Did you wait tables first? how did you get that job?
Yes I started by waiting tables at a greek restaurant first. I got that job just because I appeared there and said I want a job, lol
Then I had that on my bar resume and went to the next place after, then the next...etc.
Serving tables you can make even more money but you have to work at a fine dining place, I bartender at a place where the waiters would bring over 300 cash a night but they were crazy busy, I'd be sneaking them alcohol cause they were so tired and stressed running around, lol
One guy started fat and lost all his weight after 2 years serving, guess he just needed to move, for anyone energetic a serving or bartending job in a busy place will be fun, I got plenty of exercise running around, always on my feet all day, and dragging cases of beer up and down the stairs, sometimes I was exhausted after but it was fun.
I also bartended in strip clubs that was a riot, lots of stuff goin on all the time, its like being in some crazy night drama show