Author Topic: Bioengineered herpes is good for you  (Read 16909 times)

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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2010, 07:25:42 pm »
My theory of evolution combines the theory of natural selection with the theory of intelligent design via active Genetic reconstruction, its really a revolutionary Idea.

The DNA is lord of itself and is capable of forming of its own intelligent design, based on environmental necessity(natural selection with a touch of artistic licence and a spark of the divine)

DNA contains the essence of free will, It can alter its patterns based on its perceived necessities, in a way that's almost like an educated guess for what is the most beneficial path to take , (its the ultimate mechanism for survival)Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it dead ends (the tail end of the process is what Darwin saw in natural selection)

DNA Intelligent design is the catalyst at the front of all genetic adaption(not random mutation)

This may just be conjecture and there is no real studies that I can site(but I have something more conclusive to offer)My human intuition tells me that there must be some truth into what I have discovered.

Penny for your thoughts
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 07:34:43 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2010, 10:47:10 pm »
That is a way better theory than conventional, and I can believe that. I do believe in natural selection within a species definitely. I believe that giraffes did grow longer necks as a result of it. I believe we became smarter because of it.
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2010, 12:05:08 am »
There is increasing evidence in favour a form of lamarckism as opposed to natural selection, IMO:-
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2010, 06:57:10 am »
I have debated with many on this topic and no one has ever shown me solid evidence. Dont get me wrong, I used to be a believer of we came from chimps, but after a while, as I became smarter, I realized that it is just theory with very little evidence.

Looking at the fossil record and seeing that different species exist at different times, how exactly do you think species do come about?

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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2010, 07:23:14 am »
Truly insightfull Tyler , Its ashamed that it was Darwin that had the support of the money bags that ran the universities of his time and Lamarck who was of lower cast had his Ideas pushed aside (so I never heard of him in highschool biology)

These Ideas are truly empowering for those who have visions of a better future for mankind.

Imagine If you could devise a way to apply these theory's of proactive gene modification to benefit of human life, in just three generations we could return humanity to health and prosperity.(I have already began to take the first step with returning to the evolutionary diet, and hopefully raising my kids as paleo as possible)

The only fear I have is that there are the genetic engineers out there who are primitively aware of how to manipulate DNA for their own idiotic purposes, and I honestly don't believe that the Overlords of the current scientific cabal have whats best for humanity at heart.

We must stop them from playing God, who really wants a group of people no matter how principled, wielding that type of power over the sacred forces of life.

Its happening now with the potential that lies within the genetically modified virus, virus was a way for evolution to clean up genetic damage and correct flaws, the herpies family of virus probably played a role in breaking down degenerated nerve tissue(a natural process)Now we have in development Genetically altered variants that have been designed to attack healthy receptor sites in the brain, where as the last generation unleashed wasn't so elegant, and just wreaked havoc througout the bodies systems

The technology is now being developed to an extent were the brave new world of Aldous Huxley could be created, after a few more generations of fine tuning the controlers could find a way of making the population into biological androids who's sole pourpose is designated at birth and who's natural instincts have be culled scientifically, Huxley couldnot forsee genetic engineering ;he thought world domination could be achieved through controlled breading and gestational poisoning; but to live is to adapt, and the poisons will build tolerance, so if the brave new world ever gets to be, then it will be maintained by the genetic altering of the human genetic code,

We must begin to put a leash on this technology before it enslaves us all.

sorry if I am maniacally ranting(Its my nature)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 07:41:29 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2010, 10:53:43 am »
Looking at the fossil record and seeing that different species exist at different times, how exactly do you think species do come about?

To be honest, I dont know, but to speak of species morphing in modern academia as fact, therein lies the problem. That species morph into another species is totally theory, and that is it, so therefore my guess is just as good as anybody else's.
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2010, 09:02:30 pm »
You are you one who believes, Pioneer... Real scientists don't believe in anything as fact.

The different species are categories that humans have come up with... It is not Pokémon. It's like size 4 feet don't morph into size 5 feet, there is stuff in between but they have categories. This stuff happens over a long time. The species which it came from doesn't even have to disappear.. Like when you change appearance you might not notice it when you look in the mirror every day, but someone who only sees you every few years will see a jump-change. They may see 'old you' and 'new you', but you didn't instantly change between those.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 09:12:42 pm by miles »
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2010, 10:33:47 pm »
You are you one who believes, Pioneer... Real scientists don't believe in anything as fact.

The different species are categories that humans have come up with... It is not Pokémon. It's like size 4 feet don't morph into size 5 feet, there is stuff in between but they have categories. This stuff happens over a long time. The species which it came from doesn't even have to disappear.. Like when you change appearance you might not notice it when you look in the mirror every day, but someone who only sees you every few years will see a jump-change. They may see 'old you' and 'new you', but you didn't instantly change between those.

Actually, the way you just phrased that last paragraph shows me that you do indeed believe, which is fine. I am not here to judge anyone for their beliefs. All I said was that that theory is just a theory, not fact. You say it takes a long time for these things to happen, well, yes you would be telling the truth if there was any evidence of the species changing over a long period of time, but there isnt. There are only fossils of separate and different species. Then, with species that look alike, scientists just simply speculate what changes they think occured and try to fill in the gaps. That of which I am sorry to say, holds no truth but only theory. And yes in schools the professors do teach this theory as fact. There's thousands of texts on it as well. Also nobody can speak against it because they would be labeled a religious radical. Im not even saying all of this because I believe in Jesus. I am a man of truth and believe that when theories are spoken of as fact, there is a problem with science. Why? because once we look at one theory as fact, it is as if the case is closed. In other words, there is very little research on what else could have happened in evolution. That in my opinion is only holding science back.
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Re: Bioengineered herpes is good for you
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2010, 10:58:02 pm »
To be honest, I dont know, but to speak of species morphing in modern academia as fact, therein lies the problem. That species morph into another species is totally theory, and that is it, so therefore my guess is just as good as anybody else's.

I think that the "guess" of speciation is better than random other guesses. We know genes can mutate and change in cells. What is the difference between species? Their genome in their cells. It seems like you're saying genes can change this much but not that much, and giving no evidence or reason as to why.


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