Thanks for the reply Francois.
Isn't it a semantic point ? If we say that wild game raw meat is "in general particularly well suited", are we promoting it ?
I don't consider what GCB has done in promoting fruits as part of his dietary regime that he continues to promote on the Internet to be just semantics, no. He isn't just sharing his success story, he's promoting a diet for humanity. Do you consider his positive remarks about fruits in Anopsology and in this forum and on his website to be just semantics?
I suppose he meant that he has no commercial interest in promoting SE Asian fruits.
I didn't get that sense. I lost interest in his reasoning when he contradicted himself, though maybe I'll inquire again some day.
Then they naturally came to question the common belief that we should eat only local products and therefore they experimented by introducing tropical fruits. They found that we often prefer tropical fruits to temperate areas fruits. That's all and that's it...
GCB has made more claims than just good taste for tropical fruits, though I suspect that good taste is the real main reason that most people eat them, and it would not be surprising for Instinctos, since GCB advocates letting one's senses determine what to eat. Could it be that some people tend to look for reasons to justify eating their favorite foods and avoiding their leasts favorite foods and so find health reasons to add to the taste reasons? Do you think there are any other reasons beyond taste and senses why tropical fruits seem so popular among Instinctos (as well as vegetarians, vegans, fruitarians and fruit-eating raw Paleo dieters)?
But anyway, let it be clear that it's not compulsory to eat everything available, nor necessary to go through all those bloody sequences ! As a matter of fact, the less sequences in a meal, the better it is. If you feel fully satisfied with sequence one (animal proteins), then it's all good and your meal can be over.
Has GCB made these new points in English somewhere that I can access?
To me, it means something like: "eat fruits, but in moderate amounts, and especially if they are modern cultivated fruits".
That is more understandable, thanks. I wish you were the Instincto guru, because I understand you better than GCB.

Unfortunately, the "eat fruits, but in moderate amounts" advice hasn't worked well for me up to this point, but maybe some day. The advice of Aajonus and KGH to limit fruits to well below moderate levels and GCB's discussion of fruits, especially cultivated ones, as inflammatory has been more on the mark in my case.
Then you quote Kirt Nieft who quotes a classification due to Jacques Fradin.
Are you saying that what Kirt listed in "Group 1" foods does not apply to a significant number of Instinctos? It looks like it matches pretty well with what I've seen Instincto's write about in this forum and elsewhere except that Instinctos seem to talk about fruits even more than meats and seafood, especially South/Southeast Asian fruits, for some reason. What do you consider the top three food categories of Instinctos
in actual practice (not just in theory) to be? I recall Tyler also mentioning that, in practice, Instinctos tend to eat a lot of fruits.
I read Kirt's replies to you at that thread you gave a link to and his remarks in that thread seemed very reasonable, rational and easy to understand [though that of course doesn't mean his remarks elsewhere necessarily are, nor do I agree with all the views he stated]. I didn't find anything that applied to the Group I foods quote I posted, but maybe I missed it?
In that thread you mentioned a list of cooked foods that GCB considers OK, but I couldn't find the list.