the marriage ceremony is most likely neolithic, but marriage as way of life is probably not neolithic. there are many examples in the animal world of strictly monogamous relationships and human case could be just like that. in any case there is no evidence for and against, so please indicate this is your personal opinion and not some kind of universal fact.
It’s not my personal opinion, there’s a lot of anthropological evidence showing that social organization changed drastically with the Neolithic from nomadic hunter-gatherers tribes to sedentary families of farmers. True, some animal such as birds have strictly monogamous relationships, but it’s not the case for primates.
Hunter-gatherers have no senses of private property, they share everything. It was still the case for Polynesians and Inuits a few decades ago. Marriage is a contract of exclusivity (possession of the spouse) specifically introduced by sedentary Neolithic farmers and so called “civilization”.
i agree. personally, i want security of my own life and my child's life. so, if i build a raw paleo community, i do want some family structure in that community where there will be married couple and they take care of their children sincerely. if i don't do that, than what's the difference between me and hippies?
There’s no safety in an exclusive family structure: if one of the parents goes away, is injured or killed, what happens in the absence of any kind of organized (civilized) social security? On the contrary, there’s much more security in a tribal structure where the children are welcome everywhere, with every body, no matter who are the father and mother. As a matter of fact, the biological father is usually unknown.
Marriage and exclusive couples are a disaster. It has led to sexual dissatisfaction, divorces, adultery, jealousy tragedies, prostitution, pornography, and most important : failure of love.
A main difference between hippies and us is that hippies fed on cooked food, grain and dairy. Those food contain opioïds and other noxious molecules causing sexual over-excitation. With strict raw paleo diet, the sexual obsession due to inappropriate food disappear. Therefore, in the wild with raw paleo food, in principle there would not be genital relations without love.