-Ryan - Citrushigh(or rawpaleoforum.com name)
-Stockholm, WI - latitude 47ish
-Lax RVAF, meaning vast majority is raw, mostly original foods, but I deny myself no pleasure of the senses, as such I will eat cooked food whenever I deem it to be pleasurable enough to negate the health consequences. I'm always working towards 100% raw, but not in a big hurry. My meat staples are suet, heart, and liver, all grass fed of course, and usually beef. But I also have lived on raw cream and eggs mostly for long periods. Staple veggies are green peppers, crucifers, parsley and cilantro. Staple fruits are plantains and bananas, and anything else in season.
-Facebook, pm me on rawpaleodietforum.com for my full name.