Author Topic: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?  (Read 40600 times)

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I know many of us began on SAD. 
Many have come from raw vegan.
Some have done fruitarian.
Some have done other diets.

I would like to solicit your experience regarding sexual performance, libido, and anything reproductive while on the various diets we have tried.
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All I can say is:- get hold of some raw oysters. They work the best re sex-drive. As regards raw vegan/fruitarian, they were useless for me in that regard.
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i have several years of diet experimentation, including atkins, raw paleo, raw vegan, vegetarian,  real milk diet, etc. etc.

all of these diets i did was to solely improve my sexual performance... i have found a diet of meat, vegetables, fruit to be optimal for my performance, eliminating all dairy, nuts, seeds, grains, etc.

as long as i stick to that im well, i have not noticed any difference between doing high raw diet or high cooked diet.

some supplements that i have found useful in maintaining vitality.
msm, borage oil, maca, zinc, magnesium

« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 11:43:37 pm by Metallica »

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While still on cooked diets, I ate raw oysters 2 times a week and measured sperm count increase of 300% from 100 million / ml to 300 million / ml in 3 months.

On raw vegan (2/3 fruit), my sex drive was 1 shot per week.
On raw fruitarian, my sex drive was 1 shot per week.
On raw paleo diet, my sex drive is 3 or more shots per week.

It seems RPD makes me healthy and horny.  ;D
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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2008, 05:27:51 am »
I haven't noticed much difference. My sex drive is more tied to my emotional state it seems than my diet. One thing though is that when eating mostly raw meat my stomach is never uncomfortably full or upset for other reasons which can get in the way of sex, so that's something.

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I masturbate about once a day.  (this is forced though)  Recently on my trip to the Philippines though, I found it difficult to maintain an erection and continue after ejaculating once.  I'm only 23 but I do admit my libido is way down.  It's nothing like it was when I was 16,17 yrs old in hs.  I contribute this to my poor eating habits.  Yet another reason I'm on RPD.  I plan getting blood work done after one month or two on the diet to see how I'm doing.

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I haven't noticed much difference. My sex drive is more tied to my emotional state it seems than my diet. One thing though is that when eating mostly raw meat my stomach is never uncomfortably full or upset for other reasons which can get in the way of sex, so that's something.

I see it like Kyle.  Sex might be better now, but sex is very much in the mind and heart.
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Offline Elainie

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Zero sex drive on raw vegan. I became celibate.

Offline goodsamaritan

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Zero sex drive on raw vegan. I became celibate.

Ouch! Death blow for the raw vegan camp.  So who wants to date raw vegan women with zero sex drive?  Equally zero sex drive men?
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Although I am still transitioning over to the paleo diet I can confirm that meat, especially red meat, does wonders for my sex drive and erections. Many philosophies and religions tell you to avoid meat if you are trying to abstain.
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I haven't noticed much difference. My sex drive is more tied to my emotional state

This, but my emotional state is tied with diet for sure.

I noticed highest sex drive while on a standard high carb/processed diet. Unhealthily high though. It probably would have burn out and plumetted to rock bottom in a decade or two which is quite common with people today.

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I lost my sex drive on raw vegan. It was fine and even higher than normal when I first started eating raw vegan, but it dropped to almost 0 after awhile.

I suddenly have a much higher sex drive now that I have added raw dairy and raw eggs.

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Although I am still transitioning over to the paleo diet I can confirm that meat, especially red meat, does wonders for my sex drive and erections. Many philosophies and religions tell you to avoid meat if you are trying to abstain.
Yes, and the Seventh Day Adventist vegetarian Dr. John Harvey Kellogg advocated corn flakes and soy milk and discouraged meat eating in part as a way to reduce the sex drive, which he thought was sinful and unhealthy ( It's fascinating how he convinced people that symptoms of poor health are actually signs of good health and that unnatural behavior is "normal" and even virtuous. Of course, nowadays views have changed and Viagra has helped a lot of vegetarians and SAD devotees keep their libido going.  ;D

There are other examples, too. Mohandis K. Gandhi considered himself oversexed and adopted a vegetarian diet in large part to reduce his sex drive.
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Offline Espirito

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2014, 11:16:40 pm »
Hi folks,

I' was vegan and fruitarian recently ( only fruits ) for about 6 months.
But i loss my sex drive, i became more celibate.

I'm doing calisthenics, bicycle, walkings.

In this moment about four days i'm consuming this:

Fruits ( Bananas, oranges, mango )
Eggs ( Yolks )
Olive Oil
Bee Pollen
B12 Supplement

I have a girlfriend and i lost my sex drive, i can't have a orgasm when he have sexual intimacy.
I have the erection, but i can't reach the final zone, like the pleasure were gone.
I could have sex all night, but without having an orgasm.

This is not good i guess.

What should i do?
Can someone help me?

Should i need to giving up fruits?

Thanks a lot, i need a hint!

Offline jessica

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2014, 11:27:39 pm »
You might consider incorporating more seafood amd raw fats into your diet. Replace fruit with copious greens, offal, berries and perhaps starchy veggies.  Add seaweeds.  Try yogurts and add some fermented veggies from time to time.  Start aging a large chunk of raw meats and start to eat that after a few weeks.  Eat raw or gently cooked meats if you crave proteins and add plenty of fat if you have excess hunger.    Make sure to eat all parts of the animal, nutrients and good fatty acids are dense in the organs, different animo acids/proteins are present in different types of tissues such as ligaments, cartilage, skin, marrow.  This is a hugely nutrient dense diet and if you are plenty of animal fats from various healthful sources you will also be getting precursors to hormones and help your body heal.  See if you can get a hold of oysters or testicles. Drink clean water, breathe a lot of fresh air, let your body rest, do restorative yoga, get sunshine, believe in your own power to heal, share loving touch and intimacy that isnt sexual, do self massage or receive massage. 

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2014, 12:57:33 am »
Thanks a lot for your time.

I will consider to add this foods into my diet.
Because i'm so desperate.

Thanks a lot!

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2014, 03:04:44 am »
you may want to research for yourself what fruit/sugar does to blood sugar levels and hence insulin secretion and hence hormonal imbalance and hence overall body health.  It's a complex topic but worth learning for yourself if you're going to choose to get most of your calories from fruit/sugar. 

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2014, 04:38:59 am »
If you read this post on this thread
Yes, and the Seventh Day Adventist vegetarian Dr. John Harvey Kellogg advocated corn flakes and soy milk and discouraged meat eating in part as a way to reduce the sex drive, which he thought was sinful and unhealthy.... There are other examples, too. Mohandis K. Gandhi considered himself oversexed and adopted a vegetarian diet in large part to reduce his sex drive.

you can easily see that avoidance of animal protein is a religious or moral practice, but it exists nowhere as a natural diet of mankind. Animal protein, whether from insects, mammals, birds, sea creatures, etc., is part of our natural intake, and sexual drive is part of our natural expression. You can deliberately reduce your sexual drive by withholding nutrients, but that doesn't sound like your goal in life. :)
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Offline jessica

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2014, 07:20:36 am »
I was a vegetarian in my teens which ended in my early twenties.  I had a ridiculous sex drive but was also very aggressive in other respects so I am not sure if it was healthy just because it was robust, perhaps it was excessive.  I did try raw vegan low glycemic for a short period of time and with all of the other stressors in my life(too many artificial hormones via birth control and emergency contraceptive, extreme anxiety and long standing depression, eating disorders etc..). I lost my ability to menstrate and ovulate for 5 years.  Even after adopting raw meat eating my fertility did not come back.  It was only until I adopted a ketogenic diet that my fertility came back within two weeks.  I believe a long stabdig blood sugar issues and endocrine imbalance were at work and that low glycemic diet helped to reset my body.  I did not fully regain my health until I adopted a moderate diet that includes raw animal meats, offals and fats, aged meats, raw dairy and fermented diary, certain cooked vegetables, some raw vegetables, mostly non cruciferous greens, roots, herbs, mushrooms, whatever is in season really, very minimal fruits, if any, seaweeds and salts as well.  This has lead me to a very balanced body and mind an continually improved health.  After 5 years of celibacy due to no desire I enjoy physical relations again:). Although I don't think my hormone levels will ever be as high as they could be had I not gone through what I have, but I will gladly accept the healing and continue down the path to sustained wellness.

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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2014, 09:36:08 pm »
I had an absurdly high sex-drive in my cooked-food-eating days. It got so annoying that I sometimes had to drink alcohol quite a bit in order to calm myself down to more normal levels. I still had an overly high sex-drive in my raw vegan/fruitarian days  and was thankful when I became more normal once I went rawpalaeo.
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Re: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2014, 10:46:19 pm »
Hi folks,

I' was vegan and fruitarian recently ( only fruits ) for about 6 months.
But i loss my sex drive, i became more celibate.

I'm doing calisthenics, bicycle, walkings.

In this moment about four days i'm consuming this:

Fruits ( Bananas, oranges, mango )
Eggs ( Yolks )
Olive Oil
Bee Pollen
B12 Supplement

I have a girlfriend and i lost my sex drive, i can't have a orgasm when he have sexual intimacy.
I have the erection, but i can't reach the final zone, like the pleasure were gone.
I could have sex all night, but without having an orgasm.

This is not good i guess.

What should i do?
Can someone help me?

Should i need to giving up fruits?

Thanks a lot, i need a hint!

Try eating raw oysters.
You might be zinc deficient.
Zinc will allow your testicles to produce lots of sperm.
And don't use condoms... so not paleo, sex deadening.
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Did you have real sex yet?
Maybe you need some.

And please list down exactly what veggies and what fruits you are eating.

Generic veggie is bad or fruit is bad just doesn't make sense.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 12:32:33 am by goodsamaritan »
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Thanks a lot jessica for your comment, very helpful.
And thanks all for the warm help.

I'm eating meat, eggs, cheese ( I think i will remove, not sure ), some veggies, fish, but fruits...
I think i need to cut fruit from my diet, need to test without fruit.

OBSERVATION in this last days
My sex drive are better, but I'm feeling and dealing with much much anxiety, feeling very sad, loss feelings.
I can't control this anxiety,  :(

My routine so far

Juice with 3 bananas and 2 eggs raw
2 small Bananas

3 cow Burguers
2 eggs

Maybe it's the fruit carbs? or the body healing?
Can someone help me again?

And again Thanks a lot for your tips.

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What is in the juice?

What kind of bananas and how big?

How much lettuce raw?

Cow burgers? Raw? Lean?

Were the eggs commercial? Fertilized?

I get hypo glycemic when I do not eat enough fat and eat too much carbs.
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My sex drive are better, but I'm feeling and dealing with much much anxiety, feeling very sad, loss feelings.
I can't control this anxiety,  :(

Maybe it's the fruit carbs? or the body healing?
Can someone help me again?
Magnesium deficiency. Those are magnesium deficiency symptoms.

What can also lead to magnesium deficiency is gut issues, inflammation and bloating; and too high fiber. Doesn't let nutrients, especially minerals be absorbed well, and it leeches them from the rest of the body to the gut for healing it. And too high sugar; sugar needs quite a bit of magnesium to be metabolized.
Plus the effects of EM radiation, toxins, noise, and more that play a part on magnesium levels.
Also, a healing body naturally requires more nutrients and minerals.

It is very hard to get enough magnesium from just food. To get enough from just food have to live in rather specific (clean, unpolluted) places where soils are richer (or rather not farmed empty) of magnesium (and other stuff) and you eat local foods (or a lot of seafood).

So... I'd recommend MgCl2 or MgSO4.


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