Interesting thread,
I have always had excellent eyesight (always the first to see icebergs when patrolling the ocean, even before the radar operator) but when I hit around mid forties I started to have to wear reading glasses so being stubborn I decided to try a bunch of different things which may not work for all but here they are;
Ayurveda my main squeeze, has kept the issues to a dull roar. My Vaidya friend suggested
blueberries which did make a big difference to me, but you have to eat a lot daily. As a pilot I had read about the research done during WW2 on pilots re; night vision.
I tried the
Bates Method but doing all of it took time which with meditation, pranayama, asana, 5bx etc daily was too much, but my GF and I do a certain group of eye exercises every day for eye mobility, peripheral vision and focus. I love the palming.I know one guy in Toronto Canada who did it for a long time and he said he changed something like 2.5 diopters but you have to keep it up. He's retained some of the improvement.
Went to an
eye doc because I was trying to get a prescription for glasses so I could get a work paid for insurance refund to get a good pair of sunglasses and safety glasses. He sold me 1.2 glasses and said he gave stronger glasses to "save me money when they deteriorated". I was very disappointed when I asked him of any exercises he knew of. I was doing a set already. He told me exercises are a waste of time and even laughed at me when I asked. This guy was recommended to me by my ex. What a donkey!
GF and I went to a spiritual guide associated with Free Soul. In the discussion he mentioned he got a very spiritually evolved friend of his to do psychic surgery in which he removed something which brought his eyes back to normal with no relapse. The guy was around 60 something and wore no reading glasses. We never got his friend's name after all because he was of no-fixed-address and wasn't doing it for a living. Karma etc is part of the equation.
Dr. Jerry Jebrock - I saw him on an EFT video talking about using EFT to improve vision and also using exercises which I and GF do daily. Jebrock wiggle.
Went to a
homeopath out of curiosity. She gave me a couple of bottles and told me to eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries / day. Got an almost instant return to normal vision when I followed her suggestion. That was shocking but it didn't last and was quite expensive to go to her but I still eat the berries.
Sungazing HRM method Started July 16 2009 with GF. Went up to 45 minutes @ 10 seconds per day increments as he suggested..... OK we cheated and went faster sosume!

Corresponded with HRM and met him in Toronto on his visit. My eyes went from 1.2 reading glasses to 1.0 and none in decent light. My GF went to her eye doc for her annual when we were getting close to the 45 minutes. Prior year she was told she would need glasses for driving and an operation on her eyes. This year it was; no operation and she went back 10 years in eye prescription. The doc went over the exam a second time as it made no sense. When asked, the doc said that she was just having a speedbump and it would be back to normal (degradation) next year. She reads large print books nowand is absolutely thrilled about it. You didn't hear this from me,

but she is 64... Ssssshhhhhh! We are back down to 15 minutes per day and walk in the dirt as prescribed.
Although I may sound like a hypochondriac

I rarely go to a doctor (in Canada it is free) except for my pilot medical. The doc in the town I lived was a friend and he told me I had the smallest file in town.
So now we do the set of exercises and sungazing plus palming afterwards daily plus eat blueberries frequently and do some tratik with a yogi bud of ours once a month on the full moon.