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Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« on: December 26, 2010, 12:11:57 am »
This is a brief description of my first time eating high-meat. I've made two batches:

a) Made from grass-fed beef, half of which was previous frozen and the other half was dry-aged on the refrigerator shelf. This meat did not ferment very-well in the fridge, so I left the jars opened on the counter for a few days and that seemed to get the process going. I aired the jars every day for 30 days and occassionally left them on the counter overnight.

b) Made from grass-fed lamb, never frozen. About 15 days old. Followed the same preparation process as above.

So on day 30 I decided to try it. The meat was foul smelling and moldy on the surface, but inside it was appetizingly red and somewhat dry. Is it normal for high meat to look like this? Beef tasted ok and the lamb was great! Briefly after eating it I felt a faint improvement in my alertness and felt very peaceful. Could've been my imagination though.

Toward the end of the day I felt very fatigued and the early evening I was having flu-like symptoms. I had fever, felt very disoriented and nauseous. I've had similar symptoms before when I had a serious food poisoning from a restaurant meal. The symptoms resolved on their own by about midnight and I felt good again.

I think the problem may have been due to the beef having been frozen and dried previously. Any thoughts? I think I'm going to ditch the beef and try eating the lamb in two weeks.

Finally, just something I've been pondering for a while: are the positive effects of high meats due to the improvement of gut flora, or are people just getting high from the toxins created by the bacteria?


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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2010, 12:27:30 am »
Forgot to mention: also ate a raw mackerel that day, some ground beef, bone marrow, and a few egg yolks. I doubt the sickness was from any of these items as I eat them regularly and have never experienced any ill effects.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2010, 01:09:18 am »
Well, this is the 1st time ever I have heard of someone having negative reactions to "high-meat". The only thing I can think of is that you might have tried "high-meat" too early on into the diet, and were simply experiencing some minor temporary form of detox.

As for the effects of "high-meat", the bacteria do not give out any toxins. Part of the benefit lies in the improved digestion provided by the extra bacteria in it, plus the bacteria simply stimulate the brain to increase serotonin levels, thus boosting concentration levels and improving mood.
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2010, 01:31:58 am »
Thanks for your reply, Tyler. I'll give myself some more time to adjust before trying the high meat again.

Is high meat typically red inside or is it "rotten" throughout?

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2010, 01:32:12 am »
i would not eat anything moldy. mold is not bacteria, and lots of fungus are actually harmful.  since you don't know what kind of mold is growing on the surface of your meat i would discard all moldy part.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2010, 01:35:35 am »
Thanks for your reply, Tyler. I'll give myself some more time to adjust before trying the high meat again.

Is high meat typically red inside or is it "rotten" throughout?
  Well, if high-meat becomes aged for a very long period, it usually goes completely liquid and brown. But it's usually red-brown inside for the initial stages.
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2010, 01:45:18 am »
I stay away from molds too.
If your meat is moldy, the high meat making process may be in error.
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2010, 03:18:33 am »
There is a high probability you ate toxic substances in the meat. Salmonella is quite common even when you are not trying to create poisons. Your nose warned you.

Because there are a few people who have built up tolerance to these poisons over a long time does not make you immune.

Glad to hear you survived.
Naturally, Don

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2010, 03:55:29 am »
There is a high probability you ate toxic substances in the meat. Salmonella is quite common even when you are not trying to create poisons. Your nose warned you.

Because there are a few people who have built up tolerance to these poisons over a long time does not make you immune.

Glad to hear you survived.
  Rubbish, as no one else has mentioned getting such issues from high-meat, despite countless RVAFers having tried high-meat.. As for salmonella, AV debunked such notions when he cited a study which showed that 38 percent of american households contained salmonella, without the families present having any kind of salmonella epidemic:-

« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 06:36:51 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2010, 06:21:04 am »
If your dumb enough to try it again, may you rest in peace.

More than 125, 000 people are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from food-borne illnesses each year, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in December 2010. The findings were a slight improvement from a 1999 CDC report, that found approximately 1 in 4 Americans became sick from food, and 5,000 died annually.

Laboratory techniques and tracking methods of food-borne illnesses have improved since the 1990’s, noted Chris Braden, acting director of the division of food-borne, waterborne and environmental diseases. Food poisoning is a highly preventable health issue that costs billions of dollars, added Braden.

Salmonella is the number one food contaminant, causing nearly one-third of food-borne hospitalizations and deaths, according to CDC data. Salmonella is a bacterial disease that strikes the intestinal tract.

The most commonly recognized foodborne infections are those caused by the bacteria Campylobacter, Salmonella, and E. coli O157:H7, and by a group of viruses called calicivirus, also known as the Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses.

Campylobacter is a bacterial pathogen that causes fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.  It is the most commonly identified bacterial cause of diarrheal illness in the world.  These bacteria live in the intestines of healthy birds, and most raw poultry meat has Campylobacter on it.  Eating undercooked chicken, or other food that has been contaminated with juices dripping from raw chicken is the most frequent source of this  infection.

Salmonella is also a bacterium that is widespread in the intestines of birds, reptiles and mammals.  It can spread to humans via a variety of different foods of animal origin.  The illness it causes, salmonellosis, typically includes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.  In persons with poor underlying health or weakened immune systems, it can invade the bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections.

E. coli O157:H7 is a bacterial pathogen that has a reservoir in cattle and other similar animals.  Human illness typically follows consumption of food or water that has been contaminated with microscopic amounts of cow feces.  The illness it causes is often a severe and bloody diarrhea and painful abdominal cramps, without much fever.   In 3% to 5% of cases, a complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) can occur several weeks after the initial symptoms.  This severe complication includes temporary anemia, profuse bleeding, and kidney failure.

Calicivirus, or Norwalk-like virus is an extremely common cause of foodborne illness, though it is rarely diagnosed, because the laboratory test is not widely available.  It causes an acute gastrointestinal illness, usually with more vomiting than diarrhea, that resolves within two days.  Unlike many foodborne pathogens that have animal reservoirs, it is believed that Norwalk-like viruses spread primarily from one infected person to another.  Infected kitchen workers can contaminate a salad or sandwich as they prepare it, if they have the virus on their hands.  Infected fishermen have contaminated oysters as they harvested them.

Some common diseases are occasionally foodborne, even though they are usually transmitted by other routes.  These include infections caused by Shigella, hepatitis A, and the parasites Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidia.  Even strep throats have been transmitted occasionally through food.

In addition to disease caused by direct infection, some foodborne diseases are caused by the presence of a toxin in the food that was produced by a microbe in the food.  For example, the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus can grow in some foods and produce a toxin that causes intense vomiting.  The rare but deadly disease botulism occurs when the bacterium Clostridium botulinum grows and produces a powerful paralytic toxin in foods.  These toxins can produce illness even if the microbes that produced them are no longer there.

Naturally, Don

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2010, 06:39:54 am »
The trouble with the ridiculous claims above, is that if any of them were actually true, the RVAF diet community would by now have experienced vast food-poisoning epidemics on a constant basis - yet none such have happened.

Frankly, I find it sad that you would try to make  such useless scaremongering claims to a newbie given that "high-meat" has been so beneficial to so many RVAFers in the past.

*You remind me of that very foolish Conservative MP, Edwina Currie, who needlessly scared the British nation with a hysterical mention of a totally nonexistent Salmonella epidemic in British eggs.She was henceforth mercilessly labelled by the media  as "Eggwina" for her appalling mistake.*
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 07:12:55 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2010, 06:58:34 am »
The trouble with the ridiculous claims above

they are not ridiculous.  he is simply saying that food including meat, fresh or aged, can be contaminated by harmful pathogens.  food poisoning is real and hundreds of people died after eating uncooked contaminated food.  you don't know where Dima got his meat, so claiming that it is totally harmless is in fact ridiculous.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2010, 07:03:54 am »
they are not ridiculous.  he is simply saying that food including meat, fresh or aged, can be contaminated by harmful pathogens.  food poisoning is real and hundreds of people died after eating uncooked contaminated food.  you don't know where Dima got his meat, so claiming that it is totally harmless is in fact ridiculous.
   Well, all the instructions re high-meat make it clear that raw grassfed meat is to be used, so usage of other meats would not make any sense and would not indicate that genuine " high-meat" was dangerous. As for the food-poisoning epidemics claim, Aajonus has already quite correctly pointed out that the statistics behind food-poisoning claims are heavily exaggerated to the point of being outright fraudulent. ¨Excerpt from the above link I gave:-
"Peter Barton Hutt, a former chief counsel for the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"), now a lecturer on food safety at Harvard University, is a long ­critic of the numbers. "The statistics are all over the place" he says,  "because none of them are any good. They are all wild guesses. What people do is gather statistics of reported cases and extrapolate from there. It then all depends on what multiple you choose."

"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2010, 07:41:24 am »
first, aajonus is not an authority of any kind, at least to me, his claims are wild guesses to me as well.
second, we are not talking about epidemics, just about 1000 cases per year that are believed to happen in the US.
this number is extrapolated from reports like this,2933,479624,00.html because most of the cases are not being reported.  this is a statistical guess not a wild guess.

if you do not believe in this number that's fine, we are not talking about statistics, we are not talking about rate of incident. the point is poisoning from contaminated food does happen even with raw grass-fed meat.
if you take raw grass-fed meat that has been contaminated when improperly handled by the butcher, then you will have contaminated aged meat.

remember Lex reported problems with some batches of ground meat that was supposedly grass-fed.  most likely it's been contaminated with some pathogenic stuff.  why couldn't it be in Dima's case?

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2010, 07:43:45 am »
I ate 4 month old meat with mold. :/

would never use that to validate it for others. I said in the other thread that even with whatever benefits of high meat..there should certainly be some serious discussion or thought on the part of the individual.

I think the only thing blatantly wrong with above is that the smell indicates that it is bad. I can tell the batches I tried to make recently in my new fridge were indeed bad based on the -type- of smell, but successful high-meat is of course going to be smelling and unappealing. of course! This isn't to say that all things that are expired and smell bad - havn't been taken care of - are going to be 'high' or good at all.

I tend to think what amounts to food poisoning like many 'viruses' and such is in fact some kind of detox brought out in a chaotic environment. that doesn't preclude the possibility that these things (like flues) might cause extreme discomfort or death. But the scaremongering with food poising indeed doesn't make a tremendous amount of sense, because this can indeed be linked to fresh meats, chicken being dangerous...if not equally.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2010, 08:36:53 am »
Well, this is the 1st time ever I have heard of someone having negative reactions to "high-meat". The only thing I can think of is that you might have tried "high-meat" too early on into the diet, and were simply experiencing some minor temporary form of detox.

As for the effects of "high-meat", the bacteria do not give out any toxins. Part of the benefit lies in the improved digestion provided by the extra bacteria in it, plus the bacteria simply stimulate the brain to increase serotonin levels, thus boosting concentration levels and improving mood.

what about mycotoxins?

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2010, 08:46:10 am »
I think if you made meat that had some harmful stuff in it "high" the pathogens and whatever would just increase, so it would make it more dangerous.
I don't like scaremongering either but at the same time I believe you can get poisoning from any meat and high meat too, just cause its high it doesn't make it good it may make it a LOT more dangerous.

Tyler just because "countless RVAFers" don't complain about any problems with high meat does not mean its 100% safe, some people may still get poisoned by it. How do you know that a few weren't poisoned that just didn't post it on the forums for everyone? There might be a small chance like 5% that the fermentation goes wrong and then you get poisoned. Its a delicate process. Countless people smoke and only a few will get lung cancer...what if only 2000 people in the world smoked? Then you may not hear any complaints of lung cancer but countless people saying that it makes them feel all revved up and good. I know its an extreme analogy but just because YOU don't hear of anyone getting sick doesn't make it official especially when you say countless, how many people are eating really high meat, so many that they are countless? At least put an estimate on it man.

Like was mentioned let your nose tell you if its good or not, I age my meats slightly but only eat them if they still taste and smell at least acceptable, I would just feel wrong eating something that was that rotten and decomposed that its slimy and moldy and the mold doesn't smell good. I don't eat fruit like that, I don't eat any food that is in that much of a state of rottenness, so why would I wanna eat meat, my favorite food, in such a way...

And is there really a need to eat meat that is that rotten unless you have some serious issues with your gut? Is the "euphoria" you get from it that good that its worth eating meat so nasty that you have to swallow it and try not to gag? That just seems wrong somehow even though its apparently good.
I mean if I really wanna be euphoric I will have lots of sex, or take a small hit of LSD, take a sprint, or a shot of vodka or a glass of good red wine, all these things to me seem more enjoyable then eating meat that dogs and cats won't even touch. And if I really want some bacteria in my gut aged meat is enough, or eat some rotten foods that are enjoyable like sauerkraut. I doubt humans are built so weak they have to drink a rotten meat concoction in order to keep their flora good, sounds like bullshit to me.
So I think why do it then unless you enjoy eating meat that has turned into shit. I'd rather have raw meat that I enjoy.
But I have never tried to eat really high meat so maybe it is worth it, just don't look down upon me taking some LSD, or smoking some pot when you eat that damn slimy rotten crap, lol  >D

I suspect people that go on RDP think they must make themselves try this crap and keep trying it....and they have to start with small pieces of this crap of course, you can train yourself to start eating cooked foods the same way, just keep taking tiny pieces of some deep fried shit and you'll have some weird effects too. I just don't know why its thought of so highly to eat high meat, I will try it once and if its not as good as sex or taking some LSD then I am right, its not fucking worth it.  -v

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2010, 09:04:43 am »
I suspect that high meat is still not as good as sex!  ;D Can't say about LSD - never tried.

The meat came from a whole 10lb grass-fed ribeye that was cryovaced. Thus, it was not exposed to contaminants at the butcher shop. I've eaten some of the slab cooked and raw and did not have any problems. I have eaten lots of the same cuts of beef from the same source (never cooked more then blood rare) and never had a problem. I don't think the meat was contaminated from the start.

I ate about 2 oz of it and like I said before the taste was actually good. I will give it another try because I am intrigued by the positive reports of others. To me it is not about getting high, but about seeking cure for things like ADD, which have a very serious impact on the quality of my life. I realize there are risks in this (as there are risks in eating raw meats), but the benefits seem to be worth it.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2010, 09:13:02 am »
If it helps you with ADD it may then be well worth it, as with any drug be careful, yes I think its a drug whooptidoo
Not as good as sex then eh? Damn... :P

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2010, 09:33:02 am »
The trouble with the ridiculous claims above, is that if any of them were actually true, the RVAF diet community would by now have experienced vast food-poisoning epidemics on a constant basis - yet none such have happened.

Actually there has been a vast food-poisoning epidemic caused by you. Since these people are dead they can not respond. Luckily this man survived long enough to ask the question: WTF??

By my calculations based on
  • The high toxin levels in your high meat recipe
  • The low immune system resistance to these types of toxins in newbies
  • Your supposed credibility as Global Moderator
  • The number of years you have been promoting this crazy idea
  • The traffic on this website
  • The gullibility of a lot of the newbies

The number of deaths is in the thousands. We will never know for sure because, of course, they are dead and can't tell us.

Have you no conscience Sir? Does a human life mean nothing to you?

Merry Christmas

Naturally, Don

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2010, 09:41:18 am »
I suspect that high meat is still not as good as sex!  ;D Can't say about LSD - never tried.

High meat is sooo better than sex..its effects are  "like butta" to quote Linda Richman.

j/k of course, as I never even experience true high's from the stuff, just escalated physical improvements like you suggest. Of which I guess are inconclusively linked. I think i'm past due for a dose of each!

The number of deaths is in the thousands. We will never know for sure because, of course, they are dead and can't tell us.

Have you no conscience Sir? Does a human life mean nothing to you?

don't you think this is just a little over the top? I'm willing to believe there are a few people or more with bad experiences that perhaps have never got their say to be part of tyler's sources, but likely not due to death just moving away from the lifestyle. And as I have said I actually am int he camp that believes at least some nasty effects are possible.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2010, 09:46:46 am »
...The number of deaths is in the thousands. We will never know for sure because, of course, they are dead and can't tell us.

But how can you even guess that? If it is that high then surely there will be some people that almost died but survived long enough to say something.
The point is that we don't know, but following my instincts (which I happen to think count for something) ... high meat should be used in dire situations as it sounds like it can be dangerous at that level of decomposition (and I think a little people might have got sick but thats to be expected), and it sure fucking looks and smells like its not THAT safe (thats the main reason I don't eat it actually).

By the way the day after I take a small amount of clean LSD or shrooms I get similar effect of high mental alertness and awareness, and my movements are light and extra easy to do, sounds similar to the good high meat effect to me.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2010, 09:54:40 am »
But how can you even guess that? If it is that high then surely there will be some people that almost died but survived long enough to say something.
The point is that we don't know, but following my instincts (which I happen to think count for something) ... high meat should be used in dire situations as it sounds like it can be dangerous at that level of decomposition (and I think a little people might have got sick but thats to be expected), and it sure fucking looks and smells like its not THAT safe (thats the main reason I don't eat it actually).

By the way the day after I take a small amount of clean LSD or shrooms I get similar effect of high mental alertness and awareness, and my movements are light and extra easy to do, sounds similar to the good high meat effect to me.

That's why I asked earlier if the effects of high-meat are just a narcotic high, caused by the toxins. But then I don't know anything about toxins, just thinking outloud.

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2010, 09:56:19 am »
But how can you even guess that? If it is that high then surely there will be some people that almost died but survived long enough to say something.

I feel pretty confident saying that if someones lifestyle was eating raw meat, and they had any sense of family or social ties - and died eating high meat, this would probably make the papers. That said, there have indeed been deaths linked to fresh meat - mostly amongst people who were not eating it regularly - to my knowledge. Anyone have any actual sources on this stuff?

Just on a basic level, even getting things like the shits from raw foods can be dehydrating and fatal or whatever I assume to someone. I mean some amount of caution is always going to be the default with this stuff for people in various conditions. I've had pretty bad reactions from oysters and chicken that left me in agony that was probably almost deserving of some kind of treatment. And so I only recommend caution with these things -not avoidance- as I tolerate them fine now and probably because of that experience. To me high meats can only compound things I propose because you are accelerating this paradigm and introducing something even more foreign. I stand by this 50%! :)

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Re: Possible high-meat poisoning/questions
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2010, 10:03:09 am »
Actually there has been a vast food-poisoning epidemic caused by you. Since these people are dead they can not respond. Luckily this man survived long enough to ask the question: WTF??

By my calculations based on
  • The high toxin levels in your high meat recipe
  • The low immune system resistance to these types of toxins in newbies
  • Your supposed credibility as Global Moderator
  • The number of years you have been promoting this crazy idea
  • The traffic on this website
  • The gullibility of a lot of the newbies

The number of deaths is in the thousands. We will never know for sure because, of course, they are dead and can't tell us.

Have you no conscience Sir? Does a human life mean nothing to you?

Merry Christmas

The point of my post was not to ask the question WTF?, but to seek guidance on where my preparation process may have gone wrong. My negative experience from high-meat was not a fight for survival. All I had was a mild sickness that went away on its own in a few hours. Your claims, Don, seem ridiculous. I get the same talk from my friends and co-workers when I order a rare steak at a restaurant: "That meat is full of parasites." When I ask them what parasites are present in the meat they give me the "deer in the headlights" look.


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