Well I did look up as much as I could about the Fiji water, though I don't like that it comes in plastic, I don't think there's ANY bottled water that doesn't?.. But yeah, I don't trust tap water and refuse to ever drink it, worst water I probably was ever drinking in my life was probably the water that goes into soda fountains. Otherwise I have always hated the taste of water and never drank it before--stuck to sodas and fruit juices. But what I found out about this Fiji water(and not from the Fiji site, I didn't use it for any of my research info on it of course), is that they pump it out of the aquafier with machines straight into the bottle and it's never touched by human beings until you open the bottle and drink it. Though, I don't know what type of machine they use and such, but that sounds like the purest most natural water that I'll be able to find, better than any other bottled water, and I've always wanted a water that was never touched by humans. I don't think it's even ever heated or filtered, either, the minerals in it come naturally from the rock that the rain filtered through. One of those minerals is Silica, which I looked up on Wikipedia, and it is a harmless actually somewhat useless mineral it seemed, but then it also showed that there was a study done that those who drank water with Silica in it had a much less likely chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease, which is what my Grandmother died of at a young age (in her 60's) and which my family has always been afraid that I would get it, too. Even if it is actually tap water, if it really does have Silica in it, then I will continue to drink it if only for that. Also there's the fact that I have never been able to drink water because it has always tasted disgustingly nasty to me, and made me gag, yet this water is okay for me to drink.
As for the raw dairy, I've always had pasteurized dairy my whole life and drank a lot of pasteurized milk and cheese, I loooved milk and cheese, I don't see how raw dairy could be any worse for me. Even so, I've only been consuming raw dairy for a few days now, so I don't see how it could affect me so fast? Plus my blood is in my urine, not my stools, which seems far more serious of a situation.. looking it up online, it seems the only possible causes of blood in the urine would be Kidney stones, a tear in my kidney, or any otherwise problem with my kidneys, or trauma/tears to the other parts of the urinary tract which would cause the bleeding. Since I haven't been punched in the lower stomach or otherwise had any sort of impact in that area, I don't see how trauma/tears could possible be the cause unless I'm punching myself in my sleep, but then I think I would have some bruises. And How could it be kidney stones when I'm not in any sort of pain?