Rats are nocturnal. They usually hide during the day and venture out at night.
No rats are not nocturnal, they are crepuscular, most active at dusk and dawn, sleeping in the middle of night and day, again, if you really knew about rats you would know this.
Instead you dismissed my idea of farming them as though it was impossible and utter crap.
I actually prefer feral animals over grass fed cows. Bison, and wild deer etc. Closer to wild the better. But you got to work with what you got.
You like bison? Me too, thank the bison farmers for their hard work to bring this great animal to your table.
I don't like to buy pets, mainly because I prefer to observe them in nature (just my opinion please don't take offense if you own pets).
That's fine if you don't like pets, one of my good friends doesn't like animals, but he has never said anything disrespectful about my pets, or that they suck, or anything childish like that. I spend lots of time on them and take great care of them, and if you knew about pets you wouldn't say that to someone who loves their pets. By the way living with pets is very natural for humans. My rats and cats and dogs I had always loved me, even when I let my rats run free in the house they'd follow me usually, and play with me.
Yes, animals don't think and have thoughts like us. But, in my opinion, there life is more fulfiiled in the wild even though it's tougher. They get to experience what they are meant to.
Again you're not making sense, I am not keeping tigers, I am keeping animals which live well with humans! Saying my snakes life is not fulfilled is called anthropomorphism. My cats lives are more then dangerous enough, they have a forest close by, sometimes my male goes for two days before deciding to come back home, they have lots of fun but also got into fights and I had to treat their wounds. The cats are doing whatever they please, usually they are pleased hanging with me in my room though, and snuggling.
I don't care about money (but I got to eat)....
You said in numerous posts before about hoe you wanted to get rich, or have more money or be wealthy, stuff along those lines, at this point I don't think you know what you truly want man.
I am having troubles getting employed, I think my arabic name may be affecting this.
Really? Come to Toronto, I have on numerous occasions not been served properly because they employees they hire in stores can't even speak basic frikkin English, never mind their name lol
Farms are necessary now. If everyone was educated on health etc. though, everyone in the world could all hunt sustainably.
Farms will always be necessary, unless we plan on killing of 75% of the people on the planet, again there is nothing wrong with sustainable farms that care about the wellbeing of their animals!!! When everyone is educated enough, they are not going to hunt sustainably, they are going to farm sustainably, and be at peace, and they are going to care about preserving the natural environment. Sure there will be some hunters and tribes, but most people wont want to do that.
Perhaps you should work on a farm, its hard work and you can learn some respect for the people that work hard to bring the majority of us healthy meat. I am certainly thankful to those people...
And you tell me to "get real"? Perhaps you should tell it to yourself.