Author Topic: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?  (Read 9404 times)

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Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« on: January 02, 2011, 01:59:44 pm »
Now I know we've tapped into a great knowledge of health but not everyone else knows that sadly. So it is common for people to judge me especially if i'm sitting outside eating a raw steak.

That raises a question:
1) Has your raw paleo diet ever interfered with your family, friends, relationships (ie wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends)? If so, how have you dealt with it?

2) How have you integrated your raw paleo diet socially? (such as eating out, eating raw in public, with friends and family, etc.)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 06:39:07 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2011, 02:26:38 pm »
As raw foods gain popularity it is inevitable that eventually there will be plenty of us.
We are some of the first, How Exciting! Big thanks to GCB and AV and the others

My family still tries to "save me", but the results (only over the past six months) are starting to do the talking.
Family from across the continent came over for the new year and I sat down for dinner with about 1/2 pound of beef liver.
Interesting conversation to say the least. LOL  :o

The last date I went on was much more interesting than any other.
Instead of eating at some restaurant, we grabbed some fish and made sushimi at her place.
I do not expect her to go full on raw or to eat lots of raw beef but I am not really looking for kids currently if ya know what I mean.
Good luck finding a gal that does not smell like chemicals though. haha! They are out there.

The social aspect was difficult at first but once you become confident in raw foods, confidence in other areas are sure to open up big time.
Once I felt I had my health in check I was able to expand myself in plenty other directions.
It is an absolutely beautiful experience and I feel like I have much more to offer the world now.

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2011, 02:57:49 pm »
No problems with wife and extended family when I did:

- raw vegan
- raw fruitarian
- raw wai diet (fruit, eggs, sea food)

Had some squirming faces when I started with land animals.  Especially when I got to really like beef as my staple.

But then my results speak for themselves. 

Then I incorporated raw animal food and raw fat in healing people.  And healing works faster and better with raw animal foods.

Everyone in the family knows.

RAW paleo diet works... but are they willing to do it themselves?

Family members know when the chips are down, when their health comes down they can turn to raw paleo diet in the future.
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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2011, 05:38:07 pm »
My wife puts up with my new raw paleo diet but she is not willing yet to try it. She has been patient to go to the farmers market when I was not well to source grass-fed beef and we have a great choice of japanese restaurants nearby where we can get sashimi as well. She also goes out to get organic eggs. My mother actually brought me her copy of AV's "We Want to Live."  She has met AV and occasionally eats raw paelo but she loves to cook too much to give up cooked food  l)

While traveling recently to the US, I arranged most dinners out with friends at Japanese restaurants.  A bit expensive, but no problem eating raw fish.  I do not eat raw beef in public but when I am invited out somewhere where I cannot get raw meat or fish, I eat either several raw eggs or raw meat before hand and then join others later with a salad and fruit plate.

Once, I did have to eat some cooked food since friends had ordered for my daughter and I in advance and I did not want to offend our hosts so did eat a bit.  Other than that time and twice traveling for more than 24 hours on a transpacific flights, I have done pretty well eating raw paleo and have support from my family (my sister eats mostly raw paleo and has also met AV several times), friends, and work colleagues.  Again the difference is ultimately the results - how I look and how I was able to heal my eye which is why I started in the beginning.  Just be patient with others, I am sure it took many of us a bit of time to adjust to this new diet.  It is not so easy with so much emphasis on cooked food and concerns that the medical profession always raise with raw meat and seafood.

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 05:59:25 pm »
Well, most people are fine with me eating rawpalaeo, although I am reasonably discreet. Obviously,  I am not going to tear out chunks of  raw meat with my teeth in public. I do eat sashimi/raw fish or steak tartare at restaurants. I accept that sometimes I have to eat cooked/processed foods(such as when I was in hospital after that skiing accident) but much of the time I can just choose not to eat. If I am placed in a position where I feel obliged to eat a little cooked foods, then I do my best to avoid cooked fatty meats, and just choose lean meats or cooked veg instead, as that affects me least.

When eating cooked foods, it's a good idea to have a little "high-meat" or high-quality enzyme supplements beforehand as, otherwise, you may get a minor detox the next morning, like a slight headache as the body gets rid of the toxins from the night before.
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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2011, 06:09:35 pm »
When Im in school and my friends and I go out to lunch I always bring fruit with me so thats not a problem. If im just hanging with some friends and I forgot to bring fruit then Ill order something cooked paleo, like the worst is getting a 1/2lb burger and just eat the meat.
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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2011, 08:11:37 am »
I don't eat much raw food at the moment but still enjoy reading these forums. I managed nearly 2 weeks of full on 100% raw in August last year. My girlfriend and I are no longer together but at the time the raw food seriously freaked her out. My breath stank most of the time and I think the increased bacterial load gave me some body odour. One time I ate some raw fish with my hands and my whole body just stank like fish, lol. My body hadn't had a chance to adjust yet I'm assuming with regards to body odour. It made it very difficult for me to carry on with the diet and was putting a serious strain on our relationship despite her trying to understand. She supported me as much as she was able to, but it wasn't easy for her, especially since she's a vegetarians. I was a vegan for a while as well, and I noticed it was difficult for me to be around heavy meat eaters as they stank really foul to me, I also couldn't walk past the butchery section of supermarkets without wanting to gag. I think it was similar for her.

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2011, 05:24:05 am »
I don't eat much raw food at the moment but still enjoy reading these forums. I managed nearly 2 weeks of full on 100% raw in August last year. My girlfriend and I are no longer together but at the time the raw food seriously freaked her out. My breath stank most of the time and I think the increased bacterial load gave me some body odour. One time I ate some raw fish with my hands and my whole body just stank like fish, lol. My body hadn't had a chance to adjust yet I'm assuming with regards to body odour. It made it very difficult for me to carry on with the diet and was putting a serious strain on our relationship despite her trying to understand. She supported me as much as she was able to, but it wasn't easy for her, especially since she's a vegetarians. I was a vegan for a while as well, and I noticed it was difficult for me to be around heavy meat eaters as they stank really foul to me, I also couldn't walk past the butchery section of supermarkets without wanting to gag. I think it was similar for her.

Isn't much of what you're saying psychological?  I was vegan for 7 years and never noticed strange smells from meat eaters.  I did find dead animals a little gross at the time.  Since switching to paleo and raw paleo I haven't received any negative comments about my smell or breath smell.

The main issue has been that people argue with me about the importance of cooking food.  Friends and family are worried about me getting parasites, or think that raw meat is less nutritious.  They like to point out that cavemen cooked their food, and so on. 

Fortunately, my girlfriend/best friend likes that I eat raw meat, it turns her on.  She is still eating SAD but is moving towards cooked paleo eating.  She has always really liked sushi and raw fish.  But the mental difficulty of overcoming the fear of raw meat is a bit stronger for her.


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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 11:03:21 pm »
I don't eat much raw food at the moment but still enjoy reading these forums. I managed nearly 2 weeks of full on 100% raw in August last year. My girlfriend and I are no longer together but at the time the raw food seriously freaked her out. My breath stank most of the time and I think the increased bacterial load gave me some body odour. One time I ate some raw fish with my hands and my whole body just stank like fish, lol. My body hadn't had a chance to adjust yet I'm assuming with regards to body odour. It made it very difficult for me to carry on with the diet and was putting a serious strain on our relationship despite her trying to understand. She supported me as much as she was able to, but it wasn't easy for her, especially since she's a vegetarians. I was a vegan for a while as well, and I noticed it was difficult for me to be around heavy meat eaters as they stank really foul to me, I also couldn't walk past the butchery section of supermarkets without wanting to gag. I think it was similar for her.

If the fish you ate stan you shouldn't be eating it...any fish that stinks is bad. Flesh does not have a smell, too much bacteria is responsible for the smell = bad fish.

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 12:06:29 am »
Lolz. It was a helluva long time ago, but ye :P The raw meat put a huge strain. The fish probably wasn't fresh. The meat thing could possibly be psychological if you're a vegan... who knows. I had INSANELY good sense of smell when I was a vegan and my friend who got me into raw meat eating always stank when i was in the car with him. Somehow I think it might have to do with bacteria also. Apparently bacteria can interact with your thoughts and determine what you like and don't like. If you don't eat meat you won't have much bacteria that like to eat meat in your obdy...

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2011, 08:10:49 am »

If the fish you ate stan you shouldn't be eating it...any fish that stinks is bad. Flesh does not have a smell, too much bacteria is responsible for the smell = bad fish.

Speaking of the smell of meat, I was told by my mom that I cannot (yes, she actually forbade me) eat raw meat in front of my brother and his wife.  They are vegetarians and would be really upset/offended.  But I pointed out that the cooked meat everyone else eats in front of said vegetarians smells way more than my raw meat, so they would probably be less bothered.

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2011, 11:01:01 am »
Bummer magneto...
That would make sense in their home
but what about when they come over to your dwelling?

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2011, 08:08:33 pm »
Bummer magneto...
That would make sense in their home
but what about when they come over to your dwelling?

They never come to my place so it isn't an issue.  We always butt heads at my parents' house, "neutral territory."  I respect the wishes of my parents as to what goes on in their own home, I have no problem with that.  But I am also free to not show up or leave when I choose, and I often have to exercise that option. 

It is ironic that among the topics that are banned from discussion in my family--politics, religion, and global warming for instance--we have now added food.  So we eat dinner but we are not supposed to talk about food or eating habits because it leads to arguments about vegetarianism, animal cruelty, so-called sustainable farming and population, and so on.  We can't talk about the weather because it will probably lead to debates about the man-made global warming myth.

So on one level I love my family and want to interact with them but on another I have moved past them (materially, intellectually and emotionally) and do not need them.  Because discussion of just about everything is off-limits there really is no reason for me to interact with my family, but I keep trying (for now).

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2011, 08:19:47 pm »
Cure a couple of people with raw paleo diet and they will all look up to you.

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Re: Has Raw Paleo Ever Interfered in your relationships?
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2011, 09:05:38 pm »
Cure a couple of people with raw paleo diet and they will all look up to you.

I am working on my girlfriend as she is open to the idea of eating raw meat.  Others are difficult to convince.  Thanks for the support I will keep trying.  I just have to be careful and make sure to stress that I am NOT a doctor.  Healers are extremely valuable members of a society, and the government messes things up when they try to regulate the medical profession.  Simply saying that I have cured people could be construed as practicing medicine without a license.  So I have to be careful not to fall under the purview of the state.  I am not healing anyone, I am helping them to heal themselves.   :D


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