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Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« on: November 05, 2010, 02:49:12 pm »
This article talks about how marijuana raises the flight or fight instincts in your body,  ... Charles barkley said more than 60% of NBA players smoke weed before everygame,
 And this guy is saying that NFL players all:
"Yes, I was told by 2 NFL players that I was smoking with that in their best estimate 70% of the league smokes marijuana. The coaches simply tell them when the tests are going to take place, and they take detox drinks.

My source? Two NFL starting players."
Though over long periods of using, you will mess with ur brain/hormone chemistry among other things, it may be smart to use a TINY bit every once in a while for snowboarding/big sports match as i have done. Thoughts/opinions?
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 03:20:14 pm »
i forgot to mention that it increases feeling/sensation during sex 8)
The price is wrong Bob

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 03:57:42 pm »
i forgot to mention that it increases feeling/sensation during sex 8)

Just getting a new young lady will increase the feeling / sensation of sex.  :D

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2010, 04:27:25 pm »
I've smoked quite a lot.
Now I would feel very fragile if I'll take again.
I prefer largely life without, much more sensations.

At some level, marijuana gives you more sensations but with a certain deconnexion from the reality.
So maybe you can have more sensations during sex game but with having less connexion with the partenair.
Also when having a real good connexion, finally the deep and palette sensations without drug can be even more beautiful.

 -X :)

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2010, 04:54:52 pm »
This topic belongs in the Hot Topics forum. -moved there now. IMO, the very last thing we need  is to promote drugs on a forum that is supposed to boost peoples' health, and I don't particularly like the idea of rawpalaeos being viewed by SAD-eaters as stoned-out addicts! We are considered eccentric enough as it is.
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Offline Hannibal

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2010, 05:01:11 pm »
Tyler, cannabis is healthy if you take it in moderation.
There is a plethora of evidences.
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2010, 05:15:59 pm »
I don't particularly like the idea of rawpalaeos being viewed by SAD-eaters as stoned-out addicts! We are considered eccentric enough as it is.

Having a thread on effects of pot on performance etc. will not make people who visit here think we're all stoners, lol, I think that idea itsellf is more eccentric then talking about pot and its effects  l)

Like with any potent herb, you must be careful not to overdo it, especially when smoking it. But yes, in moderation it can make anything from sex, exercise to eating food more sensational, as well as playing video games, doing monotonous work etc. It's all about what you do with it...and not do with it. I like it.  ;)

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2010, 07:18:38 pm »
Well, I tried marijuana a couple of times  and it did nothing for me. Though, admittedly given my past glandular-related issues I was already more or less in a natural drugged-up state, so it is not surprising.

I personally have nothing against the use of drugs for auto-immune diseases like MS, after all people in those situations naturally will try any method with possibilities of recovery, it's the other aspects I'm concerned with. Well, this thread is now in the Hot Topics forum, so it doesn't matter.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 08:49:22 pm by TylerDurden »
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2010, 08:42:25 pm »
I grew up around marijuana culture, Its a way of life for many people where I live. I remember smoking out with my friends before hitting the basketball court(like a ritual), and we would whip up on the other teams and everyone seemed to hit shots better stay more collected and preform at an overall higher level. (from my experience there are some positive enhancements that are caused by marijuana use.

We all knew about the Allen Iverson paradox
They told us in school; that one Joint was as damaging as one pack of cigarettes and yet people like Allen Iverson could smoke two or three blunts a day(the equivalent of 4 to 6 packs of cigarettes,according to the 'experts') and still compete with world class athletes and excel.

Its a mind altering herb that those who wish to view it as a negative vice are free to do so, that being said I think it wise to limit its use for special occasions ;for those who are predisposed to use it anyway. Its possible to use it occasionally without turning into a burnout . I wish to enjoy occasional peak experience under marijuana enhancement without becoming a lazy hippie so I must limit myself to a couple of tokes when the spirit arises. Snow boarding must be totally awesome on pot
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2010, 08:55:01 pm »
Well I don't know how drugs would affect my skiing, but, decades ago, I once foolishly skied down a piste after drinking vast amounts of schnaps in a mountain-restaurant. The piste wasn't  all that difficult when I was  sober  if a litle steep, but I was absolutely terrified the whole way down as my balance was totally screwed.
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2010, 09:22:30 pm »
perhaps that's why many professional athletes and olympic champions chose marijuana over alcohol or other intoxicants,because it allows you to perform under its influence without physical impairment(marijuana intoxication wont effect the balance of people experienced with its use, I could literally smoke some pot and walk a straight line on my hands backwards, but when I have tried to play ball after drinking only a couple of drinks the results are terrible(totaly sucked).
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2010, 09:43:03 pm »
In my experience marijuana can greatly boost your confidence especially if your already confident.  When I used to skateboard if I was stuck on a trick I would lite up a bong and then usually I would get it.  In my experience you can achieve the same boost sober tho, it could definitely help in certain situations tho.

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2010, 01:07:07 am »
well it is a performance inhancing drug given the user only takes a small amount in to only tweak  the body and put it in that intense aware state of mind/body. Sadly our society only recognizes it as getting "drunk on weed" and getting high, not just a lil simmered/tweaked. I know it makes me a crazy soccer/hockey player/snowboarder, but for school and non physical more communication stuff i can't focus as good cause my body is all reved up.
The price is wrong Bob

Offline Haai

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2010, 01:36:57 am »
Do you people mix your weed with tobacco when you smoke it, or do you smoke it pure?
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2010, 02:37:02 am »
Its kind of sad; I remember some the people I first started to smoke with wouldn't touch tobacco and there was a consensus that tobacco (at least smoked habitually in the form of cigarettes is a nasty habit without any real positive effect. As time went on though, they became used to tobacco through smoking it out of cigar papers and eventually began to use tobacco as a mask to hide the smell of marijuana, and became hooked. (I never liked tobacco mixed into the herb).Its foolish for teenage potheads to hide behind a Vail of tobacco smoke so they can toke up before school. Then some may say its foolish to breath the smoke of anything.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 02:52:01 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2010, 06:25:33 am »
Do you people mix your weed with tobacco when you smoke it, or do you smoke it pure?
i never mix tobacco w herb, my old friends liked it but it always made me throw up(seriously), and i was a permafried for i smoke only one GOOD toke only before my intense acitivity of choice, and i get warmed up not high first, then right before my hockey game starts i get one sneak toke in near a exit and jump on the ice/pitch. its the most awesome feeling, u get so jacked/amped up.

warm up->jump off for a second 4 toke->be a starting player and as soon as u step on ice game starts :D :D
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2010, 06:35:22 am »
Do you people mix your weed with tobacco when you smoke it, or do you smoke it pure?

Nooo way, dooon't do that. It's like adding something evil to something nice, lol
Also I suspect since weed is an expectorant, it also opens up your lungs, if you inhale tobacco smoke mixed with the weed smoke more of the tobacco smoke will be absorbed  >:  I imagine its like smoking tobacco while exercising....

Just get a small pipe and you don't have to roll it and you can smoke as little as you like, I found thats the best way. I have been smoking it this way for five years.

....but for school and non physical more communication stuff i can't focus as good cause my body is all reved up.

Really? I find it very good for doing mental things, like working on computer...however I love to go and do things like biking and hiking and take a little pot, it totally does not impede me in any way physically, and I find endurance type exercise more do-able, like biking the whole day.

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2010, 07:09:57 am »

Just get a small pipe and you don't have to roll it and you can smoke as little as you like, I found thats the best way. I have been smoking it this way for five years.

Thanks for the tip, I think I'll give that a try.
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2010, 07:27:19 am »
Really? I find it very good for doing mental things, like working on computer...however I love to go and do things like biking and hiking and take a little pot, it totally does not impede me in any way physically, and I find endurance type exercise more do-able, like biking the whole day.
mentally im more creative but all over the map. tough to focus on the thing i want unless its hands on/physical, in which case it really helps me/turns me on
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2010, 10:12:35 am »
this is a good read, i am unsure about chinese medicine with all the jin/qui suff ect. but it all makes sense what she is saying. i am def putting my use of the erb on a back burner for now as i have been toying with it for a few weeks again after a year off. I find it makes me more iratible and messes with my digestion. i know i am an addict so i really should stay away, but i get loured back every now and then  -\ -X

From now on Grass is only for : snowboarding(which is like 3times a year), big concerts, the odd time for hockey/soccer. The hard part though is if i do it once, i want to start daily use again the next kinda f#*ked like that, some deep emotion/identity issues i think/specualte
The price is wrong Bob

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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2010, 02:12:56 pm »
well it is a performance inhancing drug given the user only takes a small amount in to only tweak  the body and put it in that intense aware state of mind/body.
I find it very good for doing mental things, like working on computer...however I love to go and do things like biking and hiking and take a little pot, it totally does not impede me in any way physically, and I find endurance type exercise more do-able, like biking the whole day.
The reason behind this -
Acute administration of THC decreases cAMP formation by inhibiting adenylyl cyclase and decreases PKA (Protein Kinase A) activity. Conversely, chronic cannabinoid exposure enhances adenylyl cyclase activity, increases cAMP levels and PKA activity in the same areas that CB1 receptor downregulation is observed (i.e., cerebellum, striatum and cortex). Thus the adenylyls cyclase cascade appears to become constituively active during tolerance.
So smaller but regular doses are the best
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2010, 04:10:34 pm »
Finding the perfect balance of THC is a difficult task ,its like trying to walk the razors edge

The true benefits 'biologically speaking', come from that Hannibal was referring,and occur  under certain conditions, a balanced and slow build up of the THC, will have a number of positive effects mainly by causing the vessel to mellow out, My mind is constantly running and I would work my brain to death while not getting anything done or making the world a cooler place. The slow build up of THC in the body triggers tolerance to build and I have found that there is a line, step over that line you will keep building tolerance even after you have reached the maximum biological benefit { the mellowing out but still in focus.If you cross that line (go one toke over the line) Then the positive effects of being mellow yet still mentally functional), will begin to fade while a haze of excess descends, and you can get dopey.

If the levels of THC stored in the body are fasted out from time to time and then only reintroduced in very small amounts then you can have that balance(the best of both worlds)The mellowing and joyful state of being, without being lost in the haze. 

Gallager sums it up best when he said, put the dope away you aren't getting any higher;just lower on dope.


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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2010, 06:25:51 pm »
The hard part though is if i do it once, i want to start daily use again the next kinda f#*ked like that, some deep emotion/identity issues i think/specualte

I have the same problem. After being on the paleo diet for some time and not taking any drugs during that time I cured my eczema. So like a week ago I thought I'd smoke a joint in the evening. I figured i'd see if it causes my eczema to come back the next day. I didn't see or feel any negative effects (eg itchiness). So that evening i had another joint and for the next 5 evenings I smoked a joint. Now my eczema is back on my face quite bad. So i've quit smoking it again for now and have told myself that when my eczema is gone again I will just smoke it occasionally, like once per week max. And I'll use a little pipe instead of rolling (with tobacco) like yuli suggested.
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
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Re: Marijuana the performing enhancing drug
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2010, 09:18:50 pm »
Do you people mix your weed with tobacco when you smoke it, or do you smoke it pure?

depends. with hash i use tobacco. I am addicted to the ritual of skining up a joint. With pot/skunk I usually dont because it will burn fine on it's own. I do roast the tobacco to get some of the parfume out. it also alters the taste and makes it more "smooth". I hate the taste of cigarettes, but roasted with hash it is ok'ish.

I also like to eat it, but this is a much different experience from smoking it. In the realm of rational thinking, smoking it is just about the dumbest thing you can do. Not only are you burning away most of the active compound (60%+), you are changing the chemistry of several compounds that then become toxic.

If you have a small chemist inside you, there is some pretty funny stuff you can do with the THC on the kitchen table. Like to make oils. Crude acide/base extractions. I have been unsuccesful at A/BE's, in the sense that the yield made it pontless, but others claim it works. A well made pure oil, IMO, must be the optimal way to enjoy it's benefits. It maintain so much of all the good stuff that you need a lot less than what makes you high, if that makes any sense. You could get away with getting the health benefits of the plant every day, without the high, by making a high quality oil. A crude oil will also get you high :D

The hard part though is if i do it once, i want to start daily use again the next kinda f#*ked like that, some deep emotion/identity issues i think/specualte

no, man. Being high is just really nice. Our whole body is a drugfiend in its own right. I think there is a reason i have heard the expression "comming down from the waterslide" in the US ,about this very thing.


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