The scientific research involved in autism is so suspect and flawed by design that I refuse to cite much of it as a base for any of my opinions, I have my own inclinations and intuition into this issue based on personal observation and independent study of the reality on the ground
More indication that the mercury connection is a dead end, as I suspected:
Mercury was never the direct cause of autism, so even since its been removed from the shots the autism epidemic has been surging on although perhaps with less veracity . I often suspected mercury as the catalyst that could be involved in exacerbating the first stage of autism development, when the immune system becomes overstimulated and begins to attack itself due to the introduction of synthetic viral RNA and other agent's that create a cascading immune overreaction, ( although this theory still causes much controversy, I claim that vaccination reaction is the primary cause for classical autism)
The repeated low dose mercury poisoning that was administered to the young through vaccination for most people of my generation for the most part only caused mild stupidity or vague mental issues and so could never be linked to many other conditions that seem to run parallel to the autism epidemic, such as ADHD, depression,cognitive impairment.( I see this connection even if no one else can ). I see things from the ground level, and the view from down here is clear as day, the kids around here are being damage universally, even if only slightly and unnoticed ,but none the less I see it happening, and I personally want to warn everyone to protect their children from possible causes, Even if there isn't a study to point to doesn't mean we should just accept what is happening without making an effort to eliminate the possible causative factors.
I have studied history from an offbeat point of view,
I have learned many facts that have been forgoten by modern science.
like how mercury based preservatives were considered to dangerous to be used in animal vaccines as far back as the 1920s, and yet they weren't banded from use until recently,
or how the Spanish flu epidemic that killed millions was actually a die off caused by mass poisoning due to the vaccination campain of WW1.
The solders that can home from the great war were often diagnosed with shell shock, but in reality they were neurologically damaged by poisons in the vaccines they received. The neurological damage induced by vaccines has been covered up since the very beginning of the mass vaccination campaigns and the white wash continues to this day almost 100 years later. wish no conflict here I just want to illustrate how vaccines have allways been responsible for neurological and immune dysfunction on a large scale since they were first forcibly injected into the population, and although they are safer than they were 100 years ago they still may be responsible for a triggering mild brain rash that can leave one stricken with predominate brain damage that gets labled as autism and leave little direct evidence of the original cause.
Autism is the tip of the iceberg in my openion and so is vaccination. There is something much more insidious is happening, but there are too many other countless factors involved to make a scientific assessment. This debate can never happen on this two dimensional level, where there are two opposing camps( the Establishment; that claims its genetic flaws that are to blame, and the fringe that believe its environmentally induced, by either poisons, pesticides, vaccines, etc. In the end there is enough blame to go around as well as allot of ignorance.
Although I blame vaccines for the most part, and waste allot of time grasping at other theoretical straws , and I have been made paranoid from what I have learned and I will never trust anything that smells of the main streams polluted science. I just want to warn people about how they can protect their own children from being damaged.