Dorothy, you made my day!

I'm a worrier but I am now going to roll my full raw diet up to Friday. I have a family outing this Thursday and then it's off to the races.
The only problem with raw is that I won't eat raw chicken. I don't particularly like chicken unless it is deep fried or in a curry and the bacteria is scary. I also don't eat pork anymore, except home made lard, since reading in W Price Foundation about red blood cells clumping together unless the pork has been soaked in a brine (forget term-curing?). All I am left with then is bovine, fish and eggs. But that was good enough for the Inuit, eh?
Thanks for the link. I know I am supposed to get vitamin K. I try to eat a lot of spinach. I love garden kale but store bought is like eating grass. It's been close to an hour since I ate the pate and I can't believe how good I feel. Might just be exuberance, or that I hadn't had breakfast or lunch yet.
I just had my first liver pate. It was very liquify so I must work on that. Fortunately, two professional chefs share this domain so I will get some pointers from them. But, it was scrumptious, regardless the texture, I broke out in song and the dogs joined me.
- the raw liver was frozen lamb. 46g
- raw beef marrow, from frozen bones 23g
(For the mathematicians out there, the weights were just what I pulled from the freezer) Everything is raw save for god-knows-how they make the sauces.
- a tiny clot of oyster sauce <1/8 tsp
- a tiny amount of fish sauce (for salt) <1/8 tsp (can't have soya sauce because of wheat)
- 1 red shallot- small
- 1/2 pip garlic (nb: should be smashed prior to being ground. Chopping doesn't do it.)
- end of tsp chill garlic sauce
- one favoured prayer "Please Don't Be Awful"
As I said, it was very liquidee. Next time I will just try the oyster sauce, sea salt, pepper (or powered chilli), shallot (maybe dried ones) and whole pip garlic smashed (maybe powdered). Maybe I should slice the liver very thin and lay it out on a cotton cloth to soak out some moisture?
I'm also thinking of whipping an egg yolk to see if it will stiffen- I don't think yolks do. (Maybe whipping too long in the coffee grinder is the problem?) Possibly if I let it rest in the fridge for ten minutes, it might set. Maybe frozen liver is less firm- but what choice do I have if I want to eat it daily.
I am sold on this puppy. It was ambrosia. I may add a sprinkle of vitamin C power as I find I like a little tart every now and then. Maybe I could add some of the thick gelatine I render from from bone broth. Maybe the vitamin C will help preserve it and I could make this pate in batches . Will also do a google search to see how it is made.
Good idea not being in hurry mode for checkup as suggested, Dorothy.