Author Topic: Comparative Sex Drive while on RPD, Raw Vegan, Raw Fruitarian, other diets?  (Read 40601 times)

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Offline Espirito

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Could it be.
I did an analysis recently and everything was fine, but unknowns.
But i will try to check once more if i can.
You could be very right, because i felt some effects that you mentioned.

People told me that the Brazil nuts is good for magnesium, but like you said they could have some toxic problem.

I'm from portugal by the way.
My english is not perfect, but i'm trying.

All raw, except the meat.
Big bananas.

Juice only with the bananas and the eggs. ( no water ).
Not commercial eggs. Home made eggs.

My body temperature is very low, my hands are very cold, like death.

I will try to cut the carbs from the fruits, like bananas, and see if i will get better.

When i was fruitarian, i felt peace, but in this kind of diet, i'm feeling the opposite, too much anxiety.

I will try removing the carbs, or reducing first like some of you mention.
The magnesium i will check.

Thank you so much for your adds.

Offline nummi

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My body temperature is very low, my hands are very cold, like death.
Iodine deficiency does this... and again gut inflammation can also lead to this. And some possible other causes for similar effect. Iodine the likeliest and easiest to solve.
Sea vegetables are high in natural iodine.

Offline jessica

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Espirito you may want to try eating what you have for lunch for breakfast, it may help to have more protein in the morning and carbs later in the day.  Also some people do not do well with raw egg white and prolonged ingestion can cause vitamin b12 to not be absorbed,  perhaps just try the yolks instead.  I agree that adding seaweed may help, seafood is also beneficial for trace minerals and iodine.  Eating more greens general helps when one is trying to cut down on fruits.

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I'm guessing too many big bananas.

If I eat too much sweet carbs I get hypoglycemia which may be what you call anxiety.

So I learned from the guys and gals here to eat a high fat diet and the carbs just enough so I do not get hypoglycemia.

I used to make mistakes from time to time just how much carbs and how much fat so I get that balance.

Nowadays I can instinctively eat what I need.

More fat... find big steak fat.  I will look for a pic.
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Offline Espirito

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Thanks all for your comments.

Very nice.

Jessica thanks i will try that.

I discover something hypoglycemia, this kills the sex drive to.
So regarding to some comments, i will try to remove the sugar from my food intake, and betting more in other foods.
Maybe i can restore this.

I will let you know if i recover from this nightmare for me.

Thanks a lot!

Offline primalgirl

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The more raw animal fat I consume, the more I'm thinking and Raw butter, raw fat from beef, I just cut into a steak from the local health food store meat market, rib steak super fatty, had slices of it with a tiny bit of raw honey and green onions. Also putting butter, around 2T into my Dandy Blend (roasted roots drink) with dark chocolate. Yum, ANIMAL FAT RULES!!
When I see all the old people bent down, crippled and demented with Alzheimer's, I harken back to the lies they told us about animal fat being bad and see the results.

Offline Espirito

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Today i didn't eat fruit, only fat animals, and at the end of the afternoon, i ate dark chocolate.

My report:
I'm very very sad, because i'm worst, maybe it's the carbs?
I can't lift my pennis today, don't have the strength to do that.

In the morning i ate 4 yolks.
I will ate 4 yolks again at the end of the day.

I 'm very sad, i think something is missing here, maybe is the carbs.

Offline jessica

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It's not an overnight fix.  It may take weeks or moths or years.  All your eating is egg yolks?  Add some green vegetables, yogurt, meats, seaweed and seafood.

Offline eveheart

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Yes, it can take a while to feel better, but I don't understand why you are so extreme in your diet, going from tons of hybrid tropical fruit (in the middle of winter!) to only egg yolks. At the very least, it takes a few days to a few weeks to get comfortable with ultra-low carb intakes, and unless you are trying to control brittle diabetes or seizures or something like that,  there is no reason to eliminate carbs entirely. I control diabetes completely with RPD, and I used blood sugar testing to determine how much carbs I can eat at one sitting (about half an apple or a whole load of crunchy veggies), and I can eat more carbs later when I've digested the first batch.

Before you start looking for mini-cures, try eating a moderate raw paleo diet of seasonal foods. Give it about six weeks for the initial trial, and then see how you are feeling. In Portugal, your climate is like mine (temperate), so you can enjoy the many foods that are available locally to you.

Also, about sadness: Being sick can make you deeply sad. I went through that sadness when I was invalid and adjusting to not walking. I hope you get to find the constructive, creative side of your sadness. For me, it means that for as long as I live, I know every day of my life that I can live in a wheelchair if I should need to. For you, it would mean that you could live without sexual orgasm if you should need to. Overcoming sadness is worth it, because the sadness itself makes all your suffering deeper, and finding happiness makes you heal faster.
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Offline goodsamaritan

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In my experience healing men with erectile dysfunction... the KEY ingredient is RAW RED MEAT everyday for a month.... which you are NOT eating.

So unless you really go RAW PALEO, you will not be able to cure your sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

You are NOT on raw paleo diet yet... because you said so yourself... your meat is not raw.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 11:11:02 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Offline A_Tribe_Called_Paleo

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I've read a few people on here that claimed lots of fresh raw milk helped them

Offline Espirito

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Thanks to all.

I discover something, and in the last three days, i had my sex drive back!!

I will share with you guys.

I' started to eat tuna, fish, and i regained my sex drive.
In this last three days i had my sex drive.

The thing, is that in the first day, i had in the afternoon the sexual desire, but then i had a sexual relationship with my girl, and then my sex drive gone for several hours, i didn't recover from it.

In the next day, i felt a bit weird, i felt something is different.

But today in the third day ... After lunch i consumed ( The day isn't over )

Cals: 1413
Protein: 110,03
Sugar: 18,22
Carbs: 49,47
Fat: 86,84
Col: 616

 Carbs (14%)
 Fat (55%)
 Protein (31%)

I'm having an amazing sex drive. My body is very hot ( Temperature )
In the morning i had sex, and in this afternoon i'm feeling the mood to have again.

What do you think guys?

Offline goodsamaritan

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Raw tuna is red meat. (I am assuming you ate raw.)
Good. Keep going.
I started this diet with just raw sea food.
And later on was craving for raw red meat land animals.
You will get there some day.
I am happy you are happy. :)

Try raw oysters... will give you lots of sperm... more bullets.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 03:14:45 am by goodsamaritan »
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Offline Espirito

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Very interesting.
Yes i ate raw.

Yes i will give a try on that oister.

Thanks very much for your adds, and thanks all for the comments. :)

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Raw tuna is red meat. (I am assuming you ate raw.)
Good. Keep going.
I started this diet with just raw sea food.
And later on was craving for raw red meat land animals.
You will get there some day.
I am happy you are happy. :)

Try raw oysters... will give you lots of sperm... more bullets.

im surprised you didn't talk about all the old men you know that get their sex drive back from eating raw tuna.

Offline Espirito

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Hi guys,

I didn't mention, but i'am eating chocolate ( 70 % cacao ), a piece of this before a couple minutes, and everything went to the sky.
The cinnamon has the same effect on myself. 

I did a intake of cinnamon and chocolate, before being with my girl, and i need to tell that this was a super power mix.  -d
If i discover more things i will share.

Thanks again,

Offline jessica

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Esposito you are probably burning yourself out more by relying on chocolate.

Offline goodsamaritan

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Congratulations on experimenting!  Write them down.  Or blog about them.
And thank you for sharing!
Being able to have sex again after a long period of illness  or dysfunction is exhilirating.

I also did chocolate experiments last year.
Cacao butter is superior to soy lecithin, soy lecithin makes me feel bad.
Eating a lot of chocolates even at 70% can make me fat.
It seems to fill in some nutrition I may not be getting.
I am done with my chocolate experiments and stopped it December 2014.

I got the idea from who said it is one of his super foods.

My wife takes raw cacao nibs.

I think eating too much chocolate can result in eating too much sugar.
Chocolate is usually cacao + cacao butter + cow's milk + sugar.
But I think it was worth experimenting and knowing about how chocolate affects my body.
Why Bernando above thinks chocolate is a super food.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 07:23:25 am by goodsamaritan »
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Offline TylerDurden

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I gather it is possible to eat raw chocolate(ie raw cacao) but have not been able to do so. When I have been able to eat cooked chocolate, I have always had to go to the toilet soon after., so it must have a laxative effect.
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Offline jessica

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Chocolate probably fills the need for magnesium but it is draining to the adrenals as it is a stimulant, and also very high in copper, which can imbalance zinc, low zinc can drive down testosterone levels and is often associated with meatless diets.

GS your heritage must make you better able to digest plant based fats.  Cacao butter is the most unpleasant tasting thing I have ever had and sits like a lump in my stomach.

Tyler, chocolate also used to make me poop, I think it was he mix if caffiene and magnesium.

Offline sabertooth

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I rub a mix of coconut and cacao butter all over my body, it great for sensual massage.
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Offline Espirito

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I need to eat small doses, to not ruin my body.
Like if you eat many of course, you can ruin your body i suppose.

So if you eat 2 pieces of chocolate ( cacao 70 % ) , you can be fine i guess.
But like everything depends on many factors.

Today i tested, i ate fruits until the lunch, and my sex drive was low.
In lunch, i resolved to put some rice, and burgers, and i ate for desert 2 pieces of chocolate.
I'm feeling better, with more appetite.

I was feeling better until i started to eat fruits again, my mental state are not good either today, brain fog...
Maybe i can't eat fruits or sugar, but i need to do more tests.

I will put here more results if i discover about things.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 11:25:23 pm by Espirito »

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What "fruits" made you feel bad?
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Offline eveheart

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Re 70% cacao: this is as sugary a form of chocolate as you can find! You can look at the label for carbs, which will be mostly sugar, and figure that 25g of carbs is equivalent to a banana.

If you are certain you want to eat chocolate, my daughter recommends raw cacao nibs, although I think they taste like pencil shavings. You can also get 90% cacao with a negligible amount of sugar, or bakers unsweetened chocolate (if you like bitter foods) with no sugar at all.

I buy unsweetened raw cacao powder to make smoothies for my grandchildren.
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When I go through my chocolate times, I buy raw whole nibs ( you have to dig to see who really has raw ) and run them through my meat grinder with small sieve.  It comes out like angle hair pasta, ready to ad coconut oil and a trace of honey.  As good and probably better than most chocolates out there.  But beware, it's hard to stop eating it.


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