From my experience it seems that my need for fat hardly changes however much I do as there's only so much I can metabolise, so past that point I've got to have protein and/or carbs. My body doesn't want to take in more fat than it's using because it would only have to store it. Any excess fat has to be pushed through the colon somehow, either by unabsorbed plant matter, or by water(diahrrea) or it's going to make me throw up, or just sit in there bogging me down. I much prefer to get all my carbs/protein from meat(as opposed to plants/honey) and do much better on it, but it is so expensive. I can't wait to be hunting so I can eat lots of meat. I always want some fat, but if eating just meat/fat I can go on less fat than I'm using for weeks and then eat more fat in one go. Unlike my need for protein/carbs, my need for fat, above a minimal daily quantity(just for digestion) is never urgent, as I can live fine off of my stores and then top it up. When eating plants though(to top up my carbs/protein if I can't afford enough meat protein) I feel my need for fat increase. I think this is because the plant matter takes away fat from my digestive system/pushes it through, so I need to replace it, as opposed to that I'm actually metabolising any more fat.