So interested about you and your children, how well they did if raw from the start.
What do you do for carbs for children?
Do your children need more carbohydrates than the adults?
My first child was not raw the first year of her life, nursing the first 6 months of her life. My 2nd and 3rd chirdren have been totally raw. Then again my wife and I want them to remain raw when they start going to school with other kids so we don't force it on them, or try to control them. If we go to a birthday my older son will ask for a piece of birthday cake, he will have a few forkfulls, and then more play with it than anything else. Bowls of M&M's on the tables, my kids don't even know what they are! Before going to a family party or birthday we feed them just before, in the car, with something filling, like raw bison, beef, raw milk cheese, so they are even less interested.
They do get their carbs, simple sugars, they eat fruit, preferably organic..farmers market is best! We go to U-picks in the summer when we can, and they eat wild fruit! My son found wild apples on the ground at a party we were at and starting eating them, he came and told me..of course the other parents were pretty unhappy when they saw their own kids wanted to eat the wild apples..so they told them they would get sick! My wife looked at my son, well he's not sick yet! At a vegan raw food potluck, my son couldn't care less about what was being served, we looked over and his face and hands were covered with wild berries he found on the ground, under a tree in this park were at!
We've come to truly trust their senses in terms of what they need to eat. We just keep a variety of foods available and they will ask for this or that. I make them a "chocolate sauce", cashews, water, raw cacao, a few dates, or some honey, in a vitamix, then blend in a vitamix, and they like to add raw carob. Cashews are high in carbs, as are most of the foods in the chocolate sauce. The fat in the cashews slows the sugars. We make them popsicles from fruit, papaya, watermelon, mango, and then add either raw cow or sheep yogurt, or cow or sheep butter. We're really pretty careful not to give them straight sugars, like dates or fruit smoothies. They love love love raw eggs, so if one of them drinks 5 or 6 raw eggs then they have whole fruit, maybe strawberries or blueberries.
I make a variety of that chocolate sauce, and then put dabs of it on sheets in a dehydrator and make them cookies! They love them, the other night they had cookies and cheese for dinner! They also eat a decent amount of seaweed out of the bag, Dulse is what they like!
So they get plenty of carbs, is this what you meant by carbs??? They hardly ever get concentrated carbs, maybe by mistake at grandma and grandpas..but my parents are getting better and listening to my wife and I!
You're probably right, they do need more carbs, all of these things we make my wife and I for the most part don't eat!
Well that's a kind of mishmash of information, would be happy to help or answer any questions! How many kids do you have what do they live off of?? We could probably exchange a wealth of information here!
Thanks so much for asking,