I just had raw beef liver, marinated in lemon (grass feed but frozen), an apple, and celery (not organic, but raw). I have felt better physically, my cravings have decreased, b/c I finally feel nourished, and I like the primal part of it. I feel like I'm caged a lot and in my home, car, and especially at work. I like eating raw meat b/c I feel more primal and true to myself. I ate baked chicken with cheese on it that people brought to work for a party. I thought it would be OK, but it made me pretty sick. So, this morning when I made bacon and eggs for my daughter I didn't eat it.
I would like some feedback on how I'm doing. I am pleased with my progress and I want to eat more fresh meat and make high meat. I can get grass feed steak from the local grocery store that hasn't been frozen, but I don't think it is grass finished, it says organic. There is also fresh, not frozen duck that doesn't say organic. I want to hunt, but I haven't yet. I want to do as well as I can with raw paleo choices, but I don't want to stress out and spend all of my time thinking about it, I've spent hours reading this site and some other stuff and I just got started. I don't want to cheat anymore. Before I thought it wouldn't have much effect as long as it was cooked paleo, but I know better now. I work full time as an LPN. I am very close to finishing school for my RN. I have a daughter and a husband that I cook paleo for. That has been tough b/c I smell hot paleo food cooking and serve them and sit down to cold meat. I like the raw, but I am always cold unless I am running or exercising.
It has been a rainy cold fall. I wish I had started raw paleo in summer, does anybody know if there is anything to do to raise body temp. I have had my thyroid checked and it was OK. Still I'm trying to get a hold of fresh venison thyroid. I am also a type diabetic and I wonder if raw pancrease might help. Does anybody know where the thyroid is located on a deer? My neighbor has a venison processing plant and he mostly tosses the heads in the trash. I am going to get what I can he doesn't want to give me or sell me much, he is friendly, I don't understand the rules of venison exchange. I was given some of last years venison from a friend. It was wrapped in paper and doesn't taste good. I like frozen venison, but this isn't as good, it isn't horrible, but I'm wondering if I'll get much health benefit from old frozen meat. I can give it to my doggy. I drink lots of tea, to stay warm, I'm also making chicken neck bone broth, to eat warm, but will it be healthy? I thought I try and find out, I add lots of hot pepper to my food, but nothing makes me any warmer. Hot food doesn't make me warmer either, it is just seems more inviting when I'm always cold. I want to be hardy. I would love your suggestions.