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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #125 on: August 29, 2010, 06:34:50 am »
Mr. Speaker, I would like to request if a Motion to Reconsider can be made to change my vote to supporting one PaleoPhil of Vermont's legislation to a moderate stance regarding the multifactorial nature of diease. I believe he shares my belief that although diet and evironment can play a large role in creating or curing disease that one should not depend on such or any other cause, preventative, or treatment - no matter how natural or poisoious- as the sole determining factor in the creation of disease or to reset the equilibrium of health.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #126 on: August 29, 2010, 06:58:45 am »
I will make some digressions and try to tone down the maniacal rhetoric, Just
realize it stems from a belief that many people in my family have been harmed by vaccines(I know)
Its possible because of some faulty genes or what not ,but take into consideration that different tribes of people were designed to live under different circumstances and that a shot that is harmless to you may be devastating to me, there needs to be more research done so that those prone to bad reactions can be given safer alternatives.

I have native American blood in me and just as the native Americans where devastated by the white mans diseases, perhaps My family is being devastated by the white mans medical magic while the average European pure blood person may be unaffected

My contention is that I wasn't given a choice this was forced on me and I can not take it back

 My ancestors lived healthy lives without the white mans poison and that opportunity was stolen form me (Its a mater of liberty and Ideals as well as what is deemed best by the lab coat class. So please don't missunderstand my spirit in this fight. Remember that before Columbus there were 60 million natives living in Harmony with out these concoctions; yes life was sometimes brutal and unfair sometimes but at least they were free.

Genetic engineering I fear has the potential to do great harm whether or not autism can be linked to it or not, may be another issue.  please understand there is no where to run from this new invasion,  

My concern is that the genie is out of the bottle now and we may never be able to live and evolve as nature would intend, now that the majority of humanity is being altered by these artificial agents, and polluted with who knows what, and there is a sweeping under the rug of those afflicted with the new emerging conditions, I don't trust the numbers given out by the ones considered to be authorities or the explanations as to how the trends should be accepted as normal,(the price we pay for technology)

I wish to leave the reservation as one of a thousand points of light that will lead the way to a freer place, I might be wrong about the details of the world of mans powerstructure, but I am right about more pressing things, like the free spirits of my wife and children which I feel are threatened by that structure even if I cant articulate in the newspeak required by society, what the True nature of the danger may be, Its my intuition that tells me what is good and bad, not abstract scientific statistics or social commentary alone
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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #127 on: August 29, 2010, 08:28:27 am »
I certainly wouldn't want to diminish your experiences and your families. I have had my own frustrations (to put it lightly) with medical treatments and probably all sorts of decisions by my parents and requirements from institutions and so forth that contributed to poor health. If I was even less luckily I might have been born into a family that freebased heroin and fed me purple drink and ketchup. Chalk this up to past life karma or general unfairness of the universe. What I figured out in my case, was that even in the areas where I could probably even cite legal irresponsibility (in my adult treatments) there was/is pretty much nothing to gain for me in focusing on that, short of understanding that I will have different needs then someone else.

I think of it like this, if one's goal is to convince people that something is bad, all (ha) you really need to do is convince them through example. Yes that means reciting SOME specifics (hopefully facts) about the wrongs (of the world, of the thing etc..) but also more importantly showing some example of what someone can actually do about it. From the sense of the posts I've read you do alot of the latter, so that is good. Most people already have a sense that there is pretty much nothing they can do about things, and then there are those who's faith rests entirely in the medical model or I suppose in government etc...who neither need more reason to be discouraged nor to feel more powerless.

I don't think distrust really is a problem, unless one becomes incapable of having some basic faith in humanity AND that large percentage of problems is just unmotivated non predetermined fuck ups. Knowledge is power, but the idea that everything is destroyed and we are headed for an apocalyptic nightmare and all the other specific conspiracies don't exactly inspire me to make long term strategies for health, particularly if they arn't easy or are shunned by such conventional traps.

The way I see it, most genetic engineering and bio/nanotechnology is totally inevitable yes, but the idea that there is 'no where to run' and other such things I will argue again serves very little purpose as a thought. At the very least, like pharmaceuticals, these things will probably bring about the increasing longevity of acute cases, but with a sacrifice of quality of life. With the nano stuff there is possibility potential for much more but of course a potential for things to get completely out of hand. Like anything else however, since it is inevitable ( no matter how much political or physical destruction to its process) I can only accept it as just another change in reality, neither good nor bad.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #128 on: August 29, 2010, 10:25:04 am »
I think a lot of people like me feel powerless about things we cannot control, or we thrash out blindly at those people and ideas that seem to exert a negative energy over us. I know that most people are just as hopeless and lost about the mysteries involved in dread diseases like autism as I am.

The Ideal that there is nowhere to run and that we cant head for the hills as my ansesters did in the great depression, isn't a decree of powerlessness it is meant to say that we must make a stand and work to put a short leash on this uncontrollable technology that is now in the hands of people who do not comprehend the danger. To warn the people and ride out like Paul Revere should not be looked on as fear mongering or misanthropic fatalism. Its a battle cry, tyranny was never totally vanquished during the revolution, it was only kept at bay, every day is a revolution and we are all responsible keeping the light(one if by land two if by sea the British are coming the British are coming)

Tyranny isn't always the deliberate will of the evil spirit, it is also the ignorance of misguided fools who allow the existence of such evil. I just don't want to be a part of either , but sadly the duality of action and inaction seems to leave me smack dab in the middle of it. I know I must do something even if I risk pissing off the Torys. believe it or not, I have practiced positive thinking and transcendentalism, Its just hard to keep you center when your burning with madness and sickness as I was Pre paleo
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 10:50:11 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #129 on: August 29, 2010, 08:02:08 pm »
Anyone even looked the chart I gave ? The thread is full on intelligent chit chat. But makes it all too complex. I admit I am quite stupid and shouldn't even be posting here.

But the theory of mine is that autism started to appear at the same time as Monosodium glutamate was introduced into food industry.

The cause of the Autism could be as simple as giving MSG to the developing fetus brain. As you all know MSG is Excitotoxicity (Excitotoxicity is the pathological process by which nerve cells are damaged and killed by glutamate and similar substances). Blood brain barrier won't stop developing until 6 weeks after birth. That's quite enough time to hit the brain with food industry. Monosodium Glutamate can pass BBB even in fully developed BBB. Also, quite few Vaccines have MSG in it. Nowadays autism is also treated with glutamate blockers.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #130 on: August 29, 2010, 09:03:30 pm »
I will make some digressions and try to tone down the maniacal rhetoric, Just
realize it stems from a belief that many people in my family have been harmed by vaccines(I know)
Its possible because of some faulty genes or what not, but take into consideration that different tribes of people were designed to live under different circumstances and that a shot that is harmless to you may be devastating to me, there needs to be more research done so that those prone to bad reactions can be given safer alternatives.

I have native American blood in me and just as the native Americans where devastated by the white mans diseases, perhaps My family is being devastated by the white mans medical magic while the average European pure blood person may be unaffected  My contention is that I wasn't given a choice this was forced on me and I can not take it back

 My ancestors lived healthy lives without the white mans poison and that opportunity was stolen form me (Its a mater of liberty and Ideals as well as what is deemed best by the lab coat class. So please don't misunderstand my spirit in this fight. Remember that before Columbus there were 60 million natives living in Harmony with out these concoctions; yes life was sometimes brutal and unfair sometimes but at least they were free.

Genetic engineering I fear has the potential to do great harm whether or not autism can be linked to it or not, may be another issue.  please understand there is no where to run from this new invasion,  

My concern is that the genie is out of the bottle now and we may never be able to live and evolve as nature would intend, now that the majority of humanity is being altered by these artificial agents, and polluted with who knows what, and there is a sweeping under the rug of those afflicted with the new emerging conditions, I don't trust the numbers given out by the ones considered to be authorities or the explanations as to how the trends should be accepted as normal,(the price we pay for technology)

I wish to leave the reservation as one of a thousand points of light that will lead the way to a freer place, I might be wrong about the details of the world of mans powerstructure, but I am right about more pressing things, like the free spirits of my wife and children which I feel are threatened by that structure even if I cant articulate in the newspeak required by society, what the True nature of the danger may be, Its my intuition that tells me what is good and bad, not abstract scientific statistics or social commentary alone

I have done some interesting reading lately on that subject and I would be willing to bet you are right on the money there. Apparently native American's were (are) all one blood type (O) as opposed to white man who are a variety. This was the reason why the initial estimates of how many NA there were before the WMs arrival were so low. Our diseases virtually wiped out millions and millions all over the continent and in most cases long before the WM even got to an area our diseases had passed along in front of us like a wave of pestilence. Initially it was thought there was maybe 500,000 NAs but now the estimates are making there way past 75 million and climbing depending on who you listen to. Whole villages were wiped out without a single shot from any WMs gun.

When the Spanish arrived in Central America there is speculation that one of their slaves, an African was sick coming over with (not sure which disease). This one patient passed on his disease to Central America (Incas) and their population went from something like 35 million to almost being wiped out. The Spanish could never had subdued them with their horses as they couldn't climb the steep cliffs to their settlements. It was disease not guns that did it.

I am not sure that life was any more brutal for the NA then it was for the WM at the time.

Regarding GMO I think that there is no good to come from that. The only thing to do there is run as fast as you can in the other direction. The Europeans have wisely decided exactly that. In North. Am. we are stuck with the s*^t. You cannot convince me that the persons making the decision to legalize that crap weren't on the take. To me that is a no-brainer.

The Mad Cow Disease is an interesting study on what we are capable of and what the consequences are. MCD causes symptoms similar to Alzheimers and it's effects don't show up for a long time. So nowadays with the meat processing system when meat is ground up for 100% all-beef patties by the burger emporium owned by a clown,  ;) there are (I am led to believe) up to 50,000 lbs in the mixing vats which is a lot of beef. If only one cow had MCD then it is likely that the whole batch would be contaminated and therefore God only knows how many people would be infected with this problem and it is virtually untraceble. Who is going to remember the burger they had 10 years ago.

ST your wisdom shines through in your post. It's one thing to freely speculate about "conspiracy theories" but to live a real threat imposed by the outside speaks volumes. I think your intuition is correct. I wouldn't be interested in the opinion of the cold-hearted orb who said your intuition was incorrect. We all have the authority to keep ourselves free from disease.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #131 on: August 29, 2010, 10:55:10 pm »
Sorry for this very long post but this is related to the ongoing discussion on vaccinations... Got this post from a  Yahoo group.

Australia Bans Flu Vac- Kids Vomiting, Fevers, Seizures
(NaturalNews) Although it's still summer in North America, it is of course winter in Australia, and the flu season is well under way there. As usual, Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to vaccinate their children against the flu, propagating the mythology that flu vaccines are both safe and effective. But this time around, many Australian parents found out the hard way that they were being lied to.

It didn't take long to realize the truth after their children start going into convulsions following the flu vaccine injections. Other children began vomiting or exhibiting dangerously high levels of fever. One child has gone into a coma and may never recover.

As reported in WA Today (

"Perth mother of two Bea Flint said her 11-month-old boy Avery had a seizure after receiving the first dose of the two-dose flu vaccination on Saturday. Mrs Flint said that after the 9am vaccination she noticed Avery had a minor temperature about 2pm. At 7.45pm, Avery started whimpering and moaning. When Mrs Flint got to his cot the baby had vomited and was lying on his side having a seizure. 'He couldn't cry - his head was hanging down in the car seat and he couldn't move. I was petrified - it was one of the worst experiences of my life."

The story goes on to say, "The doctor who treated Avery told Mrs Flint her baby was the fifth child with similar symptoms admitted to the hospital that day."

In other words, this was no rare event. Vaccinated children suffering severe convulsions were piling up in hospital emergency rooms across the country.

The real kicker, though, is that children started having convulsions two weeks ago but Australian health authorities ignored them, insisting that the vaccine was safe and causing it to be injected in yet more babies. Two weeks later, with dozens more children experiencing convulsions (and who knows how many thousands actually being harmed in less obvious ways), Commonwealth chief health officer Professor Jim Bishop finally announced the vaccination ban.

Remember: Health authorities in Australia, UK, the United States and everywhere else have relentlessly insisted that flu vaccines are perfectly safe and can't possibly harm anyone. In the U.S., the FDA has given its approval to the very same flu vaccine that's harming children in Australia, and the CDC has insisted that all children in the USA -- regardless of age -- should now be injected with this very same flu vaccine.

So now we've got a vaccine that Australia has banned by the USA somehow says is safe enough to inject into a six-month-old infant. How many convulsing babies will it take in the U.S. before American parents realize the truth about flu vaccines?

Chemically induced convulsions
As you're reading this, you may find yourself wonder, "Well, what could cause such convulsions in children?"

The answer is more terrifying than you might think, because it's not "weakened flu viruses" that vaccine manufacturer claim they put into the vaccines. A weakened flu virus doesn't send children into convulsions. Only a chemical can do that.

The chemical in question is one that's routinely added to most vaccines as a way to aggravate the immune system to respond to the presence of the weakened virus. It's called an "adjuvant" and consists of a highly inflammatory chemical that we now know may damage brain tissues and the nervous system. It is this adjuvant that most likely caused the convulsions in children.

Even in children who don't experience convulsions, there is speculation that this adjuvant may lead to future Alzheimer's disease or other neurological disorders. Vaccine manufacturers always attempt to downplay their use of adjuvant chemicals, and few media outlets focus on this important point, but it is the adjuvant that is most likely responsible for sending these Australian children into hospitals with convulsions.

Health authorities defend dangerous vaccine
One thing I've noticed about vaccine pushers is that they behave like irrational zealots. No matter how much evidence surfaces about the dangers of vaccines, they continue to mindlessly push them while ignoring the evidence.

A pediatric professor in Australia, Dr Peter Richmond, admitted that researchers were trying to figure out if the entire vaccine was dangerous, or if there was just a bad batch. But even before getting the answer to this question, he goes on to say that everybody over the age of five should go ahead and get injected with this same vaccine! (

In other words, he's so convinced the vaccine is safe -- even after dozens of children were obviously harmed by it -- that he's still pushing the same dangerous vaccine onto everybody else!

This is precisely the kind of attitude reflected across the vaccine industry. Reports of children being harmed, or paralyzed, or hospitalized by vaccines are always written off as "coincidence." The mounting evidence is simply thrown out the window because it conflicts with the pro-vaccine agenda.

Can you imagine the outrage if an herbal product sent fifty kids to the hospital suffering from convulsions? Health authorities across the world would be quick to condemn the product, and they'd confiscate it right off the shelves while shutting down the operations of its manufacturer. But somehow when a vaccine does the same thing, these same health authorities urge people to keep on injecting their children with it!

It makes no sense. But then again, the vaccine industry was never based on rational thinking in the first place. If health authorities were truly rational, they'd be handing out vitamin D supplements to children instead of injecting them with vaccines, because vitamin D has been scientifically proven to provide better protection against the flu than vaccines. (

Of course, to ask health authorities to make rational decisions is sort of like asking politicians to start telling the truth. In the complicated world of profits and politics, rational, honest thinking just doesn't get any traction. It's far more profitable to keep lying to the world and raking in billions of dollars each year off dangerous vaccines, even as they continue to harm innocent children.

I often wonder... How many dead children will it take before parents wake up and realize that flu vaccines are dangerous? The answer may surprise you: Even a million dead children won't change the minds of most parents because they just do whatever they're told by health authorities, even if it makes no rational sense.

Most parents are so brainwashed by the medical system that they would gladly line up to have their babies injected with chemotherapy if they were told it was somehow necessary.

At some point, the parents whose babies are being harmed or potentially even killed by these vaccines can only blame themselves. They were the ones who brought their babies to be injected with a chemical adjuvant and viral fragments, and they should know better than to trust the government when it comes to health advice. The government, after all, still says that pharmaceutical chemicals are good for you while vitamins, herbs and natural remedies are dangerous. And it's the government that approved the very vaccines that are right now sending these children to the hospital.

Any parent that trusts the government with the health of their child is setting themselves up for catastrophe. And that catastrophe could very well cost them the life of their child.

Additional sources for this story include:


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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #132 on: August 30, 2010, 03:49:56 pm »
The reality can no longer be totally suppressed by the controlled media anymore about the true danger and magnitude of damage being done by vaccinations
India has put a ban after 4 cases of instant death within hours of the measles shots in children under 9 months. Children all over the world are developing neurological episodes and convulsions after vaccination
The adjevents are a key point in this discussion(i personaly belong to the thimerisol generation)
Studies done on animals in the 1920s conclusively proved that thimerisol was to toxic even for animal vaccines so why was it being injected into children 80 years later.
Do you honestly think that because they take the Mercury out and replace it with other toxic chemicals in vaccines that the problems will be resolved, these things are so unnatural and so anti paleo I don't see how it can be defended by anyone who reads into the subject.

I heard Mad Cow being brought up and I feel obligated to drop the knowledge bomb on the Mad Cow myth
Mad cow Disease was called Kuru by the Japanese during world war 2 where it was developed and experimented with as a bio weapon and unleashed on indigenous peoples.
It was claimed that it was spread by the practice of cannibalism ,by the researchers who resumed scientific studies after the Japanese were evicted,and Carleton Gajdusek won the Nobel prize for his research on the new decease that would slowly ravage the brain( Clearly a red haring)This man Dr.gajdueke was a monster, a stooge, and and convicted child rapist, who professed that the decease originated because of cannibalism.
The disease didn't exist until the Japanese began their experiments with extracting it from sheep's brains and concentrating the prions and injecting it into the natives. Its a wasting disease that took 20 years to begin cause the mad cow type symptoms, so by the time the western nations intelligence operations took over the research on the stricken people they were able to spin the data and did not menton the Japanese experimentation's in their Nobel prize report,(a red herring) Even in the sheep's where the disease originated, it wasn't a disease causing agent in the sheep's until the sheep were experimented on in order to develop the toxic concentrations of this quasi viral(prion) agent that triggers the brain wasting. The sheep's were inoculated with astronomically high amounts of the brain eatting agents and once they became diseased their  brains were used to cultivate the weapon, So yes the disease existed in the natural world, but man altered it into a deadly agent. This is whats being covered up. Stanley Prusiner won the Nobel prize in 1997(an other red fish) for the discovery of prions, which were believed to be a causality agent in mad cow, kuru and possibly Alzheimer's and other brain wasting conditions.

Now I am just giving food for thought here and there are many More ideas out there regarding the origin and cause of the Brain wasting illness that is defined by the presents of these Prions. Some believe that Prions are a result reaction to aberrant protein metabolism and are natural cleansing agents that feed off of already degenerated brain tissue, and real cause is the aberrant toxic protein build up in the Brain due to unnatural diet , such as cows being fed dead cooked sheep bi products. These aberrant proteins and quasi viral cleansing agents get passed on to the humans who eat the deceased animals and over time begin to develop brain wasting Alzheimer's, etc. There is also evidence that these brain wasting conditions are now occurring in younger people than ever so it could be from contaminated beef, It takes 20 or thirty years for the kuru to cause the madness, and Alzheimer's disease follows similar lines of progression.
Maybe an issue for a new thread, even though autism and brainwasting caused by aberrant protein cleansing agents could be connected.    
Now there are many other theories out there about the The cause and origins

The official story is just a theory that somehow it spontaneously occurred in sheep in England and was given to cows by the disgusting practice of feeding sheep offal to cows, then the infected cows passed it on to humans. But it doesn't answer the questions of the true origin which is most likely contaminated livestock vaccines, about the time of the first outbreaks in livestock there was a lot of experimental and very poorly developed inoculations being given to farm animals as well as the practice of feeding them decayed flesh, and if you think there are issues with human vaccination and experimentation then there must have been severe contamination of these animal vaccines as well. There was no way at the time to inactivate all the other pathogenic agents that developed in the vats of poison where the viral and bacterial cultures where brewing. This isn't a theory there is conclusive evidence that the older generations of shots where contaminated with man made disease causing agents, and I will not be told other wise
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 05:07:26 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #133 on: September 09, 2010, 09:50:15 am »
Regarding the position that autistic symptoms can (or cannot)  be improved beyond non-related symptoms like digestion or mood, I am putting it to the test. Two months ago I became a caregiver for a 12 year old autistic girl. I (and 3 other members of my family) had recently had excellent success in quickly improving depression, sleep disorder, digestive upsets, and skin disorders with a program, mainly diet, which focuses on improving autism (GAPS). What it is actually doing is focusing on restoring gut health, which is why I decided to try it. A naturopath had diagnosed me and 2 of my daughters (through lab tests) with intestinal candida overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome. The naturopath's herbal and probiotic treatments didn't bring noticeable improvement so I started researching gut health on my own. The GAPS approach looked very promising so we tried it. It brought definite improvements within 6 to 8 weeks with continued gradual improvements. Because of this, when I took the caregiving job I mentioned our success to the girl's mother. Because it's a diet that claims to dramatically improve autism symptoms, the mother wanted to try it. We used the basic GAPS principles but made it ketogenic to possibly help reduce the girl's seizure. Two months into it we have:

- Huge reduction of seizures (from 8 to 12 strong seizures a day down to 1 to 2, with quicker recovery time
- Making sounds she used to make years ago but no longer did (she's been getting progressively worse over the years). When I first started with her the only sound she was   making was screeching.  like making sounds she used to make years ago but no longer did. When I first started with her the only sounds she was making was screeching. Now she makes "ssshhh 

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #134 on: September 09, 2010, 10:19:42 am »
Sorry, that comment posted itself while I was in the middle of writing it. To continue, she now makes other sounds. One of the first was "sshh". Her mother said she used to make that sound but hadn't in years. Then she started to make word-like sounds. Not clear words that we can understand, but they definitely sound like speaking. The last time I was with her she said "da da da da da da". This may not sound like much, but for her mother, it was a very emotional moment. She hadn't made that kind of babbling sound since she was 2 years old. She also began giving hugs, a behavior that had disappeared years ago. Because she has 6 different caregivers (she needs someone attending to her from the moment she wakes up until she goes to sleep) the program has not been strict because some of the caregivers give her "illegal things" or microwave her food (not allowed). We are trying to get everyone to follow the program. This is my first experience with an autistic child and it will be interesting to see where this goes, but we are already seeing some changes in autistic symptoms. These are not symptoms of digestion or mood. 

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #135 on: September 09, 2010, 10:26:32 am »
Thanks Angeline,
that's the response I was looking for when I started this thread. I am glad it lasted long enough for you to see and respond to it.

My health interest is Ayurveda which I have studied off and on for many years and have taken a practitioner course in. The Vaidyas that I have spoken to have done some amazing things despite being hamstrung by the Canadian medical legal system which is unfortunately being run by a close-minded group of Allopathically trained people. There has been a certain amount of easing the choke chain in the last couple of years with Health Canada agreeing to allow ancient formulas as written in the old texts to be allowed to be imported and used following some sort of alternative certification process.

However the world is too small nowadays to prevent knowledge from coming out and so I see problems such as autism being looked at with an eye to prevention and cure. Prevention to me is the key and I believe that agencies such as the WHO have the wherewithall at their disposal to bring the various health agencies modalities into play the way they did with such things as improving surgical outcomes in the world which have a horrible rate of failure.

Thanks for your response and keep us posted.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #136 on: September 09, 2010, 10:39:23 am »
Yes, Angeline, the results of your experimentation, experiences, observations, and reading have hit upon many of the same points that I independently have encountered through my experiences, experimentation, experiences, observations, and reading. I don't make any promises and I certainly don't talk about cures, but I get the sense that you're basically on a good track. Be careful, of course, but more importantly, don't let the naysayers discourage you.

Another coincidence: my two low-carb Paleo nephews are the biggest hug-giving boys I've ever encountered. :) Before LC Paleo they were shy and anxious. Since they went Paleo they've never once missed a chance to hug me at least once (usually multiple times) when I see them. They smile and are ebullient. They are my biggest reward for the investigating I've done into ancestral lifestyle.

I know of other stories like yours outside this forum, so I was wondering when someone like you might pipe up. :D Stories like yours speak for themselves, and far better than any points I could make (not that any of this will moderate the tone of naysayers, of course, but it's not them I care about--it's people like you and yours).
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 10:52:22 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #137 on: September 09, 2010, 10:52:18 am »
I am not familiar with GAPS but found this website. Good luck!

There are many medical modalities and diet regimes out there and the number seems to increase daily.

Could you flesh in a bit of the philosophy, process or thinking?

Most of the people on this forum are dabblers in a variety of food systems with the basic thread being anything from 100% raw foodists to those who are thinking of trying it.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #138 on: September 09, 2010, 11:04:19 am »
See also this excellent lecture (warning to raw purists - contains some non-raw elements):

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome - Natasha Campbell-McBride; Item #8532
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #139 on: September 09, 2010, 10:26:10 pm »
How do you arrange so the other 6 parts of the video play? I can only find the first part.

The Sally Fallon series is excellent also.

Thanks much for the excellent link.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #140 on: September 10, 2010, 03:04:11 am »
Don't have time to expand upon the subject this morning but to watch the video, the easiest way is to go to Youtube and search for Autism Diet: Donna Gates & Dr. Campbell McBride. It's six parts. Dr. Campbell-McBride does an excellent job of explaining the importance of a healthy, properly fuction gut. Understanding that, you can see how unhealthy gut function could cause so many diseases. Another approach, the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) has been around a long time and is similar, but there are some differences. There are many reports of major improvements in autism with both approaches. I take what I consider to be the best parts of each diet and tweak it to get the best results for myself. (Lots of experimentation has gone into this.) I have combined aspects of a few different dietary approaches to come up with a diet that is currently working well for me. When/if things no longer bring good results, I revise the diet. Can be a slow process of trial and error, but long term results have been good.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #141 on: September 10, 2010, 05:24:43 am »
This is the start of the 6-part interview:

Autism Diet: Donna Gates & Dr. Campbell-McBride (1 of 6)

Whereas this was a separate, single lecture:

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome -Natasha Campbell-McBride; Item #8532
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #142 on: September 10, 2010, 09:38:08 am »
Interesting... that pretty much is what Aajonus Vonderplanitz said.
Although they are much better looking than Aajonus.

BTW if you don't see the video #, hold your mouse pointer over the video title momentarily. The # will show up. ie 5/6

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #143 on: September 10, 2010, 10:13:30 am »
One of the differences is that Aajonus is crazy enough to recommend the best of all raw fermented foods--high meat (and I'm crazy enough to eat it ;) ).
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #144 on: September 10, 2010, 10:22:42 am »
Just curious, have you tried the fermented grains or seeds as they suggest? If so what effect?

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #145 on: September 10, 2010, 09:34:07 pm »
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but I'm quite sure that what Aajonus means when he said he cured his "autism" is that he has / had asperger syndrome, which is much milder than what people commonly refer to as autism.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #146 on: September 11, 2010, 11:34:07 am »
Just curious, have you tried the fermented grains or seeds as they suggest? If so what effect?
These are the fermented foods that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommended in those videos that I can recall trying:
- sauerkraut (and a nasty-tasting mix of cultured cabbage, radish and ginger that I'm currently trying to force down but will never buy again)
- fermented coconut water (raw coconut vinegar)
- fermented grains (sourdough bread, whiskey, vodka, beer, vinegars)
- fermented meats (Natasha probably means traditional sausages rather than high meat--I've tried both)
- fermented fish (Natasha probably means fermented CLO rather than stink fish--I've only tried fermented CLO)
- fermented dairy products (cheese, yoghurt, buttermilk)

Another fermented food I'm currently trying is umeboshi (pickled plums). It definitely has an acquired taste.

BTW, a warning about Donna Gates--I checked out her Website and she talks about some bizarro ideas like "low vibrational foods" and unconsciounably recommends fermented wheat to people with celiac disease ( it just coincidence that she happens to sell a fermented wheat product (BE Wholegrain Liquid If you'll notice from the 6-series video interview, she appears to know much less than Dr. Campbell-McBride. It's disappointing that Dr. C-M would associate with Gates.

Here is more reasonable advice on the subject of fermented wheat and celiac disease from Kurt Harris, MD:

"I maintain that it is irresponsible and pointless to say that it may be possible to eat small bits of gluten if you are known to have celiac. To say so reflects a lack of understanding of how hard it would be to prove lack of harm in celiacs, many of whom have clinically silent pathology that may not be manifest for many years....

[N]o one alive should eat gluten grains whether they have celiac disease or not....

You can live fine with zero gluten grains in your diet. Wheat flour is vitamin poor, has no nutritious fat that isn’t rancid, and the proteins in it are incomplete in their amino acid complement. There is absolutely no upside to eating wheat if you are not starving....

So why engineer some convoluted preparation ritual in order to eat it? Why not just avoid it?"

--KGH, Avoid Poison or Neutralize It?

This is a good case where Lex's quote is relevant: "it is in the ability to simplify that true genius resides." Why should I complicate things by adding fermented grains to my diet?
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 01:10:32 pm by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #147 on: September 11, 2010, 03:00:21 pm »
What you say makes sense. I understand the simplicity credo but I wonder what is the difference between fermenting grains and fermenting meat?

I have found that since giving up wheat I do not miss it all. I haven't noticed any change in health related to it but I find that now if I eat bread etc that I just feel differently. It is almost as if it affects my mood making me less 'appy.  :(

One possible explanation for the wheat problems that people have that I heard is related to the breeding programs that went on over a hundred years ago where they manipulated the natural wheat for commercial purposes. Same with corn. This is pure speculation BTW.

I dearly love sourdough bread but it is too strong for regular consumption. With ice cream or apricot jam it is heavenly but not sure but probably not paleo LOL. I used to travel to St. John's NL years ago and a bakery there in Georgetown makes the best version of it.

I would think whiskey would be devoid of bacteria as it is distilled. is that true? Beer isn't distilled provided it is not pasteurized.

Sauerkraut is not on my list of foods. It makes me sick, too strong. I almost choked on it once.

Thanks for the further info.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #148 on: September 13, 2010, 04:53:19 am »
These are the fermented foods that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommended in those videos that I can recall trying:
- sauerkraut (and a nasty-tasting mix of cultured cabbage, radish and ginger that I'm currently trying to force down but will never buy again)
- fermented coconut water (raw coconut vinegar)
- fermented grains (sourdough bread, whiskey, vodka, beer, vinegars)
- fermented meats (Natasha probably means traditional sausages rather than high meat--I've tried both)
- fermented fish (Natasha probably means fermented CLO rather than stink fish--I've only tried fermented CLO)
- fermented dairy products (cheese, yoghurt, buttermilk)

You can check out her website about the various fermented foods she recommends. They're all anaerobic fermentations based on kefir / whey. The fermented grains drink Gates sells is "officially gluten free," at least that's what it says on her website. That website is really amazing in terms of the prices she charges for some stuff. If you check the bacteria that are in her fermented grains drink, two are just regular yogurt cultures, one is baking yeast, and one is a quite common probiotic. No magic here.

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Re: Autism explained
« Reply #149 on: September 13, 2010, 06:11:16 am »
What you say makes sense. I understand the simplicity credo but I wonder what is the difference between fermenting grains and fermenting meat?
That's a puzzling question to see on a raw Paleo forum. What do you know about Paleolithic nutrition, Al? Are you familiar, for example, with its fundamental principles and how they relate to grains? Have you read The Paleolithic Prescription, The Paleo Diet or, NeanderThin, The Primal Blueprint or the Paleonu blog? If not, you'll find tons and tons of info in those sources to answer your question of why grains are not good for humans, even fermented grains. The quote that I posted above by Dr. Harris that specifically addressed fermented grains (sourdough bread in particular) is a good one.

I have found that since giving up wheat I do not miss it all. I haven't noticed any change in health related to it but I find that now if I eat bread etc that I just feel differently. It is almost as if it affects my mood making me less 'appy.  :(
Yeah, wheat affects me worse than any food.

One possible explanation for the wheat problems that people have that I heard is related to the breeding programs that went on over a hundred years ago where they manipulated the natural wheat for commercial purposes. Same with corn. This is pure speculation BTW.
Yes, I think that made things worse, but I think the problem is more fundamental than that. I don't think wheat was much more than a supplementary or starvation food during the Paleolithic and it's home range was rather limited until humans started spreading it around rather recently in evolutionary terms.

I would think whiskey would be devoid of bacteria as it is distilled. is that true? Beer isn't distilled provided it is not pasteurized.
That would be my guess, but I handle whiskey better than beer (though I still get negative effects from whiskey too), probably because of the gluten, carbs and carbonation in most beers (there are gluten free beers, but I was surprised to discover I don't handle them perfectly well either--which was one of the clues that plant carbs of any sort may be a problem for me).

Thanks for the further info.
You're welcome!

You can check out her website about the various fermented foods she recommends. They're all anaerobic fermentations based on kefir / whey. The fermented grains drink Gates sells is "officially gluten free," at least that's what it says on her website. That website is really amazing in terms of the prices she charges for some stuff. If you check the bacteria that are in her fermented grains drink, two are just regular yogurt cultures, one is baking yeast, and one is a quite common probiotic. No magic here.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb


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