Author Topic: Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma  (Read 5269 times)

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Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma
« on: December 03, 2010, 09:00:28 pm »
Thread at Caveman forum was too hot to handle and was deleted:'ve-got-alot-of-death-karma-in-me!!!!

Just as I finished my blog post against this awful grumpy vegan:

Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health by Being Beautiful, Attractive, Sensual, Sexual of Raw Paleo Dieters is Bad Karma – Animalistic

A grumpy vegan / vegetarian named Corin lashes out at Raw Paleo Dieters like me for being excessively healthy:

    “Other things that many people notice in people who adopt a raw animal product diet is that these people become very primal physically and sexually, often becoming quite “beautiful,” attractive, sensual, and I have noticed an excess of promiscuity among “primal” practioners, as have others. Yet this is all part of returning to an animalistic nature. Additionally there is the ego jolt people get on the diet from consuming other animals and getting power from it. This of course is a false sense of power however, and I shudder to think of all the bad karma these people are creating from a misused sense of power.”

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Re: Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2010, 09:17:40 pm »
"When we die, no matter how beautiful our body is, it will be the actions we took while in that body that will live on, not the body itself."

It's your Children who will live on... And the healthier you are, the healthier your children can be, and the more you could potentially raise.. -_-

I started to write another response after that one, but realised I would be responding to the entire text so I've left it at that.

That was a good find GS =)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 09:27:19 pm by miles »
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Re: Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 10:14:15 pm »
Usually I wouldn't spend time to such biased stuff, but she tries to give credit where credits due, so I'll give my take to the areas where I disagree drastically

Its ironic how much this article acknowledges the physical benefits of the diet, criticising it mostly for the un-natural aspects - many of which are unique to Primal - like juicing - which also ironically are promoted by her as viable non hypocritical therapies in the vegan diet. She suggestes one has to avoid the act of eating meat FOR HEALTH ( why not when one can be perfectly  unhealthy not eating meat ) specifically to avoid the spiritual hypocrisy associated with not eating animals out of pure instinct of which we are removed (of which she agrees is at least part of our natural diet). The solution of course is to eat more "avocados, more coconut butter, and olives, cacao butter, flax seeds and oil, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts" none of which resembles what would be gathered in nature, however its perfectly fine to criticise massive quantities of butter or juice amongst meat eaters and of course buying meat from a market.

"It is also trying to give yourself your own life without God's help"

"you get jacked up with flesh enzymes, but flesh does not contain the other life force that plants contain like phytonutrients and minerals. You are however, instead of consuming extra life force and energy from the sun"

The other irony is the typical hodgepodge of spiritual cannon fodder used by vegans culled from the most ignorant interpretation of everything spiritual from christian dogma to sun worship and Einstein as well as very streamlined and inaccurate interpretations of karma. These notions have absolutely nothing to do with the spirituality that existed before all the harmful practices associated with civilization even by raw vegans.

this is an issue I'm particularly interested in of course. Ive come to some pretty devastating conclusions myself about the fascination with 'lightness' and physical and 'ethical' "purity" on such unnatural and non-savage diets, these being mainly a fascination with early death and pain and egolessness/weakness as part of actually fulfilling some kind of guilt or past injustice/karma.

The same people who often quote the law of attraction seem to associate alot of negativity towards those who actually rely on more than 'god' and their inherited lot in life (karma)to make their life better.

also notice how terms like "jacked" or "pumped" are often used with animal products even when cited as natural.

Inmy opinion theres nothing wrong with having a "healthy ego", as long as its a healthy ego.

"Its nice to be beautiful and sexually attractive again, as well as to have your health back"

here I agree!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 10:22:08 pm by KD »

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Re: Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 06:22:05 am »
Interesting stuff.So I take it the Caveman forum is cooked Paleo? And the vegan person posted on a carnivore forum?

I wonder how a "carnivore" would be received on a vegan forum? ;)

What I find interesting is that RPD'ers at least seem to have one common goal: health
All the other "health diet" sites seem to always have ulterior motives:politics,spirituality,joining "fads"...etc.
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Re: Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2010, 07:34:14 am »
Interesting stuff.So I take it the Caveman forum is cooked Paleo? And the vegan person posted on a carnivore forum?

I wonder how a "carnivore" would be received on a vegan forum? ;)

What I find interesting is that RPD'ers at least seem to have one common goal: health
All the other "health diet" sites seem to always have ulterior motives:politics,spirituality,joining "fads"...etc.
Caveman forum = cooked paleo and its actually a good forum that comes up with some good finds every now and then.
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Re: Grumpy Vegan: Excessive Health of Raw Paleo Dieters Bad Karma
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2010, 11:22:01 am »
Did anyone ever watch the old "reefer madness" PSAs? That's totally what that Grumpy Vegan thing read like. I got a good laugh, thanks.


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