mycotoxins are going to be the primary fear when it comes to high meat. I have taken the view that just as low repeated doses of snake venom can make one completely immune to its effects then perhaps repeated consumption of high meats that contain the myriad of bioactive substances can help build up you deffences against other internally created mycotoxins. I believed that I had some internal imbalance in which fungal life forms were running amuck, and some how high meat has helped me to attain my current digestive balance, either by directly killing off other pathogenic microbs or by stimulating my immune system to purge out more harmful microbs or even by just forcing me to build up a tolerance to the poisons so I am no longer sickened by them, what ever mechanism is responsible for the benefits is up for debate, but the results seem to be consistently positive whatever the science behind it.
Another train of though when it comes to using highmeat medicinally, just as we are told that we must complete an antibiotic regiment to fully kill the bacteria in our body, it my be necessary to do a high meat regiment in order to repare some individuals from past damaged caused by such overuse of antibiotics. Although I am not a doctor and cant perscribe a course of treatment, it is a topic for general discussion, If you are suffering from severe gut imbalances how much and how often should you use high meat in order to provide the maximum benefit, I am taking a stance toward a 10 day cycle with a small piece of very high meat before each large meal of meat, in order to build a consistant tolerance, should there be any problems with such a prescription. I think for people who truly have a gut imbalance and have already began to adapt to a paleo diet, such a high meat regiment could greatly speed up overall recovery and give them a better chance to fully adapt to a healthy paleo lifestyle.