Im not meaning for this to get personal, sometimes my raw passion gets misconstrued as impertinence, this is not my intent. Yet all civility aside there is an obtuse attitude in many of these interchanges of which I do find offensive to my sensibilities. It is provoked when other people claim that my own personal experience is somehow not valid or worthy of consideration without being backed up by an authoritative citation.
I have attempted to contact people with "proper credentials" and have attempted to communicate many of my own experiences to anyone who will listen only to be snubbed by those who are quick to dismiss ideas that do not fit their own preconceived views. I will be the first to say that Raw meat based diets may not be for everyone, there are trade offs to cooking and many people do fine on cooked diets, I am not a foodist fascist by any means, and am a totally libertarian about allowing people personal choice to live how they chose ,but regardless of this difference of ideals I will insist that there is a great cultural bias and general misunderstanding into the nature of these subjects which is preventing people from being able to make well informed dietary "dissensions".
If I may continue with the subject of cookings effect on bio-availability. There is this preconceived notion that breaking down the proteins by cooking which allows for quicker assimilation, is a positive thing without drawback. I would like to draw attention to a few contentions to this assumption. Raw fats and proteins are "suppose" to take longer to digest and assimilate, carnivores in nature will eat large portions of flesh and then not have to eat again for long periods of time. The body slowly breaks down the food and absorbs its nutrition over time to give a slow and steady supply of energy. When you consume cooked proteins and carbs that are already partially broken down they are assimilated far to quickly for the metabolic and filtration systems of the body to optimally cope with. This leads to glucose spikes in the case of refined carbs, and protein spikes in cooked meats. These protein spikes, high AGE levels, heat degraded EPA/DHA and a myriad of other contamination from aberrant agricultural practices, are what is to blame for all the bad press meat based diets have received from the establishment. For the average healthy individual these negative effects can be coped with to a certain degree, and also are mitigated by a number of modern practices of processing, as well as eating smaller portions many times a day.....but not everyone is the same and many people who do become overloaded with AGEs, or experience high blood sugars, or elevated triglycerides may benefit greatly from eating uncooked and unrefined foods which are absorbed much slower and do not cause as drastic spike in blood glucose, AGE proteins or Deranged fats.