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Senate Bill 510
« on: November 17, 2010, 12:59:23 pm »
I'm copying/pasting a portion of an email I just got from the farmer I go to...

The Federal Government at the behest of big agricultural and pharmaceutical interests has been doing its best to kill access to healthy food from local farmers, all the while appearing to support it. The biggest threat to your access to food from local farms in Senate Bill 510. We have spoken to you before about this and your action is needed TODAY to prevent it from passing the Senate during this lame duck session. Please read and follow the action alert below sent out this morning from the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.



An action alert earlier requested that readers call their Senators to ask them to OPPOSE S.510--the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.

It is also imperative to ask your Senators to VOTE "NO" on CLOTURE.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is trying to stop debate on S.510 by invoking cloture. The best chance to defeat S.510 is to defeat the cloture motion which requires a three-fifths majority of the full Senate [60 votes] to pass.

S.510 is a major threat to the local food movement. It greatly expands FDA's jurisdiction over intrastate commerce and imposes one-size-fits-all regulations that will make it more difficult for small farms and food processors to remain in business.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 01:30:29 pm »
I have heard about this. I don't trust the federal government at all, I think it is all a ruse, they do what they want.
I am in the process of collecting knowledge and I am going directly to the sheriffs department and telling them that I will disobey, just to avoid unnecessary conflict. I will ask them to uphold their oath to protect my right to life. If it does not work I will move to a place with less cowards.

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 01:39:49 pm »
actup90, don't do that.  the sheriff's dept cannot and will not help you, you're just drawing negative attention to yourself that is not going to help anyone.  if you want to DO something, contact your senators, and request that they vote NO.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 05:02:16 pm »
You are suggesting we ask our public servants for permission?
I have called a few times, all I get is "I will pass on your words on to the senator"
They do not care about us at all. It is all just a joke to them, just look at how often they lie and just DGAF.
The only thing I see helping is going strait to the people who might arrest us and telling them this is wrong and claiming it conflicts with our right to live. I have already talked to local PD and they did not even know it was going on. It was not hard to get them to see it as a violent joke, the rest will soon wake up.
The secretary even said "so what makes you think you have the right to choose what you eat" Then he looked down and I think he realized, he knew that was by far one of the dumbest things anyone could say.
If we get enough of them to see it as violent as it is to us then maybe, just maybe, they will use discretion instead of acting like drones.
(Now don't giggle) they might even stand up with us.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, 12:14:57 am »
What does this bill do?

In what way would one NOT comply?
David M. McLean
Skinny Devil Music Lab

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 12:46:12 am »
The secretary even said "so what makes you think you have the right to choose what you eat" Then he looked down and I think he realized, he knew that was by far one of the dumbest things anyone could say.
If we get enough of them to see it as violent as it is to us then maybe, just maybe, they will use discretion instead of acting like drones.
(Now don't giggle) they might even stand up with us.

you know, it sounds pretty unlikely, but i really like the idea. i mean, voting isn't gonna do shit. why not at least talk to the bureaucrats... help at least some of them see the madness

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 05:51:49 am »
What does this bill do?

In what way would one NOT comply?

This bill attacks the farmers more than anything by bogging them down with paperwork. The non- compliance comes in with the FDA in general, they have claimed we do not have any right to choose what we eat. Therefore I don't acknowledge anything they say as valid, but silence is consent, and ignorance is no reason.
If suicide is illegal then eventually they will be able to say eating RAF is suicidal and they could make that a crime. My main focus is spreading awareness that there are people out here who won't stop no matter who says what. BEFORE anything like that happens.

you know, it sounds pretty unlikely, but i really like the idea. i mean, voting isn't gonna do shit. why not at least talk to the bureaucrats... help at least some of them see the madness

I know it seems unlikely but F**k it, I plan on reaching out to the extent of my abilities. The local sheriffs are the ones with the guns, talking to a politician you will never interact with is just a waste of time. Cops are humans, I firmly believe they can be won over. Even if it needs to happen one at a time.
Voting does worse than nothing. When you sign up you are saying "I accept the will of the majority" (that is IF they count the votes)
You are consenting to their system, you are consenting to both outcomes. Sure they can use violence to force you into subjection, but if you signed up in the first place then there really is nothing you can complain about. If they attack me, at least it won't be legitimate anywhere near my signature.

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2010, 01:56:07 am »
What does this bill do?

In what way would one NOT comply?

this is what i got from my farmer, and yeah tons of paperwork that would be too expensive for small farmers to process.

Anyway, here goes...


On Monday, November 29 the Senate will take up for consideration the "manager's package" of S.510, the
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.

First the Senate will vote on whether to invoke cloture, which takes a three-fifths majority (i.e., 60 votes) to pass.

If the cloture motion passes, the Senate will take up a list of specified amendments (repeal of the 1099 requirements from the health care bill, a moratorium on earmarks, and a substitute bill by Senator Coburn). The Senate will then proceed to a final vote on S.510.

We continue to believe that S.510 is NOT in the best interests of small farmers, and especially raw milk farmers. Even though the Tester-Hagan Amendment makes important improvements in the bill, S.510 remains fundamentally flawed.

The core problem is that S.510 will significantly increase the power of the FDA. In response to our suit challenging the ban on raw milk in interstate commerce, the FDA stated on public record that the American people have no ''fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health" and "do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish". This agency should not be given any increased power!


STEP 1. Call your Senators and tell them to VOTE "NO" on CLOTURE and OPPOSE S.510

Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121; ask to be connected to your Senator's office.


Go to; enter your zip code on the right side under "Get Involved" and click "Go". Click on your Senators' names then click the "Contact" tab to get office phone number(s).

Clearly state you are calling about S.510, the Food Safety bill; ask your Senator to VOTE "NO" on CLOTURE & OPPOSE S.510 and give your zip code.

If you get voicemail, leave a brief message with your zip code.

STEP 2. Send a live message to your Local Newspaper through the online petition to Reject S.510 at


1. FDA does not respect individuals' rights to obtain healthy, quality foods of their choice:

    "There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food."

    "Plaintiffs' assertion of a 'fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families' is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish."

FDA has even participated in armed raids on small-scale co-ops and membership organizations. This agency should not be given any additional power.

2. FDA has adequate powers under existing law to ensure food safety and effectively deal with foodborne illness outbreaks. FDA has power to inspect, power to detain product and can readily obtain court orders to seize adulterated or misbranded food products or enjoin them from being sold. The problem isn't that FDA needs more power; it's that FDA does not effectively use the power it currently has. The agency has power to inspect imported food yet inspects only 1% of food coming into this country from outside our borders.

3. FDA has used its existing power to benefit the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries at the expense of public health (e.g., allowing the overuse of antibiotics in confined animal feeding operations and refusing to require labeling for genetically-modified foods). This bill does not address the fundamental problems at this agency in order to truly protect public health.

4. S.510 will hurt our ability as a nation to be self-sufficient in food production because it has more lenient inspection requirements for foreign than domestic producers creating an unfair advantage for food imports. Giving an advantage to foreign producers will only increase the amount of food imported into this country that does not meet our domestic standards. S.510 does not address food security--the ability of a country to produce enough food to meet its own needs.

5. S.510 does nothing to address many significant food safety problems in this country, such as those resulting from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and various contaminants (e.g., BPA, pesticides, herbicides, etc.).

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2010, 07:02:40 am »
It will pass. The "government" is bought and paid for.
The only factor you can control is whether or not you will remain silent.
Get out there and rock those boats, not votes.
Wake people up, this may be a big deal to us but most people do not even know it is happening.
You might not be a talker, I know I am not, but we all can be heard.
Just call your local sheriff and distribute that number to anyone in your area that will contest with respect and honesty.
Be kind without being obedient, we need them to feel confident in disobeying orders.
If all else fails... Ask questions

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2010, 08:50:23 pm »
This could be inevitable and be doom for those who wish it eat pure unadulterated food. Food safty and modernization is a double speak term that really means that a burocracy will mandate what chemical fertilizers and pesticides will be used on what crops, this is biochemical tyrany. Lets all consider the turth behind whats going on.

yes conventonal farming methods are creating such poisonous foods that there is a need for regulation, especialy rules that limit the use of toxic fertilizers and pestdicides, but this legislation does the exact opposit, by making it madatory that farmers use thbe spacific agra chemicals that are manufactured by the same industraly complex that lobbyed for this legisslation, Passageg of this thing opr something like it is enevitable, these bills are not constructed and lobbyed for, just to be turned down, even if thereis a popular resistance to the legeslation the polititianbs will just rewrite it and pass it in the near future under some other name.

The new wave of pestdicides and fertilizers are heavily laced with flouride based chemicals and god knows what else, and the day will soon be upon us when even organic farming conglomerants will be forced to use these chemicals in compl
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2010, 09:17:50 pm »
This bill is spells doom for all those holds out like us who still have faith in the availability of pure and unadulterated food. There are provisions that will make the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides mandatory for all food crops organic or not. There are defiantly needs to regulate the use of these chemicals, but what this bill does goes far beyond what is needed. It was written by and lobbied for by the big Agra complex and it will be used to force all farmers to comply with the standards set by a bureaucracy that acts as a front for the chemical companies. Basically forcing chemicals to be used on all food crops regardless of what the people want. I don't trust the new wave of fluoride laced pesticides and fertilizers and personally believe that people who are forced to live off of food produced under this tyranny will not be any better off.

The detrimental effects of wide spreed use of chemicals are already apparent, there is mountains of evidence that prove that children with learning disabilities are often saturated with pesticide residue, and Lord know how many people are damaged by chemicals that are used in accordance with the old safety standards.

This bill and others like it will make good food impossible to attain and all the new wave of chemicals that have been designated for universal dispersal into our food supply are not safe and I believe children fed food produced under these new standards are doomed to suffer as much or even More than the DDT generation. Many of the new wave of Agra chemicals are laced with fluoride and I believe the mandatory  use of these harmfull and untested poisons on our food may be part of the sinister plot to cull and weaken the people on a universal scale, and at the same time giving the perpetrators total cover and immunity from prosecution. I am not menacing words this is what I believe, Things are dark for those who are forced to live under the spell of foods saturated with poisons  
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 09:29:37 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2010, 02:30:44 am »
Here is something many people do not know

One of monsanto's lackeys is operating the FDA.

I have no faith in legislation because the US government has been usurped in the higher levels.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2010, 05:55:16 am »
so the vice president for public policy for the Monsanto Company is going to insure that our food is safe.
How in the hell is this allowed to go on, the public relations stooge for Monsanto is going to be responsible for protecting us against the harmfull chemical pollutants that Monsanto is wanting to put into the entire food supply. This is outrageous.

There are new gmos , chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are being developed all the time and this Guy is going to give the green light for the new wave of mass poisoning at the behest of his masters. His real job is of course going too be to work in ways to increase the total amounts of Monsanto products required by law to be put into our food, while at the same time downplaying and ignoring the real damage being done to the general population as a result of indiscriminate use of these harmfull chemicals.

There will be no wide scale studies done as to the safety of our food supply, the short term studies that are done to get approval of dangerous chemicals are often rigged and unreliable, If a chemical is found to cause damage after years of use it is  replaced with some other less tested method so the sick and suffering public are forced to play roulette with food choices that are getting  narrower and narrower as the conglomerates take over the remainder of the small farms, We are now at a point were it may become impossible for at least the working class people like myself to obtain safe food from any store. This isn't paranoia or delusion I have a strong intuition about this subject and no everything isn't going to go to hell in  handbasket, but there will be a general shift in the wellbeing of the average person towards the negative, all you have to do is look at current trends and the explosions in disease rates and you can see that the more they regulate small farmers and push Gmos and saturate every food crop with Monsanto's products the more the health of the people will suffer.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2010, 11:27:43 am »
Isn't that some bullshit?!?!?! The man who is supposed to keep our food safe has a B.S in Political Science!
It makes me want to go live in the fucking woods. But if I do.. then eventually... they will enforce the woods! If we do not stop them here, they will just continue to spread.
They are already ruining India, farmers have begun to commit suicide over seeds!

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2010, 08:34:09 pm »
It passed the senate, the agenda to keep pure foods out of reach of the average American is being pushed through by the Lame ducks. Even if it is stopped, the simple fact that such a bill is written and passed so easily by the senate should be seen a writting on the wall, the will of the people has been usurped and one way or another we are going to been robbed of our right to pure foods. Ten year prison sentence for sellers of raw milk, Its inevitable that such tyranny is descending upon us, all we can do is exercise our civil disobedience and work together to build a strong black market in pure animal foods: buy with cash from off the grid ranchers, grow your own, and do without questionably sourced produce.
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2010, 09:35:28 am »
Spreading the word is also essential. Many ignorant apathetic people actually think this bill is a good idea.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2010, 09:01:51 am »
I used to get grass fed raw milk and meat from a young couple with 3 kids and another on the way. They were into the back to nature thing. I would go out to their little farm every week. I started to notice things were not quite right. There would be bloated dead animals lying around full of maggots and flies everywhere. The kids always had dirty diapers. They never had time to clean the house. They filled a refrigerator with food, the frig quit working and they left the food in there for months. The whole family was very sick and bedridden at least half the time. I am not exaggerating.

I found a cleaner source for my milk and meat.

These people went to the farmers market every week and sold milk, cheese, meat, and baked goods. Do you think their food was safe for children? There was no one I could report them to like the health department in the restaurant industry.

I have mixed feeling about Senate Bill 510. It may cause some small producers to quit selling openly. The good ones will raise their prices slightly to cover the costs and meet basic sanitation standards. The people I get my milk and meat from now will not go out of business if the bill passes.

Either way, you should always visit the producers who you buy from. At the Weston Price Foundation you can find information on what to look for at a milking operation. Almost all meat processors are already federally or state regulated. Wash fruit and veggies even if they are organic. Take the time to prepare your own food.


Naturally, Don

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2010, 10:43:48 pm »
The problem is that it expands this groups power, they fail us routinely and the last thing we need to do is give them more power.
Once upon a time we all had to find and process our own food, now we have others to do so. This is a luxury.
I think it is great to have all kinds of regulatory agencies, however these groups force their will on others using violence.
If a group does not want to comply, then the FDA,USDA etc. should just stop endorsing them, not use mercenaries to shut them down.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 12:32:51 am »
I agree that regulation is necessary, the only problem with the authoritarian top down control grid of the food supply, by the FDA, is that it is run by the golden rule(who ever has the gold makes the rules) and small time producers should not have to be shut down for not having enough money to comply with outrageous bureaucratic comands.Nor should anyone be forced to adopt new untested methods of farming at the comand of people who have no knowledge of organic farming. There needs to be open transparent regulations and oversight, based on unfair and UN biased science and those who violate basic health standards need to be put out of business.

The problem is that the regulations are going to become so arbitrary, being written for and by the big Agra conglomerates in a way that purposely makes it difficult for honest and upright producers to comply with the mandatory compulsory chemically saturation that is being put forth in such legislation. We need to take the special interest out of the equation and provide small producers with sane and viable opportunities to produce healthy foods in the time tested and traditional manors. No one should have the authority to force a grower to use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The authority to regulate should be only focused on the quality of the finished product, whether or not something is fit for consumption should not be determined by the use of Monsanto produced chemicals, though this is what is being done. The scientist have spoken and by order of the FDA food will not be considered safe unless it is produced in accordance with the universal application of dangerous chemicals.

Co-opes and comunity markets are where we need to get our food from ,not some factory in some mega city. There needs to be a movement toward the open market where people can visit the place where the food is produced and see for themselves. I was buying raw milk from a lady for my kids to drink and I found out about a wonderfull source by asking around at the healthfood store. The lady only had about 5 cows and only sold to a few people upon request, she had to sell it as animal food through her animal shelter (because of the anti raw laws), its a real small operation and I drove up to the cabin and saw the jerseys standing on the hill side, they were beautify and the milk was of great quality. The  Woman was really into animal right and welfare, The only problem was that I had to drive an hour to see it, and for most people they would rather just take the suppermarket challenge and trust the FDA to do the overseeing. That's where the real issue is( APPATHY) if more people actually took time to care about quality issues then we all would have better access to quality foods, but If we wait for more mass recalls of tainted foods and let the FDA pass these tyrannical regulations, then things are not going to get any better.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 12:44:16 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 12:47:04 am »
Well, decades ago, I routinely visited a French village in Correze virtually every summer as a child and would meet this farming family who were absolutely notorious for never washing themselves(they had no bath or shower but they washed their hands and that was it), and their house stank of the usual farmyard smells, with people remarking on how much dirt these people had on their unwashed legs etc.  They were, however, very healthy-looking people. Without a doubt, they drank the raw milk they produced before they pasteurised and sold it(they certainly would give us completely raw milk just after they had milked the cows each morning).

James Herriott , the famous vet and author, wrote in 1 of his books about a similiar local Yorkshire family, headed by the owner of a slaughterhouse. The children were described as  playing around daily with the raw entrails(intestines etc. ) of freshly slaughtered animals, and were, as a result, the healthiest children in the neighbourhood. A classic example of the Hygiene Hypothesis:-
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2010, 02:29:42 am »
My great grandfather would blow up pig bladders for his kids to play with, they had 100 chickens and the kids would play around in conditions that could get  services called on you by to days standards. I have a new hygiene hypothesis I would like to share.

The same conditions that harbor bacteria also contain mold, and I believe that it is excessive molds in animal feed and waste that are the real danger and not bacteria. My mother came from the plains of South Dakota and when she moved to Kentucky was stricken with histoplasmosis and her and my uncle almost died, they had no immunity because as children they were never exposed in. My children have been petting dogs , chickens, goats, camels, and wallowing in dirt since they can crawl and have never had an infection;of course they aren't malnourished as my mother was. Mold is really high in Kentucky and I live in the allergy capital of the world. Most of us here have lived around toxic mold all of our life and have developed some immunity, but many are malnourished and poisoned an so suffer heavily. I believe that molds and mildews can cause immune suppression which allows pathogen bacteria to proliferate in both people animals and grain crops.

This issue is never brought up in the mainstream. I know for a fact that people are damaged by excess mold exposure, from what I can tell bacteria was singled out as a culprit and its elimination has been the focus, and the decreased in disease under the bacterial sterilization protocol may be more because sterilization kills mold and bacteria. Chickens living in fungus filled pins eating moldy corn is to blame and not bacteria.

If they are wrong about key issues as to what is the real cause food and environmental poisoning then how will I trust any of the solutions that they come up with. The real issues of food contamination widespread malnourishment and untested farming methods will never covered in this legislation, and it needs to be called out .
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2011, 01:38:51 am »
"Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations"

I guess even other countries aren't safe from the FDA.  I was planning on leaving the US, but I suppose its best to figure out some way to resist here.  before some anti free speech bill passes.

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2011, 02:16:24 am »
I am glad that both of my state's senators voted against this.

The mood here is very anti-government.
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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2011, 05:22:00 am »
I am glad that both of my state's senators voted against this.

The mood here is very anti-government.

Where is this?

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Re: Senate Bill 510
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2011, 05:22:45 am »
All I want is the truth... Just gimme some truth.
"I wanna be the minority."


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