PP is right you do need to seek counsel with a kidney disease expert
There is one thing you may want to concider especially with your kidney problems. CADMIUM TOXICITY
Its a know cause of kidney dissease, as well as numbers of other health issues.
I had a hair analysis done while I was real sick, and it showed I had high cadmium as well as off the charts in aluminium.
I called poison control and the guy told me that high cadmium usually is caused by smoking cigarettes or eatting large amounts of leafy green vegtables. I used to eat a lot of green vegtables and never experience any health benefits from doing so. I often wonder if my high cadmium was from diet or occupation. Its sometimes a contaminate of fertilizers, as well as used in the matterial I work with as an electrician.
A red flag is waving in my mind when I hear someone with kidney problems who eats allot of greens.
http://www.cadmium.org/env_exp.htmlDo some more research on this issue and try to Bring it up if you can find a good doctor,
I am poor and without insurance so when I went to doctors offices with my hair analysis results they treated me like a head case. If you don't have elevated lead or mercury in your blood then they don't consider it poisoning. Even a kidney specialist wont diagnose these types slow accumulated toxicity's even though issues like mild cadmium toxicity are a prevalent cause of many kidney issues (Diagnosed or not).
My problems were a combination of toxicity and nutritional imbalance, I am not saying we have the same issues, or that cadmium is the primary culprit, only I suggest that If you have kidney issues that you should at all cost avoid any additional cadmium exposure, and don't rule out cadmium poisoning even if the medical test rule it out. Most toxic metals will get stored in the tissues so that a blood test will not show any toxic levels even though the tissues are saturated with it, this is especially true with cadmium which is accumulated over time.