Author Topic: lime disease  (Read 7487 times)

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Offline MaximilianKohler

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lime disease
« on: August 28, 2010, 01:54:26 am »

Anyone heard about this? I've been disabled for 7 years or so without a diagnosis and I'm going to an alternative medicine doctor that's just told me that lime disease is a possible cause and it's a bacterium that is transferred mainly by ticks that can change forms in your body and cause a really wide variety of symptoms/diseases. The treatment for it is mainly antibiotics which goes against the whole raw, bacteria-is-good-for-you thing...


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Re: lime disease
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 02:34:34 am »
You can cure it with more natural means but I'm not sure how. One of my father's friend's is an old hippie who has spurned the modern world and wouldn't touch modern medicines. He went to a naturalist allopath and got rid of it with herbal means. He now spends most of his time dancing down in New Orleans so he's obviously doing better. I'll see if I can find out how he did it.

FWIW I did get Lymes when I was in my late teens. Classic bullseye on my thigh. I took the medicine right away and the blood test when performed showed no active spyrochetes.

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 02:35:40 am »
7 years without a diagnosis? Sounds horrible.

Even if it is lyme disease,  a rawpalaeodiet should likely be helpful as the whole point of RPD is to crowd out the bad bacteria and replace them with good bacteria, thus improving the body's responses etc.
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Offline chucky

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 03:22:41 am »
That's goodsamaritan website . You should contact him on this forum and see if he has read the book and has better answers.

Offline sabertooth

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2010, 10:04:44 am »
Lyme is a very common issue that often stays dormant in most people who have contracted it, so they are totally unaware of the condition

Almost all dogs have antibodies to it so it must exist everywhere they do.

I have been diseased for about 7 years with no real diagnosis except chronic fatigue, and with all my symptoms Lyme was always a candidate. What ever you have I agree with TD that a raw paleo diet if correctly done will be your best hope for relief.

Its the only thing that's worked for me, and Ive been down the road of natural healing; most of it is smoke and mirrors based on naive assumptions and wishfull thinking,(raw paleo is radically different form anything else out there, and I believe it is better than anything I have found so far.)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 10:11:34 am by sabertooth »
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Offline MaximilianKohler

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 03:05:53 am »
How much better are you now after the diet, and how long have you been on it?

Offline sabertooth

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2010, 05:26:51 am »
Its hard to quantify the improvements I have experienced over the last 7 months because of the many various conditions I was experiencing.

I was really sick last winter and was beginning to develop diabetes.
Within a two month span I caught H1N1 hand foot and mouth and some other stomach bug, I had chronic viral outbreaks, as well as severe dispare and mental breakdowns, I was wasting away to 135 pounds.

The winter before I had viral meningitis, and K-9 parvo,

A common occurrence seemed to be happening to me I would get a itchy rash over my thymus, sore throat and experience episodes of fatigue and dementia after eatting anything. The flu forced my wife into early labor and while she was in the hospital I made a vow to heal myself for the sake of the babies, that's when I found this diet.

I went cold Turkey onto a low carb diet of raw goat and deer diet with coconut butter, and within a couple of weeks my blood sugars normalized my digestive issues disappeared.

I still get that thymus rash and milder flareups of what used to be weeks of hell. I truly fell better and no longer have issues with depression and hopelessness, It seems that the diet has been the only thing to give me improved heath

I quickly got back up to 170 pounds and have increased vitality as well as mental clarity.
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Offline MaximilianKohler

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2010, 12:02:28 pm »
You can cure it with more natural means but I'm not sure how. One of my father's friend's is an old hippie who has spurned the modern world and wouldn't touch modern medicines. He went to a naturalist allopath and got rid of it with herbal means. He now spends most of his time dancing down in New Orleans so he's obviously doing better. I'll see if I can find out how he did it.

FWIW I did get Lymes when I was in my late teens. Classic bullseye on my thigh. I took the medicine right away and the blood test when performed showed no active spyrochetes.

Have you been able to find out anything about how he cured it? My blood test came back with some "indeterminates" and my doctor wants me to take antibiotics to stimulate it somehow to try and get the blood tests to be positive.... it sounds crazy and I really don't want to it but this is his only solution...

Offline sabertooth

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2010, 04:55:28 pm »
Have you tryed going fully raw low carb paleo, with high meat, forgit anti biotics, high meat is so much better at stimulating the immune system. If you get most of your calories from raw animal fat and meat you shouldn't have to rely on drugs to keep you well.

If you fortify yourself on a purely paleo diet you should see great improvements after a while, and although there are no guarantees that Lyme will be completely eliminated,  there is a good chance you will have much better improvements than can be offered by a doctor who can only use drugs to poison the Lyme out of you. Raw Paleo diet is the most natural means by which to improve over all health and assist in the healing of ailments of all kinds, but it must be done according to ones personal needs.

The consistant elements of raw paleo must be utilized for maximum benefit , Raw grass fed fat should make up a high percentage of caloric intake, grass fed and game animals, sea food, eggs and organ meat should make up a high percentage of caloric intake, and as far as fruits and vegtable matter, they should be used depending on your body's need s for it, some people who were real sick like me do better on lower carbs, but others seem to do well with more carbs. Some of us recommend taking dairy out, because it can cause subtle  adverse reactions an hamper the immune system in ways that often go unnoticed, most of us recommend completely eliminating grains, and other highly starchy foods

This is the most natural way of treating ailments like Lyme, all other natural methods usually wont have perminate results because they fail to let the body regenerate through optimal nutrition, your own body in good health is what you need to fight off the invaders not some chemical or herbal potion.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 05:27:12 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: lime disease
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2010, 07:49:00 pm »
Have you been able to find out anything about how he cured it? My blood test came back with some "indeterminates" and my doctor wants me to take antibiotics to stimulate it somehow to try and get the blood tests to be positive.... it sounds crazy and I really don't want to it but this is his only solution...
I have not had a chance to yet. I will though. :)

Offline MaximilianKohler

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Re: lime disease
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2010, 05:09:25 am »
Thanks dj & sabertooth,

yeah I've been eating raw meat, fat, eggs for over a month now and have seen some improvements. I haven't been completely raw as I've been trying to finish off some legumes and beans I had a lot of, but hopefully this next month I'll see even more improvements from being completely raw. I'm doing high meat with heart and liver ATM. Not bothering with the dairy, veg juicing, or honey.


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