For the fruit sensitive people here.
Even sensitive to organic / wild fruits local and in season.
Did you ever consider that you may have been damaged, injured, need healing or need nutritional fixing to be able to function as a normal human being and able to consume real natural fruit?
Yes, that's part of my hypothesis, actually, and has been from the start, why do you ask, GS?
Being able to consume fruits is a NORMAL human trait.
If you mean wild heirloom fruits in season, I'd have to agree--and don't forget raw honeycomb/grubcomb in season--Yay!--or at least I hope.

Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but I'm hoping that some day in the future I'll be able to eat more fruits and raw honey than I can now without the side effects. My guess is that the sources of the problems come from a combination of:
> systems damaged by SAD and other unhealthy diets,
> the combined negative effects of Neolithic selection for large size, sugar content (measured in laboratories, BTW), durability and shelf life rather than nutrition, less tree ripening and freshness, petrochemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, etc.
> individual genetic and epigenetic variation
> and probably other factors
For any who may get irritated by mention of poor response to fruits, please remember that I LOVE fruits and raw honey and would LOVE to be able to eat more of them. I envy your superior ability to tolerate them. So we agree that fruits are delicious, our bodies just respond differently to them, that's all. Please be happy with your superior ability and don't let my handicap bother you.
Find ways to restore your ability to consume REAL FRUIT.
Yes, that's what I've been talking about since I first joined here. Katelyn has even taken me to task for it. Did you see her posts on that, GS?
You are human.

That cucumber isn't going to kill you. It will hydrate you.
Meh, you can have the cucumbers, thanks. Give me wild Maine blueberries or raw honey any day. Nyum yum!
I hope the folks who thrive on fruits will consider applying the same points they make about fruits being natural for humans to those who thrive on lots of animal fat, meat and organs. Then we can all get along splendidly. Way cool!

Just because some folks don't thrive on high meat/fat also doesn't mean it's not also natural for humans. One of humanity's greatest advantages may be its dietary adaptability. We didn't choose to be the way we are, it just happened that way. As Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?"

For anyone who thinks I've been trying to imply that my experience applies to all human beings, please see the explanatory points in my signature. I NEVER EVER mean to imply that.