Author Topic: How did you end up RP?  (Read 17835 times)

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Offline sabertooth

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2010, 01:24:47 am »
We are at an age where there is a great missunderstanding about the power of DNA to regenerate under the right conditions. We are being told that all these degenerative diseases is due to genetic flaws or bad genes. What we aren't being told is that its all caused by the same principles that were at work in pottingers cats.There is a downward spiral of circumstances that has lead to the problems of today. As long as the genetic code is still intact and capable of healing then even in many people who have already been labled as having bad genes , cancer genes, diabetes genes there is the capacity to heal. There is still time to reverse allot of the chromosomal chaos that has been caused by the adulterations in the food and environment. I propose that returning to the evolutionary diet is the best way to reverse the damage, and perhaps in some lucky people with the DNA survival structures intact, new adaptions and mutations will occur that will spawn the new age of human development. We are all constantly germinating and the will to survive and thrive is alive within the structures of our genes, we need to focus our efforts to provide the proper nutrition and environment which will restore us to our evolutionary peak. This can be done , and I have faith that my own children could be the beginning of the neo paleo Renaissance and if I am even remotely successful then perhaps within two generations I will have personally spawned a new breed of people with the strength and vitality of the ancient Olympians, and along with proper education and a good work ethic , they will be at the pinnacle of the next phase of our species.(I can still Dream)

Things are fairly dark for those who continue to follow the recommended dietary guideline's, its time for the illuminated people to break rank and take the authority over our own lives and declare I am not an insect in a hive, I don't want to consume food that was dissigned for slave class people. I will not be subject to standardization and will not blindly march the path that has been layed out by society. Anyone here with half a brain can see the new total wave of degenerative humanity that is upon us. The easier our lives become because of mechanization the less our will to live will be exercised and if the current trends persist then those survival mechanism's will soon become switched off completely and the human species will no longer be capable of proactive evolution. This degenerative creature that man is becoming will have no instincts left to protect it from the advances of mad science and will be doomed to extention.

Its up to us to develop a new science based on stimulating positive genetic expression by wholesome means. We can build a life were the DNA is kept pure from contamination and is exposed only to the best nutrition , and a life style were the thrills of the hunt can be reasonably simulated, a life with real pourpose that will drive us to new peaks of experience . If technology were to be properly harnessed then its possible to develop protocol that would insure the health vitality and happiness for people, from an evolutionary perspective. This wont happen on a large scale due to the nature of how the world works, but for a few pioneers there should be enough space on this big blue rock to attain this Ideal on a small scale.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 01:49:25 am by sabertooth »
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2010, 02:08:16 am »
I have also noticed that African Americans develop at a faster rate than most other races, which gives them a prime advantage in highschool and collage athletics. I hit a late growth spurt and wasn't finished growing to after high school, but there were African American athletes that were fully matured and well mussled by the freshman year of highschool. Collage athletics depend on recruiting the best highschool athletes, then its obvious that the African Americans who reach sexually and physical maturity at an earlyer age, will have an advantage, The early testosterone peak is what gives them black people a head start in developing athletic as well as sexual prowess.  This hormonal burst may have evolved to ensure survival on the African plains, while people from other regions evolved to grow more slowly which allowed them to perfect survival skills over a longer childhood in cooler climates
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2010, 02:09:01 am »
I am hardly one to speak with authority on the subject but I have read in a number of places that when early explorers came to North Am the aboriginals were very large, well-built, handsome, however you want to describe them. Since they first met the coastal aboriginals I suspect they were on pretty much a non-grain and thus a substantially meat diet with a certain amount of plant based foods.
  As I recall, the Native Americans of the South were more agrarian, eating lots of grains etc. The ones to the North were more meat-oriented.
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2010, 04:07:32 am »
That's my understanding also. Although when I went to school (earth was still cooling) the popular notion was that the aboriginals had not discovered farming which of course we now know is untrue. This knowledge is thanks to the hordes of people that were able to be supported (although in my opinion not with an optimally nutritional regimen consisting of grain and dairy diet) by the current and previous SAD regimen and allowed the luxury of spending time digging through archeological sites to determine the aboriginal diet.

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2010, 04:19:10 am »
Native Americans of the South were more agrarian, eating lots of grains etc.

    Amaranth grain in Mexico?  Quinoa in Colombia?  Which South?  Both?  What about wild rice?  How far North was that eaten?  If Minnesota, that's still South of Canada, but I just wonder how much cooking was prevalent.  I have eaten all of these raw, and a popular one, sprouted wild rice in raw vegan restaurants, was completely awful to digest IMO.  Then again, wild rice may not be a grain, and it has a ton of fiber.  Then there's lime treated corn breads baked on rocks.  I wish white man didn't show the natives how to fry their bread.  Now they're addicted.  It's how many get their dietary fat.  I had sprouted corn at Pure Food and Wine.  It was terrible; fancy and pretty, but not a very healthy food. 
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2010, 04:33:03 am »
I think the southern US was meant, though, of course, mexico etc. were agrarian as well.
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2010, 05:06:07 am »
Could this be why it seems impossible for ancient cultures to have built the stone structures in ruins all around the world without machinery? They were just amazing physical powerhouses on paleo nutrition? Pre-degeneration.

These people were on grains. Or are you just saying that because they wouldn't have had the cumulative degeneration?
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2010, 05:23:51 am »
I think the southern US was meant, though, of course, mexico etc. were agrarian as well.
One book that I read said that the eastern US at the time of us honkey's arrival was largely devoid of forestation as the local aboriginals had denuded it with regular fires so as to clear land and that the forests that Henry David Thoreau waxed poetic about around his Walden's Pond was not there in the aboriginal days. HDT apparently (mistakenly) referred to the Indians who had lived in these great forests.

I suspect that the aboriginals living in the coastal areas who were the first to see bearded white men lived on a diet substantially consisting of seafood owing to it's abundance and ease of acquisition in an inshore fishing environment. Also the maritime topsoil or lack thereof and climate made farming more challenging.

Offline Hannah

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2010, 12:32:35 am »
I know I am entering this conversation late, but I wanted to comment on the ancestral diet. It may not have a link specifically to ancestry but it definately does with blood type. Which may or may not be linked. For instance, I am type O which suggests native american/asian ancesty (among a few other regions but here in the southern US it is most likely Cherokee Indian) We do have several indian/scottish marriages along the line. BUT the point being is that for blood type O it has been observed that wheat proteins added to type O blood with literally pop the blood vessels. It's extrememly toxic. I found it interesting to read on the types of food that interact with blood types directly. The test is called an Immuno-1 blood test and is available by mail here in the us. I doubt anyone paleo would have issues because by nature most things tested are eliminated.

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2010, 12:45:05 am »
Interesting Hannah,
I had read that the Indians were one blood type as you mentioned "O" and that this was potentially the reason so many were killed off so quickly after the white man's arrival when unsuspecting locals contracted it and while moving from community to community spread it like wildfire. From what I read it was a slave that was onboard a Spanish ship that started the epidemics in that area that wiped out the population. The slave had contracted the disease on the way across the Atlantic. (not hard to believe with the inhumane way they were treated)

Another theory is that the Spaniards brought pigs with them for food and these animals escaped in Florida. These pigs were hosts to diseases which the local Floridians contracted upon eating them with devastating results.

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2010, 12:53:59 am »
BUT the point being is that for blood type O it has been observed that wheat proteins added to type O blood with literally pop the blood vessels

is that from "doctor" dadamo and his blood-type diet quackery? 

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2010, 12:56:58 am »
is that from "doctor" dadamo and his blood-type diet quackery? 
Quackery is all in the eyes of the beholder. ;)

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2010, 01:11:34 am »
Quackery is all in the eyes of the beholder.
to an extent, yes
and definitely in the eyes of the beerholder

i have never seen a person with type 0 having exploading blood vessels even after eating wheat for over 80 years.

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2010, 01:45:18 am »
We are at an age where there is a great missunderstanding about the power of DNA to regenerate under the right conditions. We are being told that all these degenerative diseases is due to genetic flaws or bad genes. What we aren't being told is that its all caused by the same principles that were at work in pottingers cats.There is a downward spiral of circumstances that has lead to the problems of today. As long as the genetic code is still intact and capable of healing then even in many people who have already been labled as having bad genes , cancer genes, diabetes genes there is the capacity to heal. There is still time to reverse allot of the chromosomal chaos that has been caused by the adulterations in the food and environment. I propose that returning to the evolutionary diet is the best way to reverse the damage, and perhaps in some lucky people with the DNA survival structures intact, new adaptions and mutations will occur that will spawn the new age of human development. We are all constantly germinating and the will to survive and thrive is alive within the structures of our genes, we need to focus our efforts to provide the proper nutrition and environment which will restore us to our evolutionary peak. This can be done , and I have faith that my own children could be the beginning of the neo paleo Renaissance and if I am even remotely successful then perhaps within two generations I will have personally spawned a new breed of people with the strength and vitality of the ancient Olympians, and along with proper education and a good work ethic , they will be at the pinnacle of the next phase of our species.(I can still Dream)

Things are fairly dark for those who continue to follow the recommended dietary guideline's, its time for the illuminated people to break rank and take the authority over our own lives and declare I am not an insect in a hive, I don't want to consume food that was dissigned for slave class people. I will not be subject to standardization and will not blindly march the path that has been layed out by society. Anyone here with half a brain can see the new total wave of degenerative humanity that is upon us. The easier our lives become because of mechanization the less our will to live will be exercised and if the current trends persist then those survival mechanism's will soon become switched off completely and the human species will no longer be capable of proactive evolution. This degenerative creature that man is becoming will have no instincts left to protect it from the advances of mad science and will be doomed to extention.

Its up to us to develop a new science based on stimulating positive genetic expression by wholesome means. We can build a life were the DNA is kept pure from contamination and is exposed only to the best nutrition , and a life style were the thrills of the hunt can be reasonably simulated, a life with real pourpose that will drive us to new peaks of experience . If technology were to be properly harnessed then its possible to develop protocol that would insure the health vitality and happiness for people, from an evolutionary perspective. This wont happen on a large scale due to the nature of how the world works, but for a few pioneers there should be enough space on this big blue rock to attain this Ideal on a small scale.

I like this very much  :)

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2010, 03:31:23 am »
to an extent, yes
and definitely in the eyes of the beerholder

i have never seen a person with type 0 having exploading blood vessels even after eating wheat for over 80 years.
Whenever I hear someone crying quack, I first look at the person saying it as they are more likely to be the duck.

Maybe they had exploding blood vessels  :D

I have read speculation that some of the serious problems with some grains started in earnest after the genetic fiddling that nineteenth and twentieth century biologists did. However this was speculation.... food for thought...  ;)

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2010, 07:56:08 am »
frankly it doesn't matter who started it or whether he was a quack or not. I also read that Berger was a phedophile who believed that adults should do away with oedipus constraints and please children. Frankly that makes me want to barf. But it doesn't mean that the science behind Raw Paleo is flawed. The Immuno-1 test has survived science and is still available and trusted in the medical community so they are obviously performing the test with measurable results. .....Or wait, maybe it's all a conspiracy.. l)

I think that really it shows that we DO adapt or were meant to eat foods that were available in our (original) geographic locations.

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2010, 08:47:05 am »

I knew what was happening during my childhood wasn't anywhere near Ideal but I was poor and didn't have a choice. Now I am still fairly poor but I make more money that my mother made and am determined to spend every penny I have toward providing good living for my family. My goal is to incorporate paleo food into my children's diet and strictly limit questionable foods. Then let nature take its course and prey they are well enough to endure the occasional birthday party food, or piece of candy. Sometimes I wonder how much force I can put behind setting strict dietary standards, without being a fanatic. I am constantly lecturing my family on the dangers of letting children have unlimited amounts of processed foods and candy.

I spent 15 years fighting this battle. It helps if you have a spouse who is cooperative. I did not. The schools are a real problem. They survive on government commodities. If you pack a lunch peer pressure will be almost impossible to deal with. If you don't keep lecturing and being a good example the kids will just go to the neighbors house and eat crap while playing video games all day. You pretty much have to take it to a religious level and be a fanatic. Turn your children into missionaries. The pain and suffering of the unbelievers is pretty obvious. If you persevere your children will be smarter, stronger, faster, and proud of it. Others will take notice. The rewards are huge.
Naturally, Don

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #42 on: December 25, 2010, 09:07:31 am »

Its up to us to develop a new science based on stimulating positive genetic expression by wholesome means. We can build a life were the DNA is kept pure from contamination and is exposed only to the best nutrition , and a life style were the thrills of the hunt can be reasonably simulated, a life with real pourpose that will drive us to new peaks of experience . If technology were to be properly harnessed then its possible to develop protocol that would insure the health vitality and happiness for people, from an evolutionary perspective. This wont happen on a large scale due to the nature of how the world works, but for a few pioneers there should be enough space on this big blue rock to attain this Ideal on a small scale.

Perhaps we should set up a charitable research foundation that supports young couples willing to start a raw paleo omnivore nutrition and exercise program months before conception (if they can last that long). In exchange for financial support to purchase the most nutritious organic grass-fed food; the foundation gets to publish statistics on the children. Let's prove it to the world. Get us back on the right track.

Any volunteers? Become an evolutionary pioneer. Get started on the fast track. Please see the personal add section of this forum. Instead of writing a book lets make some babies. I'm a little too old to be raising children but would be more than happy to supply stud services if there is a shortage of healthy young men.

Philanthropists take note: The "Raw Paleo Nutrition and Exercise Research Foundation" is now accepting tax deductible donations. Forward to a healthier yesterday.

Naturally, Don

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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #43 on: December 25, 2010, 09:33:19 am »
We need wealthy supporter of raw paleo foods who is willing to risk looking crazy. Does anyone have Mel Gibsons number. :D.

I would be happy to to help set up such a foundation and with the help of a rich beneficiary and a enough people who are willing to fight this great battle against the grain and promiss to keep their family fed according to some basic paleo protocol, then I think it could be possible to scientifically prove the great benefits this diet could offer. I don't need proof from what I have already seen it works, but I would like to be able to have some extra funding to ensure that I can afford to feed all 4 of my children the best quality foods so as to give the best possible results for such a noble prize worthy study.

We need a representative to push for such action.  If anyone is remotely capable of getting this ball rolling please for the love of humanity lets do it. I know Av has done his own experiments and is somewhat credible amongst people already in the know, but we need some other prominent figure to give us mainstream credibility. This is a true calling and I feel the need to do something, but I am alone in this wilderness and have to struggle just to be taken seriously by my own family, even though they can see for themselves that my health is good and my kids are really thriving. The spell needs to be broken and if it takes scientific validation to do it then we must find a way to fund such research and ensure its carried out properly.(I can still dream)
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #44 on: December 25, 2010, 09:49:29 am »
I am dubious of charities as there is so much potential for fraud given financial donations etc. Though I might contribute to someone setting up a genuine rawpaleo restaurant, for example.

What would be more effective, over time, would be raw food buying cooperatives where people bulk-buyed and had rawpaleo foods delivered to local warehouses to be picked up. Those organisations could influence farmers/producers more effectively than lots of single individuals.
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2010, 11:06:53 am »
I just have this curse, its called wishfull thinking, and it leads me to such delusions such as, if only some really wealthy fool would sponsor and help establish these raw coops and help get the grass roots involved by giving them a platform in the media to gain support, then it would be much easier than to just rely on the word of mouth amongst us poor paleo dieters.

 I couldn't even get a segment on some radio station to promote my diet, they had me on for a two minuet segment about freaky eaters and it went well and we all had a good laugh, the host said he would have me back on, but they never called and won't respond to my email. I think I was censored by the higher ups because I know these clowns who host the show, and they are up for anything. I could have explained my diet in a fun manner and expressed my self fluently. I guess that's not what they expected when they first called me up, they expected to find some nut who was full of BS and when I started to make some strong statements that were based on solid facts that was all folks. They have a stunt guy who will eat anything and drink hot sauce, I remember one show where he ate two week old thanksgiving food as some stunt, but once things get serious when someone who claims that this diet can heal people, then the censors step in and do their work as gate keeper's of the establishment.  

There is a definite smokescreen being put up against all forms of deviant information that doesn't fit the status quot. It could be broken more easily by a prominent figure with the support of a genuine grass roots support system, than by just the grass roots alone. I agree with you Tyler that it would be very difficult to set up such a foundation that would rely on mainstream scientist to conduct such a paleo study, and even with a moderately wealthy backer I am not sure if we could break the strangle hold of the mainstream media, where would we find a group of unbiased researchers and reporter with the credibility to be taken seriously, even if the money was made available and fraud was not an issue. Even if the scientific study is a success what would it accomplish if the media wouldn't cover it. Does such a study need to be done anyway, just look at the traditional Eskimos and that alone can prove that raw animal foods can be healthy
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 11:17:11 am by sabertooth »
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Re: How did you end up RP?
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2010, 04:00:18 am »
We will always be at odds with big corporations and agribusiness. Profits come before public health and even mortality rates. McDonalds Corp. is very aware that its food is harmful to the health. Mass media and governments are funded and controlled by the corporations.

Grassroot organizations are the only way around beast. Join the Weston/Price foundation if you can. Joining and starting local natural food organizations that market direct from farm to consumer is awesome.

You can get the word out through some media. Mother Earth News does do radical articles that make ecologic sense. Ther are others.

Locally I am involved with community gardens and small grass fed farming operations.

The current status quo is not sustainable and will go down sooner or later.

Peace on Earth.
Naturally, Don


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