I'm 24 year old male having problems since I was 14 or younger. It started out with stomach problems, then trouble breathing, then just kept getting worse and worse and more and more things...
For the past 7+ years or so I've been chronically fatigued, extremely underweight and unable to gain weight, muscle weakness, back problems, vision, sleep, circulation, breathing, overall brain function, etc. I've been seeing conventional doctors for years and none of them know what's wrong. I've even been seeing specialists at the Mayo Clinic and they don't seem to know what's wrong either...
The only clue I have is a couple years ago I only ate plain rice and meat for a day or so and I started feeling a ton better... so I've been experimenting with adding/eliminating foods from my diet ever since, but I haven't been able to figure out anything specific or get feeling good consistently... even with eating raw, grassfed organs and fat and raw organic free-range eggs for the past 3 months or so the only thing it's really improved is sometimes I have no stomach issues and sometimes I sleep much better then usual. But even that is still random...
When I eat something "bad" it feels like my whole body is shutting down... brown rice is no good, white rice is fine. Regular grapes give me energy and strength but the large thick black ones do the opposite... apples are no good, but when I sliced and dried them they seemed fine. For a while sweet potatoes were giving strength and energy, and raw eggs were not; then I put some heart to get "high" at room temp and it switched, and sweet potatoes made me fatigued and weak and the eggs did not...
(I have been eating high meat done in the fridge for over 2months without any changes) even probiotics effect me like this... they give me bad gas and make me fatigued and weak. Cultured yogurt however, seems to regulate bowel movements like probiotics are supposed to, and I don't get any negative effects from yogurt.
I tried only raw meat, fat, eggs for a month and was feeling terrible.
I saw an alternative medicine doctor recently and after he did some basic blood tests and a stool test he said the only thing that he can do is treat me for lyme disease(which the test came back INDETERMINATE). But it's mainly treated with long term antibiotics which I'm very weary of and which also goes against everything I've been reading about raw food and all of Aajonus's bacteria theories.
I went to
http://www.chroniclymedisease.com/ and they mention all these different treatments, but I can't find where I can visit or contact any of the doctors who do them...
Not to mention I'm getting no help from my parents or anyone else and all I have is $670 a month from disability($500 goes to rent+utilities). So I don't know how I could even afford all these alternative therapies that medicare wouldn't cover...
I learned about a healer in NY who diagnoses people by just looking at them, but I called them and they said they're extremely booked so I don't know if I'll even be able to see him...