Iguana, when I first came to this forum, I had been 'guesting' for some time. You always came across to me as really fascinating and kind person. I don't know if its an issue of being pressed on the topics by alphagruis, myself, and others but I believe I've very rarely made personal attacks towards you, and yet I seem to always get the same sarcasm and harsh words you accuse others of. Because of this I've radically adjusted my impression.
If you've never head of someone (perhaps I'm thinking of someone other than yourself for once) quoting from Instinco, its practitioners, or the works of Sheldon or any other master of 'natural health' or nature itself as far as what is a healthy practice for a human and what is not, then truly you must be as original and self-motivated as you say in your understanding, perception, and experience of the world and others because that is way deep in Plato's cave for proper shadow-play.
The reason I chose fasting is that other than raw eating, it is one of the most universally accepted natural phenomena partaken by animals if they are indeed sick. It is my opinion that despite that occurrence that humans today have different requirements than that in nature due to a variety of unnatural factors, and no mater how in tuned with that nature, they will not always be drawn to the best solutions for health without the knowledge gained from others and potentially solutions that DO NOT exist in nature. I am 95% sure of this

either way, I don't see why you tend to take things so personally, and cite the same 'experience' over an over when they often don't even include experience of the thing in question, only mere survival and existence without it which says extremely little. It sounds more like cover and rationalizing than freedom to go in any direction. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. It sounds like both Instincos and Hygiensts have
alot to lose in admitting any food or therapy outside its system has any value, as it slowly makes that system crumble.
I've known many decades long fruitarians who have nothing they can sell me based on their current 'longevity'. Also of note, if I've been f^%@#ing for 15 years, does that make me the best fu^@er? Does that make me fu&*^ing Cassanova who has the answers for everyone? Or is it basically impossible for me to teach or learn from everyone, or even have a sense other than an opinion on what is best and what I know.
in my observation, whether one is pro or against fasting is irrelevant and I believe you understood what I meant enough that I'm really disappointied in your response. The fact is is that no citing of whether 'which animal or primitive in nature will do X' (as I believe the form of your sentences often takes) has 0 importance in my lfie and certainly does not supersede the results of my colleagues if they are proven viable.
Would you rather I used the issues brought up within this same thread, or salt, or sauerkraut, or meat processing, raw dairy, or liver flushing, colonics, chelation or any other 'unatural' ideas that came to you in some sort of epiphany independent of the words of others. I'd be interested at some point, to hear which original ideas you have in regards to health that differ from GCB in any recognizable way. Surely if you have come to the same conclusions, either you share a dogma, or you have both tapped into a truth of the world, which is itself a dogma as there are no universal truths or systems or surefire ways of finding those systems. I found it totally upsetting that now as a moderator you chimed into a discussion about 'transitioning to raw' with a solution something like "100% raw, no grains no dairy is best". forgive me if this is not an exact quote, but i'm sure if it is not that will be a reason to dismiss my entire writing.