no loss at all, and some even increased bone calcium and density. I used to drink raw milk all the time and loved it, but when it came down to $, after about 2 months I decided Id rather eat a kilo of meat a day than buy raw milk, so for the sake of money, I stopped buying dairy. Meat before dairy always. IMO coconut milk tastes better and is a lot healthier for you and cheaper too.
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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 06:51:56 am »
Hm, I don't think it's possible for me to find any raw milk.. I really love milk and don't want to exclude it from my diet though, but that study with women losing bone calcium and density sucks.   :'(   Does cheese (pasteurized) have the same effect, and is cheese even okay?
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2010, 07:34:45 am »
I know raw cheese is very healing given one's tolerance to it. Id steer clear from all pasteurized products if you're really serious about raw. I hate the fact that pasteurized milk is always put in a vat with thousands of other cows, so each time you buy a gallon of milk, it is likely from over a thousand cows. This is yet another reason why pasteurized milk can be bad. If 1 cow is sick, the whole batch of milk goes bad, and there goes our tax dollars paying for irresponisble factory farming. When I drink raw milk, I usually get it from the farmer who milked a cow that day ensuring 100% that it is from only 1 cow. Im sure you've heard of the bacterial benefits of raw milk. Pasteurized milk has no bacteria so if anything gets in it it will flourish, including ecoli and other nasty stuff. The bacteria in raw milk is mostly lactobacillus acidophilous, shich is a fancy word for acid loving milk bacterium. This bacteria is the strongest of all bacteria and is on the outer layer of our very skin. Many people dont know that this outer layer of skin with the lacto bacillus is the bodies 1st immune system, and yes we have two. People generally think of white blood cells and lymphocytes, but that should be the last resort immune system. True immunity starts with the skin. However modern society has constantly led us to believe that we are dirty and need to be  "clean" so we wash ourselves with harmful products and destroy our first immune system. Swimming in chlorine pools does this as well. I digress, however scientists did tests with raw and pasteurized milk and when ecoli was put in pasteurized milk, it flourished (because pasteurized milk is sterile with no defense), however when they put it in raw milk, that lacto bacillus destroyed ecoli 157 within minutes.
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Offline klowcarb

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2010, 09:00:36 am »
I would eat cheese or butter over fruit, but then, I'm ZC  :D.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2010, 06:25:55 pm »
I've never really had an intolerance to any type of food, other than for taste or texture.  Nothing I eat ever makes me sick, even when I was on SAD and ate horrible junk like crazy.  I'm not sure if I would be able to find raw milk or cheese anywhere though, unless I was able to find a farm, which would then most likely be grain-fed since there's like no 100% grass-fed farms around here.. so it's pretty much pasteurized or nothing.  =\
Thank you for your explanation though, and I don't mind at all if you digress, it's interesting to learn new things.  n.n

I love fruit, even though I'd prefer to be carnivorous, but it seems even the carnivores in the wild will occasionally have some fruit.. but I also love juicy food, so that might be a reason I like fruit.. plus the sweetness.  I also love me some cheese though, so I don't know which I'd pick over the other..
Do you ever eat anything like honey?  Or is that too much carbs?
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2010, 09:32:35 pm »
Well, as a matter of fact, Id pick raw honey over fruit any day. This is because the nutrient content is so high. It is packed with vitamins, and minerals, and oh so many enzymes. You can even get that online. Make sure the honey is labeled as unheated and/or raw. is a good site to get some. Also, I think honey is mostly glucose, which makes it a superior sugar as opposed to fructose, as fructose in excess can damage the liver, however glucose rarely ever goes to the liver, meaning its not toxic at all.
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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2010, 12:17:01 am »
I'd think one should ideally eat honey with the comb, and whatever's in it. Of course though, one should really have access to a whole wild animal as well... So unless you're doing everything 'proper' I suppose it's not worth worrying about compromising on one extra thing.
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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2010, 05:14:30 am »
Hm, I once tried honey in the comb, but I didn't much like the texture of the comb and always spat it out.. I don't think I even thought to swallow it, though, I thought that part was inedible.

I'm probably not dong things that "proper" but I'm trying as best as I can to stay raw.. I just have a few problems as far as finding raw/organic foods, having to avoid my dad finding out I'm eating raw meat/eggs, and not having much money to buy my own foods.. and I also haven't found much of a source of fat either, I can't seem to find any marrow, which I really want to try, and I'd prefer to avoid anything pork since whenever I've eaten it (all cooked, though) although it might taste good, I couldn't eat a lot of it before it gave me something of a sick feeling in my stomach and made me feel like the meat is somehow dirty.  The closest butcher I could even find (searching on the internet) was about 45 minutes to an hour drive away, and I couldn't even find much info about it, what I could find made it seem like it was pretty much just a meat processing company.

Probably my best sources for raw/organic foods are Fresh & Easy and Trader Joe's and they don't seem to have that wide of selection from what I could find.. Trader Joe's was the only place at all that I could even find 100% grass-fed beef, and it was only 85/15 ground-beef for about $6 a lb.

Also having trouble finding any liver, the only kind I could find was a plastic container full of very liquidy liver at my local commercial grocery store (and of that store's brand), which more than likely is grain-fed hormone-injected tortured-cow liver.. and I don't know if that would be very safe to eat raw?  and is it supposed to be so liquidy?
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2010, 05:39:06 am »
I wouldn't eat the liver - if it's a commercial cow the chemicals they injected into it accumulate there. Liver is juicy so being liquid is it's normal state, but grass-fed is supposed to be firmer.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2010, 06:28:06 am »
aw man, and i really wanted to try liver.. but I seriously doubt I will be able to find any grass-fed or even organic raw liver anywhere.   :'( 
where else am I supposed to get all the nutrients that are found in liver?
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline klowcarb

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2010, 11:51:38 am »
I eat regular chicken livers.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2010, 01:56:26 pm »
I've never really been a big fan of chicken, and I doubt I'd be able to find chicken livers more easily than cow livers.

There's lots of rabbits that run around wild around my neighborhood, I wish I could catch one and eat it.. I wonder what rabbit meat and rabbit liver tastes like?
It would be very difficult to catch one, though, and even more difficult to go unnoticed..
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2010, 09:58:53 pm »
rabbit trap in your back yard
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2010, 10:31:23 pm »
Takes all the fun out of a hunt!!
lol, just kidding, I thought about a trap but then there's the problem of keeping both my dad and my neighbors (who can easily see into the backyard) from noticing that I'm killing rabbits and eating them raw, and then I need to dispose of the rest of the carcass without anyone able to see/smell it..

I tend to get caught pretty easily and I don't even know HOW my dad would react if he knew I was eating raw rabbits.. probably send me to a psychiatrist at the very least, if not a mental ward or something.. he'd freak out.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2010, 05:11:52 am »
There shouldn't be anything left to get smelly once you're done with it =)
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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2010, 05:39:09 am »
I don't think I could eat an entire rabbit by myself.  >>;  plus, the idea of eating any organs other than the liver or heart kinda grosses me out.. and I also wouldn't be eating the skin/fur.  I also never had rabbit before so I don't even know if I'd like it in the first place.  Also I've never killed/gutted/skinned an animal before, and I don't know if having to do all the dirty work myself might be a bit off-putting, at least at first.   -\  And it seems like a pretty messy ordeal, I'd have to make sure to keep clean enough.. my dad's house is SPOTLESS, so if I even got the tiniest drop of blood in the house, he'd notice.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

Offline dsohei

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2010, 05:46:49 am »
where in the states do you live? please dont say "the republic of DADistan"

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2010, 07:13:21 am »
5-10% off your first purchase at with dicount code: KIS978

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2010, 08:19:13 pm »
where in the states do you live? please dont say "the republic of DADistan"

Lol, might as well be.
I live in Southern California, though.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Hello, new here..
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2010, 08:19:45 pm »
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.


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