I used to get flaky skin a lot, but that went away on a raw, omnivorous diet.
As for the issues re getting used to raw zero-carb, there are 2 catches. 1 , of course, is the transitional period in which one starts getting various side-effects(minor to serious), which can start from a few days to c.2-3 weeks after going raw zero-carb but, usually, it seems that if you can go 6 weeks plus without a major incident, you'll get through that.
The other issue is that when one goes for a long time on raw,very low-carb, one commonly starts developing food-intolerances to fruits if one hasn't had those food-intolerances before. This is simply because the body changes re types of enzymes/bacteria used etc., so that it's more oriented towards a raw-meat-based diet and can't digest plant foods without poor absorption/minor stomach-upsets etc. occurring.
One can get used again re digesting raw carbs without incident, over time, if one pigs out on them enough, albeit with a few minor side-effects as you transition back. So, I reckon it would probably make more sense to go into(or out of) raw zero-carb very quickly without a VLC stage.