Author Topic: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush  (Read 72921 times)

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2010, 11:55:48 pm »
Hello lovely, beautiful and hopefully smiling people of rpf,

I saw this thread and wanted to give my thoughts since I recently took extensive measures to procede through liver flushing. I first found out about liver flushing through GS here on the forum and was intrigued by its supposed promises of increased health. For me, the idea of experimentation with different health strategies is something that brings me great delight if the following conditions hold. First: the strategy must be quite safe and second that I am doing it for the purpose of cleansing my body that I love not as a measure to distinguish myself from the rest of society or as a way to control outer external events as in my case of addictive behaviors. Essentially I want to love myself in a way that I would not want to poison my body with anything. It was unfortunate that the second condition was not met when I did these flushes but the first condition was satisfactory for me.

I searched tirelessly for anecdotal evidence that liver flushing was indeed safe and an opportunity for increased health. Most of my searching was done on curezone and through correspondence with other members here. Liver flushing is a serious venture into the unknown as there are no controlled studies that I know of. There is no money in liver flushing so it would be quite pointless to study it in our capitalistic society which is rather a shame and so most all evidence I found came from anecdotal stories online.

I found no evidence of any trauma happening during liver flushing that required immediate medical attention from the perhaps over 100 different accounts that I read through. The most dangerous and scary news came from a respected curezone poster who repeated warned about liver flushing, not only not working, but getting real stones stuck in the common bile duct which would neccesitate emergency gall bladder removal. I didn't find a single case of this though I found several different reports of minor to mild health consequences (headaches, vomitting, blood shot eyes,...) For me this was not enough to explore this possible extremely net positive health action. Think for instance of playing a casino game where 99% of the time you lose 10 dollars and 1% of the time you win 100000. The rewards seemed to greatly outweigh the risks (other people on this forum have different opinions of this but this was my analysis).

The next thing I did was to research how to do such a flush. There are quite a many combinations though the most commonly used flush is done with an oil and citrus mix (usually at least 4oz of oil) taken before bed after fasting for half a day. I soon found out that preparation was even more important than the actual flush and again there are a multitude of combinations of ways to prepare for a flush, which for me produced lots of anxiety since I didn't want to get anything wrong.

I found out about a supposed easier liver flush with egg yolks. With information on curezone I constantly get confused on what to believe. As there are extravagent promises that wonder if these if these people are posting from inside insane assylums. I chuckled mightily after I heard that my nose was going to shrink in size (which I remember well since I have a nice fat greek nose). But, none of these seemingly clear absurd promises of health turned me away. I just cared if it was safe. If it didn't work, who cares?

The egg-yolk liver flush did not require epsom salts and was simple enough and so I went through with it with very little results. Some intresting turds but that was it. It was at this time I started to consume lots of yolks since supposedly these are good for cleansing the liver (and the fats perhaps easier to digest since they are in liquid form?). Since this flush did nothing I went a step further and did the oil plus citrus flush commonly referred to the Hulda Clark flush. I rather naively did not prepare that well (I was excited by the "promises" and the adventure of it all) and underwent this Hulda Clark flush without taking anywhere near the required epsom salts. I did this twice spread apart by some few weeks I believe with the neither of these flushes producing anything except for a very bad headache the next night that did not allow me to sleep(I cannot for sure say this was a consuquence of the flush).

After this flush I waited perhaps 4 months to do the next flush and this one I prepared like I was in a title fight for. I ate quite a bit off raw yolks nearly everyday for the month before. Most of the time I would mix in lime or grapefruit and occasionally a bit of honey for taste. Some days I ate nothing but yolks. I prepared also by taking droplets of digestive grape bitters which supposedly help dissolve stones for a month or so prior to the flush as well as chinese bitters and gold coin grass. I made castor oil packs and put them on my liver/gall bladder, which was a nice way to relax and meditate. I took some apple cider vinegar as well occasionally which is supposed to crush stones. I gave myself coffee enemas nearly daily as well. None of these things seemed to make any difference in the way I felt. I wasn't really expecting anything from the flush because of the previous two times but I gave it another try. This time with the full dosage of epsom salts, which taste extremely bad by the way.

I probably visited the bathroom a dozen times the next day with nothing coming out the first few times except liquid waste and then by the early afternoon the day following the flush small green "stones" that floated came out in bundles. I contiued to get "stones" and other junk out even through the next day. I felt good to have "success" that my body created something because of the work I put into it. I felt absolutely no different after the flush. I examined a few of the larger (10-15mm) "stones" and found some seeds from some fruit I consumed earlier in the day so these were clearly products of the flush itself and not true gallstones.

I wasn't dissapointed to find that out because I had read from respected members that this is indeed what to expect - bile compacted with intestinal waste, but it seems that this is not necessarily just waste. Some debris and sludge(yet to be formed stones) from the gall bladder is indeed being slowly pushed out by these flushes. True gall stones would probably have a very hard time making it through the common bile duct since its just 5mm in diameter if I recall correctly, though apparently it expands with the help of the epsom salts.

The only thing I could discern that was differnt about myself was that I could feel my gall bladder the next couple weeks(perhaps it was simply weakened by the extreme amount of bile pushed through it). I have yet to do a liver flush since, but only because I need to meet my second condition before I try it again. There are so many variations and so much to preuse out there and if you do flush as always do your homework.

My "theory" on producing a high-functioning body is to remove as much "clutter" as possible (liver/gallbladder stones, kidney stones, excess fat, mucoid plaque, heavy metals, etc) and let the body handle things from there. I also believe this mentality works for mental and emotional health. Clear the clutter from your mind. Drop the ego. Let go of the shame and guilt and have as close to nothing on your mind except awareness of the present and let the power of the freed up energy in your mind do the rest.

I try to follow my soul and true spirit within me now listening to as much as I can. Lots of love and best regards to all.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2010, 01:37:32 am »
Hello lovely, beautiful and hopefully smiling people of rpf,

I saw this thread and wanted to give my thoughts since I recently took extensive measures to procede through liver flushing. I first found out about liver flushing through GS here on the forum and was intrigued by its supposed promises of increased health. For me, the idea of experimentation with different health strategies is something that brings me great delight if the following conditions hold. First: the strategy must be quite safe and second that I am doing it for the purpose of cleansing my body that I love not as a measure to distinguish myself from the rest of society or as a way to control outer external events as in my case of addictive behaviors. Essentially I want to love myself in a way that I would not want to poison my body with anything. It was unfortunate that the second condition was not met when I did these flushes but the first condition was satisfactory for me.

I searched tirelessly for anecdotal evidence that liver flushing was indeed safe and an opportunity for increased health. Most of my searching was done on curezone and through correspondence with other members here. Liver flushing is a serious venture into the unknown as there are no controlled studies that I know of. There is no money in liver flushing so it would be quite pointless to study it in our capitalistic society which is rather a shame and so most all evidence I found came from anecdotal stories online.

I found no evidence of any trauma happening during liver flushing that required immediate medical attention from the perhaps over 100 different accounts that I read through. The most dangerous and scary news came from a respected curezone poster who repeated warned about liver flushing, not only not working, but getting real stones stuck in the common bile duct which would neccesitate emergency gall bladder removal. I didn't find a single case of this though I found several different reports of minor to mild health consequences (headaches, vomitting, blood shot eyes,...) For me this was not enough to explore this possible extremely net positive health action. Think for instance of playing a casino game where 99% of the time you lose 10 dollars and 1% of the time you win 100000. The rewards seemed to greatly outweigh the risks (other people on this forum have different opinions of this but this was my analysis).

The next thing I did was to research how to do such a flush. There are quite a many combinations though the most commonly used flush is done with an oil and citrus mix (usually at least 4oz of oil) taken before bed after fasting for half a day. I soon found out that preparation was even more important than the actual flush and again there are a multitude of combinations of ways to prepare for a flush, which for me produced lots of anxiety since I didn't want to get anything wrong.

I found out about a supposed easier liver flush with egg yolks. With information on curezone I constantly get confused on what to believe. As there are extravagent promises that wonder if these if these people are posting from inside insane assylums. I chuckled mightily after I heard that my nose was going to shrink in size (which I remember well since I have a nice fat greek nose). But, none of these seemingly clear absurd promises of health turned me away. I just cared if it was safe. If it didn't work, who cares?

The egg-yolk liver flush did not require epsom salts and was simple enough and so I went through with it with very little results. Some intresting turds but that was it. It was at this time I started to consume lots of yolks since supposedly these are good for cleansing the liver (and the fats perhaps easier to digest since they are in liquid form?). Since this flush did nothing I went a step further and did the oil plus citrus flush commonly referred to the Hulda Clark flush. I rather naively did not prepare that well (I was excited by the "promises" and the adventure of it all) and underwent this Hulda Clark flush without taking anywhere near the required epsom salts. I did this twice spread apart by some few weeks I believe with the neither of these flushes producing anything except for a very bad headache the next night that did not allow me to sleep(I cannot for sure say this was a consuquence of the flush).

After this flush I waited perhaps 4 months to do the next flush and this one I prepared like I was in a title fight for. I ate quite a bit off raw yolks nearly everyday for the month before. Most of the time I would mix in lime or grapefruit and occasionally a bit of honey for taste. Some days I ate nothing but yolks. I prepared also by taking droplets of digestive grape bitters which supposedly help dissolve stones for a month or so prior to the flush as well as chinese bitters and gold coin grass. I made castor oil packs and put them on my liver/gall bladder, which was a nice way to relax and meditate. I took some apple cider vinegar as well occasionally which is supposed to crush stones. I gave myself coffee enemas nearly daily as well. None of these things seemed to make any difference in the way I felt. I wasn't really expecting anything from the flush because of the previous two times but I gave it another try. This time with the full dosage of epsom salts, which taste extremely bad by the way.

I probably visited the bathroom a dozen times the next day with nothing coming out the first few times except liquid waste and then by the early afternoon the day following the flush small green "stones" that floated came out in bundles. I contiued to get "stones" and other junk out even through the next day. I felt good to have "success" that my body created something because of the work I put into it. I felt absolutely no different after the flush. I examined a few of the larger (10-15mm) "stones" and found some seeds from some fruit I consumed earlier in the day so these were clearly products of the flush itself and not true gallstones.

I wasn't dissapointed to find that out because I had read from respected members that this is indeed what to expect - bile compacted with intestinal waste, but it seems that this is not necessarily just waste. Some debris and sludge(yet to be formed stones) from the gall bladder is indeed being slowly pushed out by these flushes. True gall stones would probably have a very hard time making it through the common bile duct since its just 5mm in diameter if I recall correctly, though apparently it expands with the help of the epsom salts.

The only thing I could discern that was differnt about myself was that I could feel my gall bladder the next couple weeks(perhaps it was simply weakened by the extreme amount of bile pushed through it). I have yet to do a liver flush since, but only because I need to meet my second condition before I try it again. There are so many variations and so much to preuse out there and if you do flush as always do your homework.

My "theory" on producing a high-functioning body is to remove as much "clutter" as possible (liver/gallbladder stones, kidney stones, excess fat, mucoid plaque, heavy metals, etc) and let the body handle things from there. I also believe this mentality works for mental and emotional health. Clear the clutter from your mind. Drop the ego. Let go of the shame and guilt and have as close to nothing on your mind except awareness of the present and let the power of the freed up energy in your mind do the rest.

I try to follow my soul and true spirit within me now listening to as much as I can. Lots of love and best regards to all.

Great post
Take everyones advice with a grain of salt. Try things out for your self and then make up your mind.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2010, 04:40:34 am »
yeah, thanks for posting that donk. very informative.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2010, 04:56:08 am »
Hey FTH how did you feel when you did your liver flush?
5-10% off your first purchase at with dicount code: KIS978

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2010, 06:57:18 am »
yeah, thanks for posting that donk. very informative.

Maybe you can share your coffee enema experience me.

Coffee enema is a different kind of liver flush.
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2010, 07:43:39 am »
Alright well I am about 8 hours into the yolk flush now, nothing any different from normal so far, perhaps has something to do with my high egg consumption in the beginning of eating RP. I used to eat 9+ raw eggs a day (although with no citrus and oil) for awhile so I suppose its possible my liver is pretty clean.

Anyway I did 1/2 cup pastured yolks, 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon, 1 tablespoon organic, cold pressed olive oil.

...will continue on for the few days and see how I feel.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2010, 08:24:14 am »
Liver flushing is for people with some sort of illness.
And there are some people with stones or muck and some who are clean.
If you come up with 3 straight flush days and nothing comes out, then your liver is clean.

I doubt if years seasoned raw paleo dieters will come out with liver slush or stones.
The reason I went on a raw diet was because I continued forming new stones on a cooked diet.
I wanted to stop liver flushing altogether after 20+ flushes.
I didn't think it was right to continue liver flushing to eternity.

So after I did my 14 day orange juice fast, went fruitarian, went raw paleo diet, I've been stone free and muck free.  Even to this last time I did this egg yolk liver flush a few days ago just to document how it is done.

Ah but for those sick people like:

my plumber (liver cancer) - his poop smelled like sewage and stones came out (now cured)
my expat friend (retinal detachment ) - his pooped smelled like sewage (now cured)
my uncle (brain tumor, lung tumor) - he keeps pooping stones (cure attempt is ongoing)

You have 'evidence' that it makes you feel better. I'm not disputing that. However I think that if you're stating as a fact that it removes stones and can help liver cancer you're treading on dodgy ground.

Why not state it less emphatically for things that don't have any studies behind them?

Why do you need to say you have a 'cure' for x and y?

I think pharma studies are full of B.S. and they never meet my standard of cure.
Western pharma medicine is full of B.S. and they define stupidity when it comes to "incurable diseases".
My standard of cure is my own healer practice for free.

Where the general structure of a cured person is: he knows the principles and practices raw paleo diet and he knows and practices detox protocols by himself. Liver flushing is just a mere tool in the detox tool box.

I am proud of all you guys here in this raw paleo forum because we are the shining light in a dark pharma medical hell.

I have to say cure, cure, cure, cure, cure to counter the "treatment" and "there is no cure" superstition being spouted by ignorant medical professionals.

I've cured too many people personally to know what I'm talking about and I won't back down on pushing the word CURE.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 08:33:31 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2010, 08:30:38 am »
Good to know! Thanks GS  :)

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #33 on: November 07, 2010, 09:05:39 am »
Josh does have a point, though. Even wild animals on natural, raw diets like sharks can get cancer, for instance, albeit at rates, I suspect, which are far lower than what is experienced by modern SAD-eating humans, judging from various pubmed studies I have read. I just think we should be more careful re what we can promise. I mean, some diseases are so severe that I can imagine that it would greatly harm someone psychologically if they were promised some raw diet cure for a supposedly incurable disease only for them to just get worse. I am aware that a rawpalaeodiet can perform miracles, at times, especially given my own experience(and various online testimonials), but I think we should just be more careful re our promises/guarantees.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:49:43 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #34 on: November 07, 2010, 09:15:25 am »
There are no guarantees in this world, Tyler.

But the western pharmaceutical paradigm is guaranteed to FAIL each and every time against "incurable diseases".  And people pay for these frauds!  They are only good at trauma in the emergency room.  But never with diseases!

Just listen to my friend who I helped with his retinal detachment, how he realized that his medical docs were just good for surgery and had NOTHING in the healing department... and now that he has felt the power of nutrition + detoxing... he's like a raving lunatic now, but he's a powerful, towering, respected figure in the banking industries, so when he talks, people will listen.

His brain is now working out how he's going to execute a raw paleo diet once he's back in the real world of travel and meetings.

I will keep blogging and reporting cures as I see them and actually do them and the many more testimonies of cured people in the future.

I would not have stayed with raw paleo diet if it didn't deliver.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #35 on: November 07, 2010, 04:26:16 pm »
I'm happy to let this argument go in a minute, but just think about this. If someone has cancer, and gets on a rpd and maybe tries your ideas. They'll probably start to feel much better, probably recover functions in their body they had before, which is all well and good.

So if you're there saying you're cured some kinds of people will believe it, when the cancer is still probably there. This stops them making real hard decisions about their body and what to do for the future.

I know chemo etc is horrible and people choose not do do it...but they need to make that choice themself.

And they need to know if the cancer is still there to make realistic choices about what to do before they die.

I've seen people in my family dying of cancer and I know the kind of desperation that can make people latch on to different ideas.

I like you and think you're a well intentioned poster, but I find it abhorrent that you're saying that you've cured a guy of liver cancer, when it seems like the 'evidence' for the cure is just that he feels better not that medical professionals have checked that the tumour has gone.

How does Mang Ben measure his liver cancer cure?
- no more pain
- lots of energy
- feeling of youth
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 05:00:25 pm by Josh »

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2010, 09:32:21 pm »

Most the people I know who skipped chemo and refused all treatment for a so called malignant tumor are alive and well, long after the doctors said they would be dead.

My great grand mother had a tumor in her breast, for three years it didn't grow nor did it cause any issues and some young doctor decided to biopsy it, and guess what, it was cancer and the biopsy procedure made it metastasize, they killed the first wave cancer with surgery and radiation, but the radiation gave her a more aggressive form of lymphatic cancer and she was dead within 6 months.

Before conventional medicine got involved she was strong vibrant and could walk up the side of the mountain where she lived, the only thing wrong was a lump on the breast, and they turned it into a death sentence.(Some people are better off with a tumor)especially if they change their way of living and correct what ever in balance that caused the tumor to grow in the first place.

There is a friend of mine who at the age of 14 he started roofing with his brother. 20 years later both himself and his brother developed asbestos's related cancers. He told me his brother worked hard every day and walked into the clinic for treatment. 6 months later he was dead. The doctors told my friend that he had baseball sized tumors in his lungs and other tumors through his body and he would be dead within a couple of years if he didn't let them cut it out. He said no way, your not cutting on me, and his doctor told him he was crazy (to his face, he was called crazy by his doctor, for refusing to be butchered) This was 15 years ago and the man is still living and in fairly good condition, The only radiation treatment he receives is from the tanning bed which he claims makes the pain of the tumors better.

There are many others I know personally that don't need to be cured in order to feel better and live better than what the medical field has to offer(myself included) The cure is often worse than the sickness
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 09:52:31 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2010, 12:27:28 am »
I'm happy to let this argument go in a minute, but just think about this. If someone has cancer, and gets on a rpd and maybe tries your ideas. They'll probably start to feel much better, probably recover functions in their body they had before, which is all well and good.

So if you're there saying you're cured some kinds of people will believe it, when the cancer is still probably there. This stops them making real hard decisions about their body and what to do for the future.

I know chemo etc is horrible and people choose not do do it...but they need to make that choice themself.

And they need to know if the cancer is still there to make realistic choices about what to do before they die.

I've seen people in my family dying of cancer and I know the kind of desperation that can make people latch on to different ideas.

I like you and think you're a well intentioned poster, but I find it abhorrent that you're saying that you've cured a guy of liver cancer, when it seems like the 'evidence' for the cure is just that he feels better not that medical professionals have checked that the tumour has gone.

Chemo and radiation for cancer is plain 100% bullshit.

In my opinion the western medical system is plain and simple a FRAUD in the identification and treatment of all diseases.

They absolutely get no respect for me, nor will they define my use of the word CURE.

I'm not just well intentioned.

I deliver CURES.

The VERY BEST decision people can make is to RUN AWAY from the western medical profession pushing chemo and radiation.  RUN AWAY!  Run away from the frauds, run away from the killers, run away from the murderers, run away from the greedy $$$$$$$$....

Never ever get a BIOPSY!

not that medical professionals have checked that the tumour has gone.

The super bullshit medical profession has ZERO CREDIBILITY in the eyes of Mang BEN, the man I helped cure of liver cancer.  He suffered liver cancer from 1997 until 2008 when he confided in me.  He had ZERO ERECTIONS for 8 non-f*cking years.

And today at 58 because of super simple ideas I taught him, he now has sex 2x a week with his wife who is 31 years old.

Mang Ben sees the FRAUDS for what they are, the western medical FRAUDS.
Mang Ben REFUSES to be tested or touched by the western medical FRAUDS.

All his complaints and symptoms are GONE!
If f*cking 2x a week after an 8 year erection loss is not evidence for you, then you and I can agree to disagree.

I'll stick to my guns.  CURED, CURED, CURED and shout to the very tops CURED!

« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 12:46:52 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2010, 03:16:57 am »
That's a very simplistic view. I agree that there's a lot of problems with western medicine, but that doesn't mean it never has answers...or that alternatives are always right.

I don't even disagree with what you're trying, but I firmly believe that it's not OK to throw about talk of cures to serious diseases.

So we'll have to agree to disagree, and don't take it personally if I call these things out.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #39 on: November 08, 2010, 06:30:57 am »
That's a very simplistic view. I agree that there's a lot of problems with western medicine, but that doesn't mean it never has answers...or that alternatives are always right.

I don't even disagree with what you're trying, but I firmly believe that it's not OK to throw about talk of cures to serious diseases.

So we'll have to agree to disagree, and don't take it personally if I call these things out.

Just as western medicine is TOTALLY WRONG ABOUT DIET.

The Fraud of Western Medicine is SOOOO BIIIGGGGG.... and so basic, at the core... should never be trusted with diseases... EVER.

Not even with the very definition of what diseases are in the first place!

It is western medicine who is doing the killing, murdering, butchering of people en mass while milking the people of their own $$$ money.

I'm sorry if you work for the medical industry, but the western medical industry is totally OUT of our lives when it comes to diseases.  

Look, I'm not the only one with the vehement opinion against the fraudsters:

It's okay for me to spout CURES because I'm saving lives!

« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 08:53:54 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #40 on: November 08, 2010, 11:51:46 pm »
You are right on the money. There are many medical modalities in the world that are actually useful in curing disease. Modern Allopathy is not one of them. Allopathy makes no money off of curing and is therefore not on the business of curing. As you said Allopathy (allo means trauma) was really only started up to do basic things like setting broken bones, making you comfortable when you are sick. When you are traumatized (broken arm) you go to a trauma specialist. That's what they do.

I have read that the aboriginals in Australia do a better job of setting bones but that is another argument which I am not armed to answer. (I read about it)

The whole "Scientific Method" scam is brilliantly designed to hoodwink the faceless mob. Eventually it will be looked upon by history in exactly the graphic terms that you used to describe it GS. They are murderers and thieves and they wrap themselves in the cloak of the great benefactors of society.

I have some friends who were part of that treadmill (surgeons) who gave it up as they realized that they didn't help people. Making a boatload of money, but not useful. They are now practicing Ayurveda and helping people to get well, sans the boatload of money

Curing may be a strong word for some methods of treatment, as I firmly believe that problems exist because of our nutritional etc. input. This might be in the current generation or in past generations. Subjecting your senses to garbage will result in some illness or another. Your flush, as you stated, doesn't cure, it gets rid of the immediate problems. Curing requires a different diet.

Ayurveda says that whatever you consume through your senses and your posture are the cause of disease.

The Ayurvedic doc tells me that my and my GF's liver are weak so I will try the flush. I am not suffering from any illnesses so it is iffy if I should do it. She has issues though.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #41 on: November 08, 2010, 11:53:55 pm »

For majority of the people who are sick with cancer or other diseases, the liver needs cleaning and nourishing. What better way to do this than with egg yolk liver flushing as the liver is nourished and cleansed at the same time.

If this is the first time you are doing a liver flush, you might want to take 1 carton of apple juice (not from concentrate) every day for 5 days as part of your daily diet. Apples have properties in them that soften liver stones and make the liver flow. This is good preparation.

Do this egg yolk liver flushing 4 straight mornings the moment you wake up. No drinking, no eating, just this flush immediately. No fasting necessary. Your sleep is already counted as your fast.

Read the full egg yolk liver flush protocol at
GS is there any advice on foods to avoid/favour while doing the flush?

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #42 on: November 09, 2010, 12:12:04 am »
yes, avoiding congestion causing foods is the key to long term successful liver cleaning. Assuming that much of the liver congestion people suffer from is a result of either the wrong foods or a combination of bad food and exposure to pollutants ;then what is the proper diet one must follow along with the live flush, in order to attain lasting benefits.

Something I was eatting was making me totally conjested, and only after I eliminated all grains, dairy,vegtable oil, and vegtables;then replaced that food with raw animal goodness, did the issues I had resolve.

I used a lot of vegtable oils and looking back now I see how poorly my liver could handle the processed grease. So I assume that would be at the top of the avoid list

Next I would eliminate all grains and dairy, even nuts can be hard on a clogged liver because of their aberrant protein and fat structures.

After that, it may be up to the individual to decide how much they are willing to give up to have good health, and of course some individuals are not as bad off as others and can indulge in congestion forming foods without suffering; once they are cleansed and healed.

Its still up for debate, anyone else have any suggestions?
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 03:21:32 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #43 on: November 09, 2010, 12:27:34 am »
Ayurveda gives you an easy method for figuring out what is a bad idea for you, but another method is to give up your favourite food for a month (might take more or less) and see how you feel. If no change,then reinstate it in your diet and remove something else.

Also take note how foods affect you in the short term. Say while eating or up to 36 hours after consumption.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #44 on: November 09, 2010, 07:27:26 am »
GS is there any advice on foods to avoid/favour while doing the flush?

Get the sick person on temporary raw paleo diet.
This worked splendidly well for my friend with the detached retina where after surgery it wasn't healing.
He did colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, liver cleansing.
Raw paleo diet cycling fruit / vegetable juices.
seared fatty grass fed sirloin steaks.
raw fatty fish
raw eggs as food.
raw bone marrow
raw grass fed beef liver.
plus some sunlight, sleep, etc.
He just got back to work yesterday.

You need to gauge the liver toxicity of the sick.  If the detoxification of the liver has too much poison in it, use a warm water enema 2 hours after drinking the egg yolk liver flush to escort out the dumped poisons.

If the liver is truly of the worst poisons, you may be better off doing coffee enemas.
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #45 on: November 09, 2010, 08:34:57 am »
Get the sick person on temporary raw paleo diet.
This worked splendidly well for my friend with the detached retina where after surgery it wasn't healing.
He did colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, liver cleansing.
Raw paleo diet cycling fruit / vegetable juices.
seared fatty grass fed sirloin steaks.
raw fatty fish
raw eggs as food.
raw bone marrow
raw grass fed beef liver.
plus some sunlight, sleep, etc.
He just got back to work yesterday.

You need to gauge the liver toxicity of the sick.  If the detoxification of the liver has too much poison in it, use a warm water enema 2 hours after drinking the egg yolk liver flush to escort out the dumped poisons.

If the liver is truly of the worst poisons, you may be better off doing coffee enemas.

Thanks GS,
I am going to try the flush tomorrow with my GF. I am not sick (my opinion strictly LOL, or at least not in the physical senses LOL) and neither is she. I was wondering if there are foods that will counteract or aggravate the process. When doing the preparation for PK in Ayurveda you are advised to avoid eating certain foods as you will feel nauseous for instance.

We are both on AV's diet and have been since last December. We also do the high meat thing.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #46 on: November 09, 2010, 08:39:31 am »
I used a lot of vegtable oils and looking back now I see how poorly my liver could handle the processed grease. So I assume that would be at the top of the avoid list

Next I would eliminate all grains and dairy, even nuts can be hard on a clogged liver because of their aberrant protein and fat structures.
My GF has real problems with fats due to her haemangioma. She has big issues with any fats, animal, vegetable.

I can eat it all no problem.

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #47 on: November 10, 2010, 11:38:15 am »
I was so conjested pre paleo that when I would eat my baked vetgable dishes with olive oil, the olive oil would pass totally undigested, and if I were stupid enough to eat fried food I would have some type of gallbladder attack were my side would radiate pain, my pancreas was also a little damaged so it would not produce enough insulin or digestive enzymes. The liver and pancreatic problems I had seemed to be somehow related to the same condition, and both issues resolved soon after changing to the diet.

At my worst when all the oil was passing through undigested I tried to go on an ultra low fat diet,with liver Epsom salt flushes, but I was already malnourished  it just made things worse. The raw egg flush at least replaces the garbage being flushed out with healing nutrition.

I will say it again that I eat a couple of egg yolks and drink lemon water and eat coconut butter everyday along with the paleo diet and I believe its worked wonders.
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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2010, 01:29:48 am »
We're on day 2. I do feel a bit lighter down below and a slight change in consciousness oddly enough. We made our apple juice with a twin gear juicer.

This probably should be another thread..... but GS any kidney flush suggestions?

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Re: Egg Yolk Liver Flushing: The Paleo Liver Flush
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2010, 11:45:20 am »

I usually use Avocado Leaves Tea.

Americans have great success with water melon day fasts.
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