The trouble with the above notion is that it causes huge problems for a large number of people. Take my example:- I bought into the whole Primal Diet thing, ages ago, and did it(minus the raw veggie-juice aspect) for 6 months. During those 6 months, I was lied to, again and again, by certain people, that it was supposedly impossible to have an allergy towards raw dairy, or that raw dairy allergies were almost nonexistent, or that all I needed to get rid of allergenic symptoms was to carry out various old wives' tales re drinking raw milk at room-temperature or mixing raw milk with raw honey or some similiar utter nonsense. If I had believed such lies, I would eventually have died sooner or later. Fortunately, after some pointless experimentation; I had the sense to ignore such lies and cut out all raw dairy and became healthy as a result. Yet, if, at the time, I had received the anti-raw dairy advice found on this board, I would have saved myself 6 months of pure, unadulterated hell. Others had to go through years of hell before they eventually got wise to raw-dairy-issues.
Now, take the general stance of rawpaleoforum:- unlike foolish rawists in the past, such as some Primal Dieters from way back, who insisted that raw foods are generally always fine as long as they are raw,we generally acknowledge that there are some potential problems faced by many newbies when starting RVAF diets. We mention the most common potential side-effects that can cause problems(such as raw dairy or raw eggs or raw veggie-juice etc.), thus sparing many people all sorts of potential problems. Now, granted, a minority of people can tolerate or even thrive on raw dairy, but, judging from some past accounts, even some of those only do well on moderate amounts of raw dairy and suffer greatly if they consume too much of it(re calcium:magnesium ratio issues) etc.). So, it makes perfect sense to recommend against raw dairy for newbies to RVAF diets. If, once they have gotten started with and fully used to RVAF diets, they then wish to experiment with raw dairy to see if it works for them, that's fine, but, given so many people have dairy-related health-problems, it would be very, very foolish to recommend raw dairy from the start. After all, raw dairy is not essential to health whereas raw meat(and raw fruit for omnivores) are.