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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #175 on: July 22, 2010, 09:32:08 am »
Sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

Since it sounds like you handle carbs well, elderberry syrup might work for your throat.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #176 on: July 22, 2010, 05:29:12 pm »
That sucks dude, hope you get well soon and regain your health.
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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #177 on: July 26, 2010, 03:50:29 pm »
Hang in there man. Hope you get better soon.

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #178 on: July 28, 2010, 08:49:57 am »
Thanks guys. It's strange that I got sick. I don't see myself doing this experiment again anytime soon.

Offline Ioanna

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #179 on: July 28, 2010, 10:03:52 am »
Just a question, but by "this experiment" do you mean zc?  From what you've written it doesn't seem like you even really tried it, or I miss read??  Seems like you were ZC for a day or for a meal, but did this at a time when a lot was going on socially that you would be eating your best cooked/restaurant options as well. 

I'm not trying to encourage or discourage anything, just that I'm not sure zc was a problem per se??

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #180 on: July 28, 2010, 05:14:37 pm »
I don't want to bang on about this, but I don't know who's read my posts...but I've come to believe that physical fitness is an alternative way to adapt to less carbs. Basically going low carb, and exercise both build mitochondria which are used for fatty acid metabolism.

So if it's not possible to get to a lower level of carbs by sticking it out, it may be possible by backing off and increasing your fitness level. In my experience it takes *a lot* of fitness to make a difference this way.

I'm also experimenting with a dried thyroid supp at the moment, as thyroid is apparently shown to increase mitochondria in rats.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #181 on: July 28, 2010, 07:51:06 pm »
I don't want to bang on about this, but I don't know who's read my posts...but I've come to believe that physical fitness is an alternative way to adapt to less carbs. Basically going low carb, and exercise both build mitochondria which are used for fatty acid metabolism.

So if it's not possible to get to a lower level of carbs by sticking it out, it may be possible by backing off and increasing your fitness level. In my experience it takes *a lot* of fitness to make a difference this way.

I'm also experimenting with a dried thyroid supp at the moment, as thyroid is apparently shown to increase mitochondria in rats.

Does that mean I wouldn't do well on ZC or VLC because I'm not very active? (I'm always thinking about getting more active, but I know I'm not a gym person. -\ )

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #182 on: July 29, 2010, 12:07:03 am »
Possibly, I don't know. This is all reasoning without scientific testing, but that's what we have to deal in. Maybe due to genetics or other factors you'd manage.

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #183 on: July 29, 2010, 05:41:45 am »
Just a question, but by "this experiment" do you mean zc?  From what you've written it doesn't seem like you even really tried it, or I miss read??  Seems like you were ZC for a day or for a meal, but did this at a time when a lot was going on socially that you would be eating your best cooked/restaurant options as well. 

I'm not trying to encourage or discourage anything, just that I'm not sure zc was a problem per se??

I was raw zero carb for 2 weeks if you count day one being the day after eating the shrimp soup. Yes that was the experiment. It ended with me having flu like symptoms and eventually bronchitis like symptoms. I'm not suggesting causality, but the combination of starting a new job basically having the flu (and not being able to take a sick day or days) and having no appetite for the raw muscle/fat I was eating caused me to balk at continuing.

Offline Ioanna

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #184 on: July 29, 2010, 07:02:48 am »
gosh, i wonder why that happens to some people??  I don't feel I had any energy change for better or worse on zero carb, just smooth digestion and a calmer me.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #185 on: July 29, 2010, 07:38:17 pm »
I seriously struggled in the first few weeks. Sounds like you were doing too much too soon especially starting a new job. Your a healthy, unless your looking for some sort of diet nirvana I would keep doing what you were doing.

What sort of new job did you go for? did you go for a higher level position? From waht you see in the news it's hard to get a job in the states at the moment.
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Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #186 on: August 02, 2010, 06:42:26 am »
I seriously struggled in the first few weeks. Sounds like you were doing too much too soon especially starting a new job. Your a healthy, unless your looking for some sort of diet nirvana I would keep doing what you were doing.

I'm probably going to do just that. In fact I'm currently making a concerted effort to focus less on diet. I was always healthy to begin with, even on SAD; this added stress is probably a net wash in terms of health improvement.

What sort of new job did you go for? did you go for a higher level position? From waht you see in the news it's hard to get a job in the states at the moment.

It's the same type of job, quality control biology. The difference is that this is not contracting work like I was doing before. This is significant for me because I need to refinance my mortgage and you can't do that as a contractor. I work for a company called Innovation Foods that makes a probiotic beverage called "Good Belly."

Offline Cinna

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #187 on: August 13, 2010, 01:24:06 am »
Hi Kyle, I've seen "Good Belly"!

Just wanted to say hi and thank you. I've been enjoying the archives - your journal, circa page 6... Because I can exactly relate to where you were long ago. I appreciate how well you expressed your feelings/situation at the time and it gives me hope that in time, I will grow and progress, too. Thank you. :)

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #188 on: August 14, 2010, 07:58:55 am »
Thank you. :)

Thank you as well. It's very nice to think that my postings aren't wholly narcissistic and that someone else could get something out of them.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #189 on: October 03, 2010, 09:20:17 am »
Hey guys what's up? I've got some advice to ask, both nutritional/health and professional/career.

I'll start with the nutritional stuff since this is a diet forum. I feel like I may be experiencing a bit of what Yuri talks about in his journal. I don't think I'm digesting food well. My reason for thinking this is because a lot of the time I have an upset stomach, sometimes gas, and a lot of the time my bowel movements are different from each other. I've had the expectation that I could follow my raw paleo diet "most of the time" and get away with eating whatever some of the time, but maybe that isn't going to work out. But then when I eat on plan I don't feel quite right. This could be my body trying to zero in on what I'm giving it to work with, and being unable to get used to digesting any one thing. What keeps coming to mind is the fact that I was able to eat and feel good on just about anything before I started messing with "diets."

Also my energy isn't great, and I can't even remember whether it's worse than at other times in my life or if I've always been tired at certain times of the day. It seems like certain times of the day I feel tired no matter what, as if my body wants rest then. But it's strange times, the early afternoon, the morning, and not at all at night.

What I'm looking for is if anyone went through anything similar. I remember reading Yuri's journal and it seems like I have some of the same stuff. He says it's adrenal fatigue. It seems like my body doesn't want to work well. I can understand not getting peak performance out of it when I go off plan eating, but I would think a healthy body would get what it can from whatever you feed it. A lot of raw vegans define health in a way that if you eat something bad you'll get all sick, but I like to think that a healthy person could withstand something like that and perform adequate. I see people all the time that eat something crappy like a bagel for breakfast and seem to function very well. And I feel like I used to be like that.

I just bought an adrenal gland and I'm going to thaw it out and eat it and see if I notice a boost in energy or anything else good. I might also try some dried gland supplements, or perhaps HCl tablets and see if my digestion picks up with that. I want to zero in on what helps me, but sometimes I'm not patient enough to see an idea through.

As for professional stuff, I'm trying to decide what route to go in future schooling. Right now I'm working as a biologist and took the GRE to go to grad school. I was thinking either anthropology, some kind of biology, or paleontology/paleobiology. I could do some kind of research about paleolithic diet.

But since thinking that I've been a bit discouraged with emailing professors from schools near me, and don't see much research they're doing that's within my interests. And I've been considering another path, which is going to medical school. I was thinking endocrinology, and maybe I could do something with my patients where I give them the option of trying to stay off of or severely limit meds and treat stuff like diabetes and other glandular disorders with diet or natural supplements. Much like I am going to be experimenting on myself with now. I don't know how much leeway you have as a doctor to go off the orthodox path, but if I could do something like that I would want to. My role model in this path is Dr. Kurt Harris, whose website many people have read here. I could be like him, perhaps even team up with him and some other doctors to promote paleolithic nutrition, maybe write a book etc...

Anyway any advice or comments are welcome, thanks!

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #190 on: October 03, 2010, 10:53:21 am »
what are you eating these days?  maybe 'most of the time' is not enough anymore? or maybe it's what you're eating in the other time that just doesn't work for you anymore?  i would think that the healthier we are, the quicker the body is tell us something isn't right.

if you go for m.d. just prepared to agree to disagree.. you'll learn things the way they are taught so you can pass an exam, lol.  just don't let yourself get frustrated with the conventions of the process, especially knowing your intentions.  (that could be true for graduate work too, maybe to a lesser extent though.) if you work for a medical university, your job is to make the university money.   if you go into your private practice you can do whatever you went.  either way, don't forget that you'll need a residency after med school before you can go solo.  if you choose this path, maybe there is an opportunity (internship?) with Dr. Harris that you can fit in during the summers of med school.. then you'll always have a reference/recommendation too.

if you choose phd -  your job is to make the university money (i.e. get grants to fund research projects that you're doing, grants are given to those who publish), and you'll need to do a postdoc until you're independent in your own research.  both will mean you are working on someone else's research idea (which you may find a great one! and great or not, you may still learn a ton to form your own ideas quickly and be ready to move on quickly.)

not trying to bias you here, they are all great choices, and it's great to have choices!  my point is that they are both long hauls, and you just need to remember to enjoy the opportunity of the journey and focus on what you plan/can do for the world once you have these degrees.

hope this helps!, i am a little tired atm and hope i'm making sense, lol. but, i know well the academic world so feel free to ask anything if i can help.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #191 on: October 03, 2010, 11:13:36 am »
I'm thinking osteopathic school rather than going for an M.D.. The payscale looks to be about the same.

I know what you mean about agreeing to disagree, I had to do some of that even in biology undergrad. I had this talk with Lex before and he put it as becoming a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Another reason I'm leaning towards a medical degree over a PhD is that I believe the current and future economic positions is moving away from money in the area of academia and keeping money or putting more money into the area of medicine. Academia relies on funding from government grants (for the most part) and the US government is broke and resorting to all kinds of bizarre monetary policies just to pay it's bills. Academicians imo live high off the hog and don't produce enough to justify their incomes, eventually that will have to change. In other words I believe there's a bubble in academia and that research funding and professor/researcher pay scales are on their way down.

On the other hand the medical field funds itself by providing goods and services that people demand. Whether they are good or not people demand and purchase them, and it really isn't going anywhere but up from what I see. So I could do a bit of nutritional research by helping patients try and control their conditions (like diabetes) with diet while at the same time making good money, rather than scraping by trying to get funding for research grants as a PhD biologist or whatever.

The one HUGE drawback: money in the interim. As a PhD student you can get a stipend to live (barely) on, as a med student you have zero income and tons of debt awaits you when you're done. You make a lot more money and can probably pay it off quickly and be in a good economic situation shortly after finishing, but I don't know how I'm going to live in the mean time. I have to find out if you can get loans for living expenses in addition to medical school tuition.

Oh and thanks Ioanna, any info is a help.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #192 on: October 03, 2010, 11:40:00 am »
pharmaceutical companies pour big money into research.. it's how they design their next big drug.  medical universities, where most doctors work, gain a ton of money from research.. it's really ridiculous how the whole thing works.

anyway, i think d.o. school would be great! you'll learn more than m.d.'s, but you still have to pass the same boards so a lot is the same too.

yeah, money is much different.  some phd programs don't even give the stipend! but, yes, you can borrow what you need to live on plus tuition/books/etc.  nothing different from undergrad, you'll survive cuz that's what we do... and you can eat your rpd too :)  you don't have to start paying back your loan until you start working.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #193 on: October 04, 2010, 08:29:55 am »
I'm looking at an MCAT course. Things are pretty tight, if I want to start next Fall I have to take the January MCAT, as well as getting all my other application stuff together. MCAT courses are about $2000.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #194 on: October 04, 2010, 09:16:47 am »
From what I've been told those MCAT courses are quite helpful as sort of a forced study time and in general test-taking strategy (like when you don't know the answer, etc). If it's what you want, can you be ready for the January test? 

Here's another thought... if you decide to go to med/d.o school, you can still do a post-doc/research stuff with a biology or other lab.  Whereas the opposite, of course, is not true that one cannot do a medical residency with a PhD.

Ooooh, and another that I didn't realize until after I finished that I think would have influenced me otherwise... maybe consider your personality.  In general, career options with an M.D. will give you more interaction with people while research will leave you largely in solitude.  With M.D. you will have feedback on a daily basis as to your performance, with research months will go by before you know if an experiment is working.

Gosh, I do feel for you right now Kyle because I was at the same crossroad some time ago.  I chose the academic route, and in all honestly I was second guessing myself for most of the way because I really didn't know what I wanted to do with an advanced degree or a medical degree.. I just knew I wanted to study them to the fullest and apply my knowledge is some good way.  So I just kept moving with my best foot forward.  What more can we do? 

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #195 on: October 08, 2010, 06:57:54 am »
Ya Ioanna that's the place I'm at. In addition I have these ideas of other projects I want to do with music and literature and I don't know where those fit in. Hobbies or a possible career? Would I have time for hobbies in med school? Would I regret not pursuing those at a certain point in my life? Would I regret not pursuing med school if I instead chose to work my current job and try and make a second career with art? These questions are really not answerable so I'll be doing guesswork about it all. I'm taking anyone's advice or suggestions that will give me them very seriously though.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #196 on: November 04, 2010, 09:16:45 am »
In addition to deleting spam from my journal I'll add that I'm swung back towards wanting to go to graduate school for a PhD. There's a school a little over an hour drive from me that I can do nutrition in, and I didn't consider it before because of the drive. But right now I'm making about an hour drive to work every day and it's ok. My GRE scores and GPA are above what they require, so I think I have a good chance. They have nutrition and then endocrinology, and I have to decide which one to go into. There's also some other schools to consider but I'm heavily leaning towards this one, Rutgers (New Brunswick) because they're the only school anywhere near me that has a PhD in nutrition.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #197 on: November 04, 2010, 10:14:17 am »
Seriously, you remind me so much of me!, only instead of music and literature I am heavily into theatre.  I joked that I would apply to med school and Juilliard and let the application process decide my fate.  Well, I did neither, I went to grad school instead, and constantly wondered if I would regret exploring the other two further.  Today I can honestly say I am entirely happy with my decision, though I'm sure I'd find happiness in whichever I pursued.  I am sure if I stayed with theatre I would be wondering today if I have what it takes to accomplish what I have so far academically.. and I'd doubt my own capabilities.  Theatre is still a passion though, and I've worked for several (I move a lot) professional companies post grad school graduation.  If I get to do something on/off Broadway I'll take a leave of absence.  I guess, my idea is that in the moment you feel like you are choosing one thing over the other, but it's more like a shift in priorities and over time it can all balance out. You can do any (and every) thing that you want to!  If it's a passion for you, you'll find the time or a way to make it happen.

Rutgers seems like a fun school.. it's huge!.. you'll have fun basketball games to attend!   

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #198 on: November 06, 2010, 08:57:27 am »
Thanks, that makes me feel a little better. I started emailing Rutgers faculty today, I found at least two that seem very interesting to me. They have little one sentence write ups about their research interests: Peter Gillies - Nutrigenomics and the relationships between nutrition and metabolic syndrome disorders
Peter Guarnaccia - Anthropology of foods and health

There's a lot of lipid metabolism research going on there too. I'm definitely interested in the biochemistry angle but want to be sure to not get into a situation where I'm 100% of the time in a lab running machines and pipetting.

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Re: my so called journal
« Reply #199 on: November 24, 2010, 07:46:29 am »
Update: pursuing application to Rutgers PhD program in nutrition. Going to Nicaragua to meet a friend and see his farm there in mid-December. I'm going to take a bunch of pemmican with me and try and only lightly sample the traditional cuisine there. To completely abstain would be out of the question for me, as although I am a health enthusiast I am also an ethnic foods lover. This trip is centered on my dream to own some productive land for subsistence farming one day. This friend I met at my last job, he is from Nicaragua and told me that he has a farm there, as well as a house in the city, and I was welcome to come and visit when he visits. Well I am certainly taking him up on that, whether he expected me to or not.


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