No matter what happens, we are at an advantage.
Remember that most of the diseases we see today are new as of the past 50 years
The people who have them will not be around for much longer. Most of these people are in the positions of power that threaten us.
I doubt they will last many more generations.
Eventually there will only be healthy people left and government regulation will be powerless.
That comforts me in a weird way, of course if I lose my current food source, I will go live in the forest. So worry is little.
miles and TD, I am more worried about you guys, as that option is not available for you in the UK.
Good Sam seems to be in an awesome position. I don't think Manila has much reason to worry quality food seems to be valued by more people.
yeah but again we can't think of this like its us RPers against the world, and that our lifestyle will continue no matter what.
First of all, GM is likely already contaminating the woods, from animals/ insects eating GM from our garbage, waste, farms and gm plant pollen and seeds landing there. Obama is also planning with his "Evergreen Revolution" to actually create huge open areas of GM trees for paper cultivation and other uses. What will happen to the animals in the forest when they eat this stuff? Some GM trees don't even stand upright, they just hang limp. Making nature impotent. How symbolic.
Secondly, what about the new diseases that come from interspecies DNA exchange? Who knows if anyone, even RPs, can defend themselves against some super-disease that results?
Thirdly, I don't think that saying that the old people that control our society are going to die out from being unhealthy is accurate. I am certain that the very wealthy, the people whose faces we'll never see, know a little bit more about health than we give them credit for. Just because we see celebrities and movie stars dying of cancer doesn't mean the people with real power don't know what they're doing.
Just reading this from an article on Slankers makes me a little suspicious:
"I talked to a professional businessman at Monsanto. He explained how disturbing it was to be the target of an angry public that believed Monsanto (its upper level management team of which he’s a member) is disreputable to the core."
It's a movie review of "Food Inc," and he asks him about the public's response to the company:
"The mob literally assaulted the company by various means with mountains of hate mail.
I asked the Monsanto man what he learned from this experience. He said it showed him there is a great need in our country for mothers and fathers, and teachers too, to teach children to be critical thinkers. "
Where the hell is this BS coming from? Since when does Monsanto encourage these kind of values? Slankers man is either falling into a trap, or this mysterious Monsanto executive buys bulk grassfed meat from him to eat raw with his little minions.
So I don't think these problems will be solved if we just sit around. Saying that "we'll be fine b/c we're RP" ignores the responsibility we have as informed people to inform other people or try to change societies processes in some way.
Slanker's Food Inc. review is predicated on the idea that all the problems of the agribusiness and food industry stem from the consumer's poor diet choices. Let's not fall into a similar trap.