How much clean and pure and well/positively structured, and mineralized, water do you drink? Lack of adequate clean and pure and well structured and mineralized water could be what keeps you overeating... Essentially dehydration, but in a deeper and wider sense...
Water from one source isn't water from another source. And body doesn't have need for just any water. Dehydration of the right kind of water(s) causes pain and trouble in many ways, and body will try to give signs of it, but if you don't know how to read them or what pain is caused by what exactly... then you don't know what to consume in a given situation (which in case of trouble might be, and in many if not most cases is, right kind of water).
Mashing foods together like that into a salad, foods that don't even fit together... that's not good... at all.
Also, sounds like you eat "all day long"? If so then that's very bad also. Gut needs some free time to heal and rest. Try to limit yourself to eating twice a day, rarely once and rarely thrice, until you get your personal "routine" somewhat "fixed".
We are about 70-90% water... If you drink crap water and/or too little of it then that crappiness and/or deficiency transfers into you, it will be part of you, and as a consequence you will be in pain and suffer.
Look at the water you get and how much, it could relieve many issues.