Ok here are some pics, I had this absolutely delicious pastured steak just a little while ago.
MMMMM, I relished it! after I snapped these pics I just devoured it LOL
As you can see I REALLY enjoyed it - it was very bloody and salty! (pic quality is bad cause my room was very dark today and I had to use flash, need to get a better camera )
Why is it you raw paleo women make nice food presentations... then also make nice yummy raw meat eating poses? I bet the other paleo women's raw meat eating poses and pics also look... womanly... sensuous...
Anyway, here's my amateur video with my 9 year old boy camera man. Youtube is still processing it. Taking a long time... But maybe it will play soon. Maybe the censor is deciding if this is X-rated?
http://www.rawpaleoforum.com and
http://www.curemanual.com here is a short demonstration of how to eat raw beef sirloin with your bare hands and teeth. As you can see it is pretty easy and can be done quickly.
In this demo last dinner I had previously eaten some 6 live clams and some raw fish danguit ceviche, but those haven't really filled me up yet. So I grabbed a piece of never refrigerated fresh beef sirloin. I remembered promising the gang at
www.rawpaleoforum.com to post a video of me eating raw meat. My 9 year old is the camera man.
You can also see my 7 year old boy eat some raw ripe papaya fruit, and you may see some mango peelings.
I eat raw everything for my health because I used to be very sick. I'm a complete / REAL raw foodist. NOT VEGAN.
Eating a raw paleo diet is the basis diet for curing cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other "incurables" you can think of. They are not incurable for the original human diet.
I apologize for the shaky nature of this video. Can't keep a 9 year old still for long. Next time I'll use a tripod.
Hey Dr. Richard Wrangham. Your theory on how long it takes for humans to devour meat is completely wrong! I can consume 1/2 kilo of raw meat in a mere few minutes 10 - 15 at my leisure. Raw meat digests in my tummy around 1 hour.
And to those who are currently raw vegans... raw meat is your future and super food. Raw vegan gurus are all crashing and turning to raw animal foods. I used to be a raw vegan and a raw fruitarian and crashed and burned... adding raw meat and raw fat completed my nutritional requirements. You can wait for your body to crash due to B12 deficiency or you can give up your raw vegan fantasies now and join us at
http://www.rawpaleoforum.com . We are a bunch of happy nice people piecing together the original human diet, before agriculture, before the prevalence of cooking.