hmmmm.... "a thousand different mythical diseases. Might wanna get a blood check, you might be related. : )
"As for the autism claims, it is an established scientific fact that autism cannot be cured, and is of genetic origin."
Would you care to give us the proof of that statement. That's quite a claim that a medical condition is incurable. Heck, may as well close down all those silly research facilities.
Sure there have been cases where some digestive-related symptoms of autistic children were removed/reduced , and no doubt removal of certain digestive-related issues could result in an improvement in mood and the like, but the non-gluten/non-casein diet hasn't been truly successful re removing the actual autistic condition.
So to summarize are you now saying that a dietary shift may be useful in an unsubstantial way?
In the brief period that I was doing clinics with Ayurveda I saw patients with serious diseases that Allopathic medicine simply gave up on or handed them useless drugs. One girl with amenorrhea simply needed to give up her exercise regime which was aggravating her. Another guy with asthma simply needed dietary modifications to keep himself drug free and symptom free. I am not advertising for this modality, just making a point that since little is known about a topic there is no need to make the horizons smaller than they are.
It is not important whether or not AV is making it up as much as whether it is true/possible.
Genetics can be used to explain away just about anything because you are obviously constituted from the sum of your parents parts ie the sperm and the egg which are a microcosm of the originators state of emotion and health at the moment of conception. So saying something is genetic is pointless.
So is my mother's stomach cancer genetic? I have avoided it because Ayurveda has shown me a proper dietary direction to go and that combined with eating raw has allowed me to avoid this pitfall.
I have seen some wild and crazy cures affected by some wild and crazy methodologies.
The video fascinated me in the sense that this girl has said the issue that she is struggling with is related to a sensory overload. That's why she moves continuously. In Ayurvedic terms she is unable to digest or metabolize the sensory perceptions. Sort of like when you walk into a large city garbage dump. Your nostrils and eyes are in sensory overload and cannot digest what you see and smell and likely you'll end up vomitting or feeling really bad, or when you smell a rose, you instantly metabolize the sensory perception and your body feels suddenly wide open, alive and great.
One of my exes relatives had a child that was normal in every way until someone sprayed her with some kind of bug repellent. She never spoke from then on.